Fotki..."PW In profile" Ban, who got the time to jump thru fotki hoops?

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angie10 said:
I keep hearing people talking about getting negative comments, the worse they could say is your hair looks terrible. I mean it can't be that bad:) I haven't gotten one yet, but I'm not afraid:D I do have people hating on me for no good reasons though, but they have been nice enough not to post one:grin: Thanks:lachen:
People have had their weight mocked, all kinds of things. It's sad and immature when you think about it but..oh well. Been called liars, been called ugly and had someone post pics from their fotki on the board. All kinds of mess. :sad:
KiniKakes said:
Hmm, is it too late to add a poll to this thread? Im just curious to get a count of the number of folks who are:

1) Only willing to view Fokti's that are unlocked

2) Willing to view Fokti's with PW in Siggy

3) Willing to click on Profile to view a Fokti

4) Willing to PM someone for a password

5) Depends on the person or their hair

I always think anonymous polls are the best way to get accurate feedback. Because Im sure many folks are viewing this thread and dont feel like weighing in, just to avoid drama. *shrug* It would just be interesting to get a count, percentage-wise.

Maybe PM a mod and the OP to see if it would be ok? Sounds like a good idea.
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*Peeking my head back in....

A poll is a good idea. It eliminates all the questioning and what-not about people's reasons.
MsDee4 said:
Well I think...

OOOps. Nevermind. I thought this was te off-topic forum with all the back and forth...not the helping-each-other hair forum... My apologies.

*leaving this thread and closing the door behind me.

Tell me about it......:perplexed
StrawberryQueen said:
People have had their weight mocked, all kinds of things. It's sad and immature when you think about it but..oh well. Been called liars, been called ugly and had someone post pics from their fotki on the board. All kinds of mess. :sad:

Wow I didn't know it's that serious:( I just see it as people that has too much time on their hands, got nothing else better to do, and most of all just trying to make themselves feel good for whatever reasons:ohwell:
I prefer Fotkis without passwords and I have emailed less than 5 people for their password (emailing is the worst:( , I am sooo lazy)

However I understand people wanting to maintain their privacy, this is why I do not post my face on this board, you never know who is watching. Not that it is a big deal, but I prefer for people to stay out my bizzness:cool:
StrawberryQueen said:
But why do you care so much? How much of a justification do you need? I mean I see you've dyed your hair some wild colors, I could argue you down that you did it to draw attention you yourself, and you could say you did it cuz it made you happy. Both points could be seen, but it's not that serious.

There's no point in arguing this hon, really. :lol:

I could argue that having a online fotki that doesn't have an easily accesible password (ie in sig or profile) makes you a power hungry attention seeker.

But that's probably as wrong as your judgement.

LocksOfLuV said:
it's "illogical" to YOU. she made up her mind why she wants her fotki. that should be enough. we don't need no one dissecting one's reasons and trying to make sense of it. as long as it makes sense to her.

Good point, fair enough. I won't question anyone else's logic any more :)
RainbowCurls said:
Because it's illogical.

It may not make sense to you, but it does to me. Here's an analogy: Say for instance, that you are wearing a nice bra or some fancy underwear, just because it makes you feel good, essentially, your wearing it for you. You put a shirt or something over it because while others may know you're wearing the nice bra, and may even be able to make out some details about it through the shirt or be able to see the strap when you lean over, they can't see everything. But in order to see the whole thing or, they need permission from you. You may let your very close friends or a family member see more, but random strangers would get a flat out no. My fotki and it's password are my nice bra.
I think a Poll is a good idea!!

This thread is getting, it's not Godly to enjoy drama kweenameena.......bad,bad,bad.....:whip: :whip: :whip: :spank: :spank:

***The Good Christian Kweenameena says****
You guys can't we just agree to disagree. If you want to put your fotki on lockdown, sobeit. if you don't..sobeit!!! Why does it matter to you what other folk do. Just let them be.

Besides I just opened a new fotki and naaaaa one of yall dun left a comment/feedback nuttin. just hit it and quit it? dang
kweenameena said:
I think a Poll is a good idea!!

This thread is getting, it's not Godly to enjoy drama kweenameena.......bad,bad,bad.....:whip: :whip: :whip: :spank: :spank:

***The Good Christian Kweenameena says****
You guys can't we just agree to disagree. If you want to put your fotki on lockdown, sobeit. if you don't..sobeit!!! Why does it matter to you what other folk do. Just let them be.

Besides I just opened a new fotki and naaaaa one of yall dun left a comment/feedback nuttin. just hit it and quit it? dang
Running off to leave a comment!
B_Phlyy said:
It may not make sense to you, but it does to me. Here's an analogy: Say for instance, that you are wearing a nice bra or some fancy underwear, just because it makes you feel good, essentially, your wearing it for you. You put a shirt or something over it because while others may know you're wearing the nice bra, and may even be able to make out some details about it through the shirt or be able to see the strap when you lean over, they can't see everything. But in order to see the whole thing or, they need permission from you. You may let your very close friends or a family member see more, but random strangers would get a flat out no. My fotki and it's password are my nice bra.

OK, fair enough.
I see your point.

[size=-2]But I don't think I'd let that many of my family members see my nice bra :lol: ;)[/size]
Lmao @ the arguing. Gotta love lhcf!:D The girl did her rant, and now it is over. No need to come in here and explain yourself.
I dont particularly like to look for passwords. But if I want to see it bad enough, I will go to the profile and get it. I have only pm a member once and never got an answer,, so I wont do that again. All in all, I dont care. It depends on how I feel that day as to what I will and will not do.
In an effort to lighten up this potentionally explosive conversation...., how bout those Grizzlies? How do you think they're gonna do this season?
TSUprincess04 said:
In an effort to lighten up this potentionally explosive conversation...., how bout those Grizzlies? How do you think they're gonna do this season?
:lachen: explosive conversation...too funny!
Millah03 said:
Lmao @ the arguing. Gotta love lhcf!:D The girl did her rant, and now it is over. No need to come in here and explain yourself.
That's what I was It ain't that serious...dang. I don't think it needed any explanations at all. It is what it is.
To summarize, some find it annoying but will occasionally search out a PW, some don't bother if it's locked and some will look PW or no PW...what is the arguing about again?? :look:
In my opinion, I don't see why the passwords are necessary. I was a lurker once opon a time. And being able to see others fotkis' made me want to join. My ablum has been open since day one. I haven't had any bad comments yet, partly because I set my settings on there so only fotki members can post comments. Im not comfortable with the anonymous comments. Also , I got a little fustrated myself with trying to get everyone's password, and on top of that, trying to remember them for when I would want to view their hair albums later on. So now I don't bother. Having a locked album, doesn't necessarily stop people from stealing pics. A person can ask for your password, and then steal the pics and you won't even know for sure who it was.
KiniKakes said:
Hmm, is it too late to add a poll to this thread? Im just curious to get a count of the number of folks who are:

1) Only willing to view Fokti's that are unlocked
2) Willing to view Fokti's with PW in Siggy
3) Willing to click on Profile to view a Fokti
4) Willing to PM someone for a password
5) Depends on the person or their hair

I always think anonymous polls are the best way to get accurate feedback. Because Im sure many folks are viewing this thread and dont feel like weighing in, just to avoid drama. *shrug* It would just be interesting to get a count, percentage-wise.

Yes to the all the above ?'s
I think peole are letting you see there hair and they don't have to. So If I have to jump through some hoops so be it, I'll do it, I don't care, my goal is to see hair and get some good tips.
BTW I'm also one of those fokti people, but I have all my hair albums in 1 folder and 1 password.....:look:
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navsegda said:
That's what I was gonna ask. I can understand some people's reasons for password protecting certain albums (such as if they are in their bras and whatnot or just don't want their faces or hair for all to view), but if your fotki is really only for you and JUST you, then why post the pics anywhere online in the first place when you can just keep albums in your My Pictures folder? Even if you share a computer at home, you can create your own user identity and then choose the option to password protect your documents.

I originally started my fotki to store my personal photos. Not only hair photos but photos of my life. I kept losing photos because my computer would crash and all those photos would be gone. Having online albums allow you to save those photos from viruses etc.
I have online albums at several album websites. After a while I decided to create a hair album just for my own purposes but eventually decided to share it with a select set of people (the paying members of LHCF).
So if a member has a problem with checking my profile to get my password, that doesn't bother me at all. My album is mainly for me but I don't mind some people viewing it.
sweetcashew said:
I originally started my fotki to store my personal photos. Not only hair photos but photos of my life. I kept losing photos because my computer would crash and all those photos would be gone. Having online albums allow you to save those photos from viruses etc.
I have online albums at several album websites. After a while I decided to create a hair album just for my own purposes but eventually decided to share it with a select set of people (the paying members of LHCF).
So if a member has a problem with checking my profile to get my password, that doesn't bother me at all. My album is mainly for me but I don't mind some people viewing it.
What she said.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Well I had someone on this board give my fotki link to someone on a totally unrelated board and they posted a link to it when I wouldn't give them the goods about my weave in the picture I posted. People I didn't even know on that board were oogling until the mods took it down. From that day on, my fotki was locked.
I would have done the same thing had that been me. It amazes me how people will post a link to someone elses Fotki album in a second. Every now and then, I give a shout out to someone on the board about how good their hair looks, but I don't go posting a link to their Fotki. :nono: I would never do such a thing, and I wouldn't want someone doing it to me.
LocksOfLuV said:
Um no offense but Why is what she chooses to do even an issue? Why can't we let her have her reasons and let it be...:confused: Deg, are we really going to keep going back and forth questioning someone about why they do what they want to do. She has a fotki, so what.


It seems like every couple of months, there's a thread on Fotki pet peeves. If you hate having to look for someone's password, don't! I don't see what the big deal is, seriously. :ohwell:
My fotki is locked and my password is in my profile. That's just the way I like it. Personally, I have no problem looking in someone's profile for their password.
I'm feelin' ya on this one...:lol: :lol: :lol:

SophiaRose said:
I'm putting it out there about you fotki folks:confused:.

the good, the bad, the ugly.
the good:band:...
i love fotki's...the pics, progress, routine's, growth, everything..applause

the bad
PW in profile...i am tired of it, rant. i want to look at your fotki, but to have to click on your profile, not reading it of course, but hurrying to scroll down, and look at the PW, then go to the album, there's 50-11 PW's for each section :dizzy:, or the pw just dont work:fishslap:.
not being rude, but what is the point to want your album viewed, but to put the pw in the profile, it couldnt be a highly guarded pw:sekret:, bc it's in your profile, so why not have your album open, for us (Meaning me, no one else) bald head hair fotki scroungers, hehehehe...

the ugly:ohwell:
i am banning myself from visiting fotkis with PW in profile, i quit:cry:.
after trying to see the hide your hair till xmas results, thats 300 posts too much hassle, or simply not enough time.

exceptions if you have APL,BSL,WL pic in your avatar, then i usually go thru the hoops to learn a new trick or two

i dont want to be shot stabbed killed or hurt in here, i am not going to even look at the thread, after i post, because i know folks going to get hot, ppl are entitled to lock up whatever they want, to view fotkis is a priveldge, but i myself am no longer going a) go on a easter egg hunt for a pw, b) click 2million and 50-11 folks pages to go to the pw to go to the fotki, or c)act like a squirrel chasing peanuts for a pw....and 4) i got 2:babyg::babyg:, i be wanna hurry up and view, oh well

to folks who have open fotkis

steppin behind bulletproof glass now.....
Haven't read the entire thread.. but I totally agree with you Sophia...
If it's so serious then you shouldn't have an album online if privacy is your main concern :look: .

Another one that irks me is "PM me for PW" .. there are members albums that I would like to view, but then I see this, I wouldn't even bother :look: :lol: .
mrsmeredith said:
LOL< I agree with rant on the pw but maybe if it was only one pw for the entire album not per folder. I don't view the ones that need pw for every folder. She spoke what a lot of ladies were thinking. Go head with your bad self Sophierose, girl I respect your gangsta.:lol:

Yes she did because I've been thinking the same thing. The reason why I don't want to jump through hoops is because I have a ghetto computer and it's slow as hell. I think I blacked out a few times trying to view the "Hide your hair until cmas pics":lachen: . I'll be sitting here all day(when I'm supposed to be sleeping:look: ) trying to view my girls' hair so most times I choose not to view. I do respect the privacy thing though.
Allandra said:
I would have done the same thing had that been me. It amazes me how people will post a link to someone elses Fotki album in a second. Every now and then, I give a shout out to someone on the board about how good their hair looks, but I don't go posting a link to their Fotki. :nono: I would never do such a thing, and I wouldn't want someone doing it to me.

And to top it all off it was a makeup forum. Not even a hair forum. I don't tell people I don't know about my hair. Especially in mixed company. Anybody on here you can pm me and ask all the questions you want. I'm more than willing to answer any questions or help anybody that I can. I like this board there are a lot of friendly and helpful people here. But the environment on that board was different and I didn't anyone on there. Not to mention the fact what the hell you need to know about my weave on a makeup forum for anyway? It was a big mess. I posted a thread on here about it and the person who did it jumped in it and the fussing started all over again. The thread got locked eventually. Many ladies here were concerned about privacy after that so some fotkis became locked as a result of that thread.
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HoneyLemonDrop said:
I dont know what other people's reasons are for doing this, but mine are because I saw the rash of nasty comments going around on people's fotkis many months back and I figured that if some dumb ish like that happens in my album, I can atleast try to narrow it down a bit....may not make sense to anyone but it doesnt matter....

Also, someone on my block saw my album when it was open (bra strap and all) and they are not a member...This made me feel weird...still I dont expect anyone to understand.

And if some people get irritated because of the whole "pm me for pw" thing, that's on them...I still do me. There will always be people who have no problem asking and those who will.

Girl, you better tell it. I usually don't get into these types of threads but just to let some of you know, I've had nasty remarks left in my fotki and it is not a very pleasant experience. If you feel that its too much trouble to ask for the password to my album, too each his own. :cool:
HoneyLemonDrop said:
I dont know what other people's reasons are for doing this, but mine are because I saw the rash of nasty comments going around on people's fotkis many months back and I figured that if some dumb ish like that happens in my album, I can atleast try to narrow it down a bit....may not make sense to anyone but it doesnt matter....

Also, someone on my block saw my album when it was open (bra strap and all) and they are not a member...This made me feel weird...still I dont expect anyone to understand.

And if some people get irritated because of the whole "pm me for pw" thing, that's on them...I still do me. There will always be people who have no problem asking and those who will...*shrugs*

Yes, that's my understanding also. Trollers have left very mean comment on Fotki albums. Stuff that were uncalled for, things that people said out of jealousy or just to be evil because their comments were anonymous. Since people started the PW protected album the complains has went WAAAAYYYYYYYY down.
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