Request Forum continously down; 404 errors

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Well-Known Member
beverly nikos Can we please get you all to fix whatever is going on with the forum being continuously down. Last night in particular, it was really hard to access the forums while many of us were trying to collectively follow the events in Ferguson. We pay yearly and part of that money should be going towards making sure the forum experience is pleasant. Can you please upgrade the servers and update the forum layout so that it modern with features like the ability to embed Youtube videos in posts?

I'm a member of many free forums and the posting/reading experience is so much better than it is here.
Yes I had a terrible time accessing the forum most of yesterday long before the Ferguson news conference.

Also I have been getting the same message intermittently on other days lately as well.
I got this a lot last night, but to be honest, I get this daily when I leave the site and can't get back on.

Also I saw several of my messages from last night were not posted in the Michael Brown thread
This is the message I have been getting lately and actually got it a few minutes ago....again. :( This is becoming a daily occurrence.

Some of the areas are temporarily down for routine maintenance and/or upgrades. This maintenance should be finished shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience. Have a great day!


~ Long Hair Care Forum
This is the other error message that I get and I just got it which is the reason I am posting in this thread again. So in the span of a few minutes I have gotten 2 different error messages and was unable to get on the website.

Not Found

The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.
This is the other error message that I get and I just got it which is the reason I am posting in this thread again. So in the span of a few minutes I have gotten 2 different error messages and was unable to get on the website.

I got this message too. It was really bad last night but its still happening today.
This is the message I have been getting lately and actually got it a few minutes ago....again. :( This is becoming a daily occurrence.

I've been getting this message for the past 2 weeks. I have to delete my history in order to even get back on. it's annoying
JustSitNBePretty, to mention Nikos you need to @ his last name.

dimopoulos, this be getting annoying.

Can you fix the App too?
I ain't able to use it at all because I be getting this error:


  • Screenshot_2014-11-25-11-14-27.jpg
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This is the message I have been getting lately and actually got it a few minutes ago....again. :( This is becoming a daily occurrence.

Some of the areas are temporarily down for routine maintenance and/or upgrades. This maintenance should be finished shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience. Have a great day!


~ Long Hair Care Forum

MzRhonda, I been getting that for months if I use a browser
and type just

Usually I ain't get it if I add /index.php so it be

But today even that ain't work
@MzRhonda, I been getting that for months if I use a browser
and type just

Usually I ain't get it if I add /index.php so it be

But today even that ain't work
My way of getting around that message on the main page is to access the forums from a link in my browser history. Since I'm usually in the entertainment part of the forum, the link to the entertainment forum comes up first in my browser history. That usually works, tho lately sometimes that doesn't even help.
As paying customers we shouldn't need shortcuts or ways to get the site to work. It should be working smoothly. We all understand that during periods of high volume there will be some outages but this site is ALWAYS DOWN. It's a shame.
I wish we could get an upgrade like a few years back with video embedding. We are overdue for one.
JustSitNBePretty, to mention Nikos you need to @ his last name.

dimopoulos, this be getting annoying.

Can you fix the App too?
I ain't able to use it at all because I be getting this error:

Yea. Im almost strictly using the app and it was horrendous. Then I'd try the website and got the 404. It was literally like every 10 mins while trying to keep up with Ferguson.
I've been also having trouble accessing the forum, however, I found a way to get through, even when it says it's down.

I literally have to type: So, I literally type the www.

Or, I'm able to connect through an old link that I've looked at previously.
I've been also having trouble accessing the forum, however, I found a way to get through, even when it says it's down.

I literally have to type: So, I literally type the www.

Or, I'm able to connect through an old link that I've looked at previously.

tallnomad That be what I type on my phone when the App be acting up
But it don't work
I get the "site under maintenance" page unless I add /index.php

You know what else be funny
If I click on the Open Browser option on App
It always ask if I want to download App just as it be opening the browser
Just weird how it ain't know I just came from App :lachen:
The site has been a mess for a while now and the app. App constantly crashes, site is slow, and at times unresponsive and now the 404 errors have been frequent.

Have any mods/Admin even addressed these concerns?
Just wanted to add that I've been surprised how poorly the site functions and how much it's down in light of the fact that it's the only site on the web I pay to access.
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