Forgiveness and the Baby Daddy


Well-Known Member
Friends, the last two years have been a transition, for sure. Since October of 2010, I have:

·fled the plantation(left my husband) leaving everything behind
·Moved into my daughter's best friend's basement. I expected her leprechaun daddy to show up naked next to my mattress on the floor(box springs don't fit in cars) at any time. Through Thanksgiving and Christmas. This house was an entire city away from my job. Bus was 2 hours ride.
·Had a grandson born with a brain deformity a week before Christmas. We found out we had a grandchild while my son's ex-girlfriend was in labor at 5cm dilated on the night that a lemon car I had just bought was being towed to the shop.
·My husband had been eepairing his credit but not payong any bills in my name. I was working, in school I trusted him. I could not get an apartment sven with money in hand. I moved into one of the slummiest neighborhoods over an ex's mom's corner store with a handmade heating system. It cost $1000 a month to heat and I made too much money for assistance and city weatherproofing. My sink stopped up and she went on vacation for two weeks, yelled at me for washing dishes in her tub.
·this all during my first year of teaching high school English to students with special needs while in graduate school to complete my certification.
·That summer, while picking up mail, my husband tried to rape me which caused me to have my first anxiety attack because I thought he and everybody else were following me and was going to kill me. It took an hour for the paramedics to get me in the ambulance becaise i thought they were going to kill me too.
·I couldn't go to school because I was afraid so I wasn't able to complete the six credits needed to recertify my teaching license.
·I moved from the hood house into a wonderful bungalow with only my daughter and self and dog significant bump in rent but worth it.
10 days later was fired because I hadn't renewed my license within the time frame even after my university guaranteed it wasn't hard to get an exception.
·My boss fought and I lost both appeals for unemployment. No income. A 'friend offered to pay me $20 a day to babysit her two kids. I told her I could make more money begging on the offramp.
·Caught my daughter about to perform a sexual act with a boy in her closet.
·Had to give dog away because I couldn't take care of him.
·Filed my own bankruptcy and divorce.
·Had to apply for welfare benefits and be talked down to by people in jobs Im qualified to train and supervise.
·diagnosed with a disability with medicine that has very funky side effects. Decided to apply for disability.
·Told to leave home within five days or get an eviction on my record. Bankruptcy and eviction meant having a hard time getting a safe place to live for a long long time.
·Moved in with my 21 yo son who's in ministerial school and my daughter lives with her sister. I worry and I miss her.
·Have interviewed and not gotten jobs and found out that a stupid shoplifting charge from 17 years ago was keeping me from jobs I'm qualified for. I couldn't even use my substitute teaching permit.
·School's starting for my daughter and we have no supplies, clothes or fees.

Ok. All of that is horrible. I've renewed my relationship with Christ and am ready to move on. I let go of a friendship because it had become sexual and I'm not completely divorced. I feel my life was blocmdd by adultery. My spirit is refreshed and I look forward to my life.

Why did my 4 sons' father who I left because of physical and sexual abuse and drug use and hasn't been in their lives since 1993 call the one son he denied and ask if he can stay a few days until he can get into a shelter. This n-word is 48, no HS diploma, no FICA kind of job EVER and the reason I can't sleep on my back because I used to wake up with him on top of me or worse. He knocked out teeth, blacked eyes, sold TVs, stole meat out the freezer, baby milk and the microwave that could heat it up, and sold our food stamps. I was feeding four young boys -7, 5, 3, 1 on popcorn and pantry food. I've been having anxiety attacks, I can't sleep. He texts me sexual comments, is eating up MY food, he sits in the house and watches MY big screen and Blu-Ray all day and got upset when I asked him not to talk to me other than hi and bye. He texts me or calls over and over. Whenever im sitting down to do something, I notice I have a text and it's him asking if im mad at him or is he fat or something else random and irrelevant. I've since blocked calls and texts.

It's unbearable. Almost.
I want to forgive but he hasn't changed except he isn't smoking crack(I don't think) or coming into my bedroom, putting his hand over my face and raping me, or punching me in the face while holding me down cause I wanted to register for school.

After ALL, the crap that has gone on these last few years, I am now living in a home with my abuser. My son says I need to pray and forgive. Dad has changed. My other son says to not let him take my joy and be grateful I have a place off the streets.

I don't know, y'all. Last week, he was having breathing problems associated with sleep apnea and I actually hoped he wouldn't catch his breath and he would die. I've never EVER hoped ANYONE would die EVER. The blood of Jesus cleans people and they deserve a chance to repent and change but if this n-word doesn't stop telling me im beautiful and how I'm his hero (who says that?), I own no what im gone do.(he sends me back to ebonics). I am cold as a pimp's heart to this man and it feels horrible. I believe my feelings are reasonable, however, I want to leave and go to a shelter so that I can rest. I even slept in my car one night and I wrap up like i live in Afghanistan when I get out of the shower. He's always here and I always catch him looking at my body parts. My son won't put him out because he thinks I need to forgive cause he's changed. He's hoodwinked my boy and I'm feeling anger for that. I've been petty. Getting mad cause he ate my Doritos or drank my juice.

Aarghh. He's looking at me now. I know I'm going to have to deal with this and its me and Jesus but I could use some words to help me get through this. I feel like this is a breakthrough and if I can forgive him, I will be able go move further in my spiritual and material life.

Sorry this is long. I haven't even told this whole story to anyone before.
I just had to stop lurking and come in to send you hugs and love and let you know that I will be praying for you and your situation. Wow, you've overcome so much already, please keep the faith that God is going to change your life for the better and give it to you in abundance.
Tears came to my eyes reading this. Huuuuge hug to you and I'm sure everyone will be doing the same :grouphug3:Will pray for your safety and that you're back on your feet, in your own place, happy and comfortable and not having to worry about anything!!!
Ooh my love!! I'm about to fall to my knees and send some prayers up for you right now! Your battles are not over, but I pray for your strength to get through. I hope God delivers you from this situation of having to face your abuser everyday so that you may heal and experience true love one day soon. Stay strong (((tight hug))). Praying for a healing of your whole family.
:bighug:I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time. I will be praying to god that you get through your trying time. I know only the strength of god can get you through this. Keep your faith and continue to pray and vent if you need to.
apemay1969 - My heart goes out to you. You have endured so much and by the grace of G-d you are still here. I encourage you to continue to pray as we join you, lifting you up before the throne of grace. I pray that The Lord will guide you and give you the wisdom to know what steps to take. Remember you are G-d’s child, he loves you, trust Him. Don’t be discouraged, for He is the Author and Finisher of your faith.

In the meantime, this is one of the chapters that I reflect upon when I’m confronting difficulties.

Psalms 121

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from The LORD, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is thy keeper: The LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

Sending The Lord's blessings & my hugs your way...

Each day you grow and the grace of God will sustain you. This too, shall pass as the elders say and you'll look back on this time in wonder and awe thinking about how you thought you wouldn't make it.

Hang in there. You will be delivered.
OP :bighug:

Keeping following after the Lord, He will see you through.

Praying God's divine healing, restoration, and protection for you.
1 Cor 10:13
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it"

Hey Sis!
I mourn at the story you have told and the trials that you have had to endure but I rejoice that you are still standing and that your trials have pushed you closer to God rather than farther away. Please be encouraged and realize that what satan means for evil (living with your former abuser), God designed for your good (you may be the one to lead him to Christ).
I won't pretend like that isnt a terrible situation. But I will say this:trust God that He has not brought you to this point to mock you, but to increase your faith in him and to reflect the Character of his son Jesus Christ. Forgiveness is is also necessary. It will bring you peace (that won't make sense to outsiders). Be blessed!