Oh.. so that what it was...
I was looking at a fotki today due to a post floating around. So I was clicking around and the browser just froze and crash... mozilla almost never crashes.

Not to long after, a program that looked like this starting running automatically.

I knew something was up..... so i did a search.
After I found a website on how to remove the program i went on internet explorer (IE), because of the instructions... this is when computer went haywire (I would probably skip this step). It seem to have hijacked IE, because Mozilla firefox was working just fine. It started popping up messages staying that various things were infected and require removal, but only could be removed if you resister the product. Then IE would random load pages like GAY MALE PORN, or i guess they wanted to embarrass people into buying the product. I knew I didn't get some porno virus because I never go porn surfing.

Anyway hopefully this can help a few people. This is the site that lead me to removing this nasty virus

Good guide all you need is there.
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yup, I won't go to fotki anymore either. That shyt killed my computer too!!!! I thought that it might be LHCF at first, but then I attempted to click on fotki today too and my norton said that it was an malicious site. Nope, won't be going there anymore:(
Welp, guess I'm never setting foot on fotki again. This is so sad. Someone should make a fotki knockoff that isn't a psycho computer killer.
so you haven't had any problems using fotki with your mac? cuz i am gonna be super protective of my baby.

wtf? did they send out a mass attack today or something?

nope, but then again, that's the thing with Mac, it laughs in the face of viruses. I know how to remove this virus. It takes a while, but its removable, just really annoying. It loads in your startup, runs in your processes, installs some files in hidden folders, edits your registry, and disables your task manager. Its whack as hell
I'm still trying to restore my computer it won't even allow me to do that let alone go to the net. Well off to take it to a tech.
I 've been having problems with viruses for the last few months. I don't think fotki is the only site. I recently had to break down and pay for norton antivirus. - I did find a sweet deal on line though.

My last job used to keep my work & home computer upto date with the latest protection. So I was not happy having to come out of my pocket.
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That damn fotki infected my computer with a TROJAN AND SPYWARE along with a VIRUS!
I had to use SuperAntiSpyware to remove. My Mcafee did nothing!


I know it was fotki because my computer started acting funny, slow, and suspicious pop ups began to come up. And strange anti virus warning were coming up from companies ive never heard of.

Now I have to go file a fraudulent claim with my bank and recover my money.

OMG That's terrible. I'm sorry you ladies have to deal with this. I have a Mac, and haven't had any problems and I visited my album as recently as 2 days ago. Has anyone been able to notify fotki?
I don't know if this has happened to anyone else on this forum, but my netbook contracted a malware virus when I was on fotki. I was wondering if any other ladies have found a way to remedy this situation? or am i doomed to never view the luscious locks on fotki again!

I had a virus on both my computers from fotki. All I can say is I am staying away. I did a System restore so fas so good.
Haven't read through all posts but here's what I do -- in addition to my Norton Virus protection -- malwarebytes anti malware program and spybot. Think both are free and looks for malware and viruses. Malware/Spybot has caught some things that Norton bypassed. So, I use all 3. Yes, it's a lot to do but I have too b/c I use hair boards and my dh uses motorcycle boards and we both looks at pics in our respective boards.
Oh.. so that what it was...
I was looking at a fotki today due to a post floating around. So I was clicking around and the browser just froze and crash... mozilla almost never crashes.

Not to long after, a program that looked like this starting running automatically.

I knew something was up..... so i did a search.
After I found a website on how to remove the program i went on internet explorer (IE), because of the instructions... this is when computer went haywire (I would probably skip this step). It seem to have hijacked IE, because Mozilla firefox was working just fine. It started popping up messages staying that various things were infected and require removal, but only could be removed if you resister the product. Then IE would random load pages like GAY MALE PORN, or i guess they wanted to embarrass people into buying the product. I knew I didn't get some porno virus because I never go porn surfing.

Anyway hopefully this can help a few people. This is the site that lead me to removing this nasty virus

Good guide all you need is there.

This is exactly what the virus i had looked like and if you buy it, all you cc info and computer info will be gone.
Go to the library and log on there. I know thats not nice uuh?

LOL! I've thought about doing that. I'll probably have to in order to put a password on my albums until I figure out what else to do. I won't do it here at the law school, though, because I don't want all of our computers to get infected!

Side Note: I noticed that a lot of us have AVG - if any of you don't have it, you can download it for free! That's what warned me about the virus on fotki.

I think the people who run fotki know there is a problem. They probably just don't know how to fix it.
It happened to me on Tuesday. I got a virus on my work computer, since I work in the MIS dept and have Admin rights, I was able to restore it...thank goodness.
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Same things happened to me. It said that a keylogger had stolen my info. So I changed my paypal, bank login info, as well as both my debit card and credit card info.

It's been weeks now and I still reguarly check my accounts but no sign of anything wrong. I was very nervous and did not want to believe that they was a keylogger who was getting information. But I took the steps necessary to protect myself immediately. I'm sorry for anyone who was not so lucky.

I also did a system restore on the computer. It worked just fine but the computer has been redirecting me a lot. So I will have to get more security.

Ladies, be very wary of Norton. My cousin's husband had it on his computer. I'm not saying it is a virus but look up Spyware Doctor created by Norton. It has caused A LOT of computers to crash.I mean there are soo many complaints on this software right now.
So as I said he installed Norton (he did not like it) and tried uninstalling it. It will not get off of the computer. It keeps popping up that his subscription has to be renewed.I don't know whether it has actually been a year or if this thing is asking for more money over and over again. But he specifically said it won't get off of the computer.I personally tried to and it won't do it. Be careful!!!
I installed AVG last year after taking my computer to Best Buy for repair.

Yesterday I tried going to a fotki page and AVG blocked it.

Last year Fotki caused me to end up taking my computer to Best Buy to get rid of the viruses.

The same thing happend to me a year ago. I ended up having to purchase a new desktop. No more Fotki for me.
So sorry this has happened to so many people! :blush:

I had to edit a thread I posted yesterday that had a fotki link in it; I took it out after finding out this morning that people were clicking on it and getting Trojan viruses!!! :sad::sad::sad:

I deleted my fotki from my siggy too; and I had just renewed by subscription with them. I wonder if I can get my money back because now I definitely do not want to use them :nono:

I hope everyone that's having problems gets them fixed asap; this is crazy.
That damn fotki infected my computer with a TROJAN AND SPYWARE along with a VIRUS!
I had to use SuperAntiSpyware to remove. My Mcafee did nothing!


I know it was fotki because my computer started acting funny, slow, and suspicious pop ups began to come up. And strange anti virus warning were coming up from companies ive never heard of.

Now I have to go file a fraudulent claim with my bank and recover my money.


see thats that sh!t i'm talkin bout. and to think i was gonna order games and hair products online this weekend. but i noticed that virus quick fast and in a hurry. i'll be damned if i log into my paypal and account and some keylogger steals my ish. ♥
That damn fotki infected my computer with a TROJAN AND SPYWARE along with a VIRUS!
I had to use SuperAntiSpyware to remove. My Mcafee did nothing!


I know it was fotki because my computer started acting funny, slow, and suspicious pop ups began to come up. And strange anti virus warning were coming up from companies ive never heard of.

Now I have to go file a fraudulent claim with my bank and recover my money.


Same things happened to me. It said that a keylogger had stolen my info. So I changed my paypal, bank login info, as well as both my debit card and credit card info.

It's been weeks now and I still reguarly check my accounts but no sign of anything wrong. I was very nervous and did not want to believe that they was a keylogger who was getting information. But I took the steps necessary to protect myself immediately. I'm sorry for anyone who was not so lucky.

I also did a system restore on the computer. It worked just fine but the computer has been redirecting me a lot. So I will have to get more security.

Ladies, be very wary of Norton. My cousin's husband had it on his computer. I'm not saying it is a virus but look up Spyware Doctor created by Norton. It has caused A LOT of computers to crash.I mean there are soo many complaints on this software right now.
So as I said he installed Norton (he did not like it) and tried uninstalling it. It will not get off of the computer. It keeps popping up that his subscription has to be renewed.I don't know whether it has actually been a year or if this thing is asking for more money over and over again. But he specifically said it won't get off of the computer.I personally tried to and it won't do it. Be careful!!!

Oh my goodness! Thank you to both of you ladies, and everyone else, for sharing this information. I'm pretty much never going to use fotki again. Maybe I'll go back to photobucket or something or just use the photo album function on here.
Thank you so much for posting this!!!!! I immediately knew this was a scam because there are a few mis spelled words on that pop up:rolleyes: I followed the directions and was able to get that nasty bugger off my pc. Phuck fotki.

Oh.. so that what it was...
I was looking at a fotki today due to a post floating around. So I was clicking around and the browser just froze and crash... mozilla almost never crashes.

Not to long after, a program that looked like this starting running automatically.

I knew something was up..... so i did a search.
After I found a website on how to remove the program i went on internet explorer (IE), because of the instructions... this is when computer went haywire (I would probably skip this step). It seem to have hijacked IE, because Mozilla firefox was working just fine. It started popping up messages staying that various things were infected and require removal, but only could be removed if you resister the product. Then IE would random load pages like GAY MALE PORN, or i guess they wanted to embarrass people into buying the product. I knew I didn't get some porno virus because I never go porn surfing.

Anyway hopefully this can help a few people. This is the site that lead me to removing this nasty virus

Good guide all you need is there.
Ladies -

If you are "catching" things from <insert ANY website here> it means that your system is not properly protected, eom. Emphasis on ANY website, email, graphic, music, video file or links to any website, email, graphic, music, video file!!

You can "catch" these viruses, trojans and other malware ANY where on the internet via webpages, email, music, photos or movie files.

I don't want to add to the paranoia here but here's the latest, greatest. It's so awesome that anti-virus companies are having difficulties keeping up with the programmers.

It's called TDSS (aka the hard drive killing trojan) and you can read more about it here:

What this infection does:

TDSS, or TDL3, is the name of a family of rootkits for the Windows operating system that downloads and execute other malware, delivers advertisements to your computer, and block programs from running. This rootkit infects your computer in various ways that include replacing hard disk drivers with malicious versions. Once a computer is infected, TDSS will be invisible to Windows and anti-malware programs while downloading and executing further malware and delivering advertisements to your computer. This particular infections is detected under various names depending on the particular anti-virus vendor. A list of vendors and their detection names for TDSS can be found below.

Is this the exact virus/trojan that many of you are infected with? I have no idea but what I do know is that if you don't properly lock down your computer, NOWHERE on the internet will be a safe place for you or your pc.

I'd hate to see any one's finances get harmed due to the effects of malware but until you get a handle on your system, it's going to keep happening over and over again.

So even though there are many who do not wish to hear it and choose to ignore what I say, what you are experiencing is proof that your computers are not properly protected.

This stuff is out there and is spreading fast, faster than wildfires on a windy, low humidity day. It's not going to go away and will more than likely get much, much worse. So do "me" a favor, check out the links in the post I made on page 1 or 2nd page depending on your particular LHCF settings (they are safe to click) and read how to protect your computers and, as already shown in this thread, your personal finances, your homes, your jobs, etc.

Peace, love and good luck!
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Try this software "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware". And download it from so you know it is safe. BTW it's free. This software catches everything. First when you turn on your computer hit F8 key repeatedly until you are presented with a menu. When you have the menu on the screen. Select the option for Safe Mode with network.

Here's the link for Malwarebytes on

Good luck - this software should get you up and running.
good thing I have a Mac.

But I did get it when I was on a Windows PC, but Im a juggernaut at removing viruses so I knocked it out.

Does this mean if you have a Mac it's safe to go on fotki? I've got a Mac, but since this thread started, I've been avoiding fotki like the plague. Does anyone know?
:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: this is what happened to our desktop three days ago. Absoultely no more fotki for me :nono:.

ETA: DH ran a virus scan last night and informed me this morning that we had 4 viruses on our pc.
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