Former Affirm user Elasta Lye or Silk Elements Lye???


New Member
Help ladies and a happy new year to you all.

I usually get my Affirm relaxer from Yinka in Peckham, but she closed down (got caught selling high percentage bleaching creams not once but twice). Anyway, that relaxer is so hard to get hold of in London. I'm relaxing this weekend, or should I say texlaxing, as you can see from my sig pics it's never bone straight :yep: which is a plus for me. Now I used the Affirm (Resistant), and found it fine with no problems, no burning nothing. What would be a good ACCESSIBLE brand to switch to?

Elasta QP LYE

or Silk Elements.

Remember I'm a super coarse 4B hair type. That doesn't want it bone straight.

Something says the Elasta and I've hard the Silk Elements after a few weeks doesn't hold out very well.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

but if any Londoners know where I an get Affirm then let a sistah know.

I switched to Silk Elements Lye (regular) from Affirm. I used Affirm for many years, applied at the salon. This hair was bone straight. When I switched to Silk Elements (self-relax) my hair would not relax bone-straight, which I prefer. Now, just working on growing out the rest of my Affirm hair, trimming it away (and some has broken off) so that I can enjoy the thick, stronger, Silk Elements relaxed hair that will give me the ultimate thickness and length I want.
I would definitely like to know as well... I normally use Affirm Fiberguard Lye, but would like to begin self-relaxing as of today. I went out and bought Silk Elements Lye bc I knew I'd have a hard time finding Affirm in the BSS...

Lo and behold, I went to the infamous Sheldeez BSS this afternoon and found my Affirm (that 'store' is a H.A.M.! Looked like a tornado hit it with boxes all over the place, items all over the floor, just a mess! I wouldn't advise anyone to order from there cause there is close to nothing on the shelves and I overheard the woman telling someone waiting on their order that they haven't gotten a shipment in over 3 weeks!!:ohwell:) ANYWAY, just a word of caution before you place an online order there.

Even though I got the Affirm, I'd like to know how Affirm users fared with S.E. or have any suggestions on a good lye relaxer for us to transition to...
I have been using Silk Elements and I have gottten a lot of shedding after 5 weeks. I was wondering if was just winter shedding though. Anyone using Elasta Lye???