For women that go to the salon...


how often do you get your hair trimmed at the salon.. my stylist is recommending every 2 months which is how often i get relaxed.
i used to that and saw no progress for the most part. i trust my stylist and don't doubt my ends were split. i wasn't taking very good care of them. i've changed a few things and plan to only trim every 4 months or so. i think it really depends on how well you take care of your ends between visits. plus, i'd rather get them cut when needed as opposed to hanging on to thin, stringy ends. never a good look:(
I visit my hair dresser 3-4 times a year, because I'm about 1,000 miles from her right now! Still, even if I were closer, I only get my hair trimmed seasonally--so about 4 times a year. I only get it trimmed after a relaxer, and I only relax 3-4 times a year.

Two months is too soon for me.
It depends, I haven't had my hair trimmed in over 3 months. My hairdresser wants my hair to grow long as much as I do. Only trim when necessary, if my ends need it. So far so good.

No let me correct that. I actually think it was every 3 months(when I pressed my hair). She did something else in regards to my color every 6-8 weeks.
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I usually trim on an as needed basis but I'd say this year, since I'm transitioning to texlaxed hair, I will trim after every texlaxer which will be every 3 months until all the bone straight relaxed hair is off of my head. After that, I might trim twice a year only and it will still be on an as needed basis. I rarely get split ends so it might end up being once a year, I'll see.
I trim as needed especially when my ends start to look uneven or rough. .. thats ususally every 4 months or every other relaxer.
I get a trim, it seems every 2-3 months. I HATE it...seems like once my hair grows she cuts it off :(....its been the same length for years...actually it's shorter.
I never understood the trimming on a schedule thing. I'm an as needed trimmer. MOST stylists are more concerened with the 'look' of hair. Freshly trimmed hair holds styles better, falls and lays better and tends to look better overall. I think that's why so many stylists do it on a regular basis whether you need it or not. But if your goal is to grow hair, you won't see much if any progress trimming every 2 months.
It depends, I haven't had my hair trimmed in over 3 months. My hairdresser wants my hair to grow long as much as I do. Only trim when necessary, if my ends need it. So far so good.

My stylist won't trim mine either, except once every 1-1/2 to 2 years and no more than an inch. He feels that cuts away the growth--even if it is uneven. So I don't debate with him. His customers have longer hair than the other stylists' customers.
I never understood the trimming on a schedule thing. I'm an as needed trimmer. MOST stylists are more concerened with the 'look' of hair. Freshly trimmed hair holds styles better, falls and lays better and tends to look better overall. I think that's why so many stylists do it on a regular basis whether you need it or not. But if your goal is to grow hair, you won't see much if any progress trimming every 2 months.

Your hair is looking BEAUTIFUL sweetie!

I tend to trim with every relaxer, which is every 3-4 months.
I'm going to try trimming on an "as needed basis" this year. I try my best take care of it, so I'm hoping I will only need a trim (to keep it neat and full) three or four times this year.
Right now it is every five months for me, and I stress that my trim had BETTER be minimal!!!

I make it seem like it is a BIGGER deal than it is and like I am a little crazy and when I say the word "trim," I make sure one eye suddenly becomes slightly smaller than the other and try to twitch it a little. Oh, and I never just say trim. I say "trim, you know" no matter how i mean it, for that extra touch.
"I want a little trim, you know."
"I get a little picky bout my trim, you know."
"I don't want a trim, you know."
Even once it's over... "that was a good trim, you know." Don't want to seem like I'm okay and want to leave a lasting impression for next time.
And the last time I was at the salon, one of the stylists (not the one working on my hair, tried to pressure me...) I speak Spanish (Dominican salon) and was talking with several women but as soon as she got persistent and wouldn't let it go I just went dead quiet, made my eyes a little big, and started very slow, deliberate breathing.

The crazy thing works in more situations than hair, too. :)

... Anywhom, overall, it works. :look: My trims are just how I like them now, and my ends look nice consistently so far, but I haven't been working on growing my hair for too long.
I trim 1 time per year.. I baby my ends so there is no need. My stylist tries to get me to let her trim. I then ask her if they are split and she says "no" reluctantly. If you are taking care of the ends and dusting if need be you should be fine. Every relaxer to me is cutting off your progress.
Ok I think I am going to push the trim to every other relaxer,, every 4 months..

Honestly, if your hair is relaxed then you techincally should be going to get your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks. Take into account what you are doing to your hair in between relaxers. If you put heat at all on your hair you need to go in for trims. The only thing is do you trust your stylist to ONLY trim. If so then she/he will not take of more than what is truly needed and then it will really turn out to be dusting, but do not risk the health of your hair just because you don't want to see a centimeter of hair come off. Trimming is beyond helpful and needed. I had the reverse experience when I used to get my hair relaxed then some others who responded. By keeping my hair trimmed, using minimal heat and keeping it moisturized my hair grew quite long. Now I'm working on that with natural hair! Either way you decide to go I hope this was helpful!
Honestly, if your hair is relaxed then you techincally should be going to get your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks. Take into account what you are doing to your hair in between relaxers. If you put heat at all on your hair you need to go in for trims. The only thing is do you trust your stylist to ONLY trim. If so then she/he will not take of more than what is truly needed and then it will really turn out to be dusting, but do not risk the health of your hair just because you don't want to see a centimeter of hair come off. Trimming is beyond helpful and needed. I had the reverse experience when I used to get my hair relaxed then some others who responded. By keeping my hair trimmed, using minimal heat and keeping it moisturized my hair grew quite long. Now I'm working on that with natural hair! Either way you decide to go I hope this was helpful!

I have relaxed hair and I trim 3 times a year without any ill effects. Trimming should be on an individual basis....