Fotki..."PW In profile" Ban, who got the time to jump thru fotki hoops?

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SophiaRose said:
I'm putting it out there about you fotki folks:confused:.

the good, the bad, the ugly.
the good:band:...
i love fotki's...the pics, progress, routine's, growth, everything..applause

the bad
PW in profile...i am tired of it, rant. i want to look at your fotki, but to have to click on your profile, not reading it of course, but hurrying to scroll down, and look at the PW, then go to the album, there's 50-11 PW's for each section :dizzy:, or the pw just dont work:fishslap:.
not being rude, but what is the point to want your album viewed, but to put the pw in the profile, it couldnt be a highly guarded pw:sekret:, bc it's in your profile, so why not have your album open, for us (Meaning me, no one else) bald head hair fotki scroungers, hehehehe...

the ugly:ohwell:
i am banning myself from visiting fotkis with PW in profile, i quit:cry:.
after trying to see the hide your hair till xmas results, thats 300 posts too much hassle, or simply not enough time.

exceptions if you have APL,BSL,WL pic in your avatar, then i usually go thru the hoops to learn a new trick or two

i dont want to be shot stabbed killed or hurt in here, i am not going to even look at the thread, after i post, because i know folks going to get hot, ppl are entitled to lock up whatever they want, to view fotkis is a priveldge, but i myself am no longer going a) go on a easter egg hunt for a pw, b) click 2million and 50-11 folks pages to go to the pw to go to the fotki, or c)act like a squirrel chasing peanuts for a pw....and 4) i got 2:babyg::babyg:, i be wanna hurry up and view, oh well

to folks who have open fotkis

steppin behind bulletproof glass now.....
Well how about this? Come up with a way to make it so that random shady folks don't steal our pictures or use them w/o our permission and maybe we'll all have our fotkis open for all to see.

On other boards, fake sellers steal pics outta ppls fotkis and say they provided this wig, this style etc and use it to promote their business.

Other times random ppl will like your hair and try to pass it off as their own.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
I dont know what other people's reasons are for doing this, but mine are because I saw the rash of nasty comments going around on people's fotkis many months back and I figured that if some dumb ish like that happens in my album, I can atleast try to narrow it down a bit....may not make sense to anyone but it doesnt matter....

Also, someone on my block saw my album when it was open (bra strap and all) and they are not a member...This made me feel weird...still I dont expect anyone to understand.

And if some people get irritated because of the whole "pm me for pw" thing, that's on them...I still do me. There will always be people who have no problem asking and those who will...*shrugs*
Oh I understand, trust me.

And honestly if someone has banging hair I have to see, I will do whatever it takes to get to their album. Sending a 5 second PM doesn't hurt. People want to protect themselves and that needs to be respected to a degree. Some people have stalkers who have recognized objects in their room and knew it was them! Other ppl don't like to be seen in a bra or half nekkid, others want to control exactly who can view their fotki.

Many non-lhcf members have asked for my fotki passowrd b/c they see me on someone elses. I've even had those weird fotki porn people or the nappy hair fetishists ask me for my PW :nono:

Things didn't used to be like this until folks had their privacy violated, and were scammed. Some ppl still have random folks passing around their pics three years later! :mad:

Now I agreed with a lot of the things that were said in the other Fotki thread b/c ppl found out a lotta good info on how to make their fotki look better and use some of the new features (i.e. asking for more space), but this thread...well :rolleyes:
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kweenameena said:
Okay well I got the big ole hint and I now having an open fotki!!!!!
Ya'll happy now?
geezy-peezy! I'd hate for you to burn in those gasoline drawers but I hope they at least tingle a little! LOL:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Well my password will stay in my profile. If someone doesn't like it then too bad. I didn't set up an album to please anyone.
I don't have a problem checking someone's profile for their password. If there is someone's album I want to view I don't mind at all jumping through hoops to view it. Everything in this world isn't suppose to be easy.
Having a password in profile gives you a modicum of privacy. My fotki is only available to LHCF's. Not the www.(at least that's what I hope)

And I really wish people would stop complaining about people's fotkis.
RainbowCurls said:
I mean if they have the link in the sig, and they may or may not have the password in their profile.
So you click on the link, then have to attempt to locate the password.

I think if that's the case, people should state in the signature what steps have to be taken to obtain the signature (look in profile, send pm etc.)

I see, those are usually the ones that causes me to get really lazy. I just keep it moving, I usually don't bother myself with it. But the thing is when it's all said and done; there's still nothing we can do about it. That's why I say see the ones you want to see, and don't worry yourself with the ones that gives you a lot of trouble.
Oh and I will also add that I dont mind jumping through hoops to see what I want to see. It's nice enough that the person even puts the album up in the first place. I tend to pay more attention to what they have to say about hair products and techniques when I see pics of their hair anyways.
I didn't start a fotki for others to view, so if someone doesn't want to look at it because it's locked, I actually feel better because they weren't really supposed to see that much anyway.
I cannot believe that some of us have an attitude/problem with what other people do with their property. Some people have albums to track THEIR progress; some people do not have an album; and some people have albums to share with others. It's all an individual thing. If people are asking others to view their album without providing easy access including a pleasing album layout then the onus is on them to fix up their album. If I want to share my pic easily with everyone, I put it in my siggy. If viewing my album brings about too much trouble, then keep it moving. I have gone through pain sometimes trying to view albums and have even PMed some ladies for access but I never make an issue out of it because people are entitled to do what they please with their property.
naturallylovely said:
I understand about not wanting everyone and their momma's being all your fotki's, but they are very helpful. I know I was leary about spending money to post on this board......but open fotki's like, lexi84 and Kinikakes, really inspired me as a lurker, and made me wanna join. They also taught me a lot of things, that I could not search for, and my curiosity to learn even more of the things they taught me made me want to join too. I know when I was a lurker I HATED to see the pw in profile mess, I was like "are they doing this intentionally??" Additionally, some youngn's don't have credit cards to pay the fee (especially if they have to go to the library to use the internet), so its nice for them to be able to learn too....sorry for rambling, lol

Awww, thank you so much girl! And what you just stated is the very reason I keep my Fokti unlocked. :D

I used to be one of those folks who include the password in my siggy. (I think its still there.... I just havent updated my Siggy lately). Anyway, although having the pw in the siggy is not quite as rigid as the "password in profile," I do think that adds an additional element of protection, because although the entire world can view these posts without being a paid member, its primarily folks who are interested in hair coming in. And I dont mind folks from other hair boards lurking here, and going to my Fokti. Im okay with that. :)

But ultimately, i decided to get rid of the password altogether. *shrug* Its primarily "hair people" who visit my Fokti. No one else really knows about it..... unless they are coming from a hair board, they wouldnt know how to find it. Although I made my password pretty easy to locate in the past, I found that after I unlocked my Fokti I got way more comments and email/feedback. And i REALLY like that. It makes all the work I pour into my Fokti totally worthwhile. I love knowing that I can help and/or inspire people, LHCF, other hair boards, lurkers, haters (lol) whomever.

In all my time of having a Fokti, Ive only had ONE negative comment. It was no biggie. (It wasnt even related to my hair. The comment was racial and pertaining to a picture I had of me with my ex-boyfriend, who was biracial but didnt look black at all. I guess that person thought I was "selling out" for being with him. Ehh well, I digress). Anyway, Im on-line pretty regularly, so i was able to just delete it once I saw it and keep it moving. Life went on, and it didnt change the way I felt about having an open Fokti.

Essentially, the positives of keeping an unlocked Fokti far outweight the negative (for me). So unless something really drastic or awful happens (lol, knock on wood) I dont plan to lock it again. I think everyone benefits optimally this way.

JMHO. :)
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B_Phlyy said:
I didn't start a fotki for others to view, so if someone doesn't want to look at it because it's locked, I actually feel better because they weren't really supposed to see that much anyway.

If others weren't supposed to view it, why didn't you just keep the photos on your hard drive?
sweetcashew said:
Well my password will stay in my profile. If someone doesn't like it then too bad. I didn't set up an album to please anyone.
I don't have a problem checking someone's profile for their password. If there is someone's album I want to view I don't mind at all jumping through hoops to view it. Everything in this world isn't suppose to be easy.
Having a password in profile gives you a modicum of privacy. My fotki is only available to LHCF's. Not the www.(at least that's what I hope)

And I really wish people would stop complaining about people's fotkis.

I agree, whole heartedly. What you don't like about another person's fotki, just don't do it in yours. I know these type of threads have the intention on being helpful but it just makes people want to back away from even sharing fotkis.

Fotkis aren't necessary. I always thought of it as a pleasure.
StrawberryQueen said:
Well how about this? Come up with a way to make it so that random shady folks don't steal our pictures or use them w/o our permission and maybe we'll all have our fotkis open for all to see.

On other boards, fake sellers steal pics outta ppls fotkis and say they provided this wig, this style etc and use it to promote their business.

Other times random ppl will like your hair and try to pass it off as their own.

Oh I understand, trust me.

And honestly if someone has banging hair I have to see, I will do whatever it takes to get to their album. Sending a 5 second PM doesn't hurt. People want to protect themselves and that needs to be respected to a degree. Some people have stalkers who have recognized objects in their room and knew it was them! Other ppl don't like to be seen in a bra or half nekkid, others want to control exactly who can view their fotki.

Many non-lhcf members have asked for my fotki passowrd b/c they see me on someone elses. I've even had those weird fotki porn people or the nappy hair fetishists ask me for my PW :nono:

Things didn't used to be like this until folks had their privacy violated, and were scammed. Some ppl still have random folks passing around their pics three years later! :mad:

Now I agreed with a lot of the things that were said in the other Fotki thread b/c ppl found out a lotta good info on how to make their fotki look better and use some of the new features (i.e. asking for more space), but this thread...well :rolleyes:

Okay, you're scaring me! Weird fotki porn people??????? Awww hell to da naw!

***Rethinking making my albums open***
RainbowCurls said:
If others weren't supposed to view it, why didn't you just keep the photos on your hard drive?
Because she wanted a fotki for herself, clearly. I started my album to document my progress and I chose fotki b/c it was easier for me than to keep all those pics on my hard drive.
RainbowCurls said:
If others weren't supposed to view it, why didn't you just keep the photos on your hard drive?

That's what I was gonna ask. I can understand some people's reasons for password protecting certain albums (such as if they are in their bras and whatnot or just don't want their faces or hair for all to view), but if your fotki is really only for you and JUST you, then why post the pics anywhere online in the first place when you can just keep albums in your My Pictures folder? Even if you share a computer at home, you can create your own user identity and then choose the option to password protect your documents.
I don't see the problem. I'd do the same thing if I still had a Fotki. People have every right to protect their photos. There are a lot of crazies out there and with technology being as advanced as it is, anything is possible. Taking the extra step to go into a profile won't stop me from viewing albums. Not at all.
StrawberryQueen said:
Because she wanted a fotki for herself, clearly. I started my album to document my progress and I chose fotki b/c it was easier for me than to keep all those pics on my hard drive.

What's the point of having an ONLINE photo album for yourself. When you can do a nice job of organising photos in plain old windows?
How is it possibly easier to upload them to the web?
RainbowCurls said:
If others weren't supposed to view it, why didn't you just keep the photos on your hard drive?

Because I have the option of putting them up, just like I have the option to lock the album, and if someone wants to see, they have the option of looking or asking for the password.
Babygurl said:
I have to agree with the PW in profile point...I usually dont bother going to look, just seems like too much work when the link is usually RIGHT THERE, but I have to go hunting for the password. :perplexed
Yep...most times I don't bother going for the PW. I totally respect the person's RIGHT to do as they wish with their pics, album, etc. I'm just not patient enough for all that most
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B_Phlyy said:
Because I have the option of putting them up, just like I have the option to lock the album, and if someone wants to see, they have the option of looking or asking for the password.

So you don't mind if other people see them then?
I thought it wasn't for other people?
RainbowCurls said:
So you don't mind if other people see them then?
I thought it wasn't for other people?

No, I don't mind if other people look the pics and no it's not for other people, but if having a password gives me an extra sense of security from random people and negativity, I'm taking it.
RainbowCurls said:
So you don't mind if other people see them then?
I thought it wasn't for other people?

Um no offense but Why is what she chooses to do even an issue? Why can't we let her have her reasons and let it be...:confused: Deg, are we really going to keep going back and forth questioning someone about why they do what they want to do. She has a fotki, so what.
LocksOfLuV said:
Um no offense but Why is what she chooses to do even an issue? Why can't we let her have her reasons and let it be...:confused: Deg, are we really going to keep going back and forth questioning someone about why they do what they want to do. She has a fotki, so what.

I thought it ws just me...dang.
LocksOfLuV said:
Um no offense but Why is what she chooses to do even an issue? Why can't we let her have her reasons and let it be...:confused: Deg, are we really going to keep going back and forth questioning someone about why they do what they want to do. She has a fotki, so what.

Because it's illogical.
LocksOfLuV said:
Um no offense but Why is what she chooses to do even an issue? Why can't we let her have her reasons and let it be...:confused: Deg, are we really going to keep going back and forth questioning someone about why they do what they want to do. She has a fotki, so what.
Why yes we will continue to go back and forth over this! :lol: j/k This is very serious.
I am so glad someone was brave enough to post this. I do not even bother looking half the time if there is a PW. I really feel you on this one. And PM people for a password, I have never done. Glad to have this out there though
RainbowCurls said:
Because it's illogical.
But why do you care so much? How much of a justification do you need? I mean I see you've dyed your hair some wild colors, I could argue you down that you did it to draw attention you yourself, and you could say you did it cuz it made you happy. Both points could be seen, but it's not that serious.

There's no point in arguing this hon, really. :lol:
I keep hearing people talking about getting negative comments, the worse they could say is your hair looks terrible. I mean it can't be that bad:) I haven't gotten one yet, but I'm not afraid:D I do have people hating on me for no good reasons though, but they have been nice enough not to post one:grin: Thanks:lachen:
I am one of those PW in profile. I feel if you want to see it than you will put in the effort. I agree that it eliminates a lot of the craziness associated with having your pictures online.

I don't mind when others have their password in profile. At least folks are showing their hair. It is their album so they can choose to share it any way they please.
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RainbowCurls said:
Because it's illogical.

it's "illogical" to YOU. she made up her mind why she wants her fotki. that should be enough. we don't need no one dissecting one's reasons and trying to make sense of it. as long as it makes sense to her.
Hmm, is it too late to add a poll to this thread? Im just curious to get a count of the number of folks who are:

1) Only willing to view Fokti's that are unlocked
2) Willing to view Fokti's with PW in Siggy
3) Willing to click on Profile to view a Fokti
4) Willing to PM someone for a password
5) Depends on the person or their hair

I always think anonymous polls are the best way to get accurate feedback. Because Im sure many folks are viewing this thread and dont feel like weighing in, just to avoid drama. *shrug* It would just be interesting to get a count, percentage-wise.
Well I think...

OOOps. Nevermind. I thought this was te off-topic forum with all the back and forth...not the helping-each-other hair forum... My apologies.

*leaving this thread and closing the door behind me.
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