***For Those with Hair that is Bra-strap Length***


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
<font color="red"> I am confused...
I thought protective styles were suppose to protect your ends so your hair can grow. Now I hear protective styles can dry out your ends...I thought they keep them moisturized if you put moisture on them
Now some of you are saying wear it down to let it breathe...I thought it wasnt good for your hair to come into conact with your clothes

I have several questions:
Is it really okay to wear protective styles to grow your hair long?

What is an effective or the best protective hair style to promote growth?

How did those with long hair now grow their hair down their back?

Can someone with long healthy hair please clear this up for me?

***I know everything is TRIAL AND ERROR...I just want to hear everyone's opinion*** </font>
One thing you will discover about the advice given here is that everything DOES NOT work for everyone. Its not mandatory to buy and try all the techiniques. You have to figure out your hair needs and what your hair likes/dislikes.

Protective styles work for many women on here but there are a lot of women who have grown their hair wearing it down all the time. Its just trial and error..
Re: ***For Those with Hair that is Bra-strap Lengt

lol girl, your gettin all nervous over every little thing someone says....
my hair is down my back, i wear it up mostly (pony tail) always moisturized, and then i wear it down when i want to. dont worry about all these little technicalities. some of it is extreme IMO...i dont wrap my hair at night (never have) I dont sleep on satin or silk (not that that doesnt help others) lol and i dont have a weave in my pics. dont stress. protect your ends with moisture and you should be fine. btw hair doesnt actually breathe lol...btw my hair touches my clothes every single day , whether in a pony tail or down...and it doesnt cause me any problems....you gotta find what works for you and not worry about every little thing you hear...it will drive you crazy
pink_flower said:
One thing you will discover about the advice given here is that everything DOES NOT work for everyone. Its not mandatory to buy and try all the techiniques. You have to figure out your hair needs and what your hair likes/dislikes.

Protective styles work for many women on here but there are a lot of women who have grown their hair wearing it down all the time. Its just trial and error..

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I know its not mandatory to buy everything and try all the techniques. I know what's not going to work for me after trying it or just by mere analyzing it for my hair. I know its trial and error. I'm just trying to clear up a contradiction I have seen after reading some of the threads in the forum.
Poohbear--Pink Flower was addressing your concerns IMHO. There are very few hard and set rules for maintaining hair growth. If you know it's trial and error, and that what works for one may not work for the others etc...where's the contradiction? Protective styles work for some not all. You simply have to find what works for you. Edited to add, that it will take time and patience. Um more patience than time
Good luck
Also, accusing folks of having weaves is probably not the best way to generate responses to your questions but that's just my $.02
Brooke007 said:
Poohbear--Pink Flower was addressing your concerns IMHO. There are very few hard and set rules for maintaining hair growth. If you know it's trial and error, and that what works for one may not work for the others etc...where's the contradiction? Protective styles work for some not all. You simply have to find what works for you. Edited to add, that it will take time and patience. Um more patience than time
Good luck
Also, accusing folks of having weaves is probably not the best way to generate responses to your questions but that's just my $.02

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I think it's just I'm being a bit impatient. I saw a thread where someone was wondering about protective styles drying their ends and people responded with "do this" and "no! do this". So thats what I was talking about with a contradiction. I just want to know the few basic questions I asked...
My hair certainly isn't brastrap length, just wanted to add my observations.
I understand how things may seem to be contradictory. Everyone is different with various textures, combination of textures, lengths and hair challenges. Like the other ladies said, we have to find out what works for our hair. For example, there is a thread here called "Not Washing", or something like that. Some women, and I've seen it myself, grow their hair very long in a short period of time by not washing it for months! It seems to be a contradiction because we are so focused on the importance of moisture, yet it works for some.
everyone has a difference of opinion, they base their opinions of their experiences. its a contradiction if 2 different statements are coming from the same person, not different people expressing their different opinions.

My hair is at my waist now. I do have to do a slight trim tomorrow so I will prob be an inch away after that. I hardly ever wear protective styles. When I am at home I wear it twisted up, ends exposed, or in a ponytail and then pin it up etc. I don't like my buns so I don't wear them. I have heard the ladies hear say that braid/twistouts are considered protective and I do those sometimes. I like them because they are so easy. But before I found this board, I never wore my hair up period and it has grown fine. I have found that for me my ends suffer more when they are bunned are covered. HTH
You must b refering to the thread i started Pooh...

i have found that due to MY wearing my hair in a bun daily, it has led to my ends being dry (last 1/2-1"). i believe this is so because i don't moisturize them B4 i bun it up. My hair will normally be 100% dry and i'll just bun it and 4get about it until i walk in the door. I should also add that whenever i leave a little conditioner in my hair or this skanky grease
my ends stay really nice BUT at the same time, i don't want to have to do that so often (every 3rd day is okay but not daily).
This is not to say this will be the case with YOU because you know your hair and know what works for you (may or may not work for anyone else). I inquired as to what everyone else was doing to combat this because I've been thinking of wearing my hair in a ponytail (not bun) or out the majority of the time.
i like vaseline on the ends and into a bun. or a little updo thing secured with a goody's hair clip or something. something so that my hair looks cute but the ends are outta the way of my clothes. Or when i'm lazy AND sick of wearing my bun i do a ponytail
-- jainygirl
LOL! Nice to have an edit button eh?

Anyways you want opinions? Well MY opinion is that everyone responds differently w/ protective styles.

Initially my hair thrived on protective styles but now I see that was from the lack of heat I used. To me anything that doesnt require excessive heat is a protective style. Others believe any style that doesnt expose the ends is considered "protected"

Your hair may dislike them but if its working for you then I would continue. If its doesnt work out then stop. Simple.
ever since i started my good hair care regime i realised that my ends dont get dry like they used too. so i do wear my ends out more often. but i only do so if they wont be in contact with any harsh fabrics.. ie: ponytails or wearing hair out when im wearing a low back shirts/tanktops.
DatJerseyDyme said:
I also prefer wearing my hair down to wearing a bun, too. I have some breakage at my crown from wearing the bun all the time.

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that was happening to me too.

I never protected my hair and it managed to grow like a weed. The best thing I do for my hair is get the ends trimmed, regularly. I also think b/c I don't have a relaxer my hair is growing. If I had one, I'd definitely have to take care of it better.
honeydrop215 said:
everyone has a difference of opinion, they base their opinions of their experiences. its a contradiction if 2 different statements are coming from the same person, not different people expressing their different opinions.

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It WAS 2 different statements coming from the SAME person! Thats why I noticed a contradiction
ms_jennifer said:

My hair is at my waist now. I do have to do a slight trim tomorrow so I will prob be an inch away after that. I hardly ever wear protective styles. When I am at home I wear it twisted up, ends exposed, or in a ponytail and then pin it up etc. I don't like my buns so I don't wear them. I have heard the ladies hear say that braid/twistouts are considered protective and I do those sometimes. I like them because they are so easy. But before I found this board, I never wore my hair up period and it has grown fine. I have found that for me my ends suffer more when they are bunned are covered. HTH

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Ms Jennifer, Thanks for your input...I tried the bun and I didnt like it either. Also, I can relate to your experience. Before I cut my hair I always wore my hair down too and never had any breakage trouble. Now that I cut my hair and joined this forum about a week and a half ago, Im trying to find ways to boost my growth. Thanks again
Poohbear said:
ms_jennifer said:

My hair is at my waist now. I do have to do a slight trim tomorrow so I will prob be an inch away after that. I hardly ever wear protective styles. When I am at home I wear it twisted up, ends exposed, or in a ponytail and then pin it up etc. I don't like my buns so I don't wear them. I have heard the ladies hear say that braid/twistouts are considered protective and I do those sometimes. I like them because they are so easy. But before I found this board, I never wore my hair up period and it has grown fine. I have found that for me my ends suffer more when they are bunned are covered. HTH

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Ms Jennifer, Thanks for your input...I tried the bun and I didnt like it either. Also, I can relate to your experience. Before I cut my hair I always wore my hair down too and never had any breakage trouble. Now that I cut my hair and joined this forum about a week and a half ago, Im trying to find ways to boost my growth. Thanks again

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very welcome!!
Poohbear said:
It WAS 2 different statements coming from the SAME person! Thats why I noticed a contradiction

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I get it. You have to realize that people here alter their routines and try new product occassionally. Also, some people have different hair requirements depending on the season of the year or how recently they had a touch up. Ex: A conditioner might work fine for Member X and then not so well, so she quits it.

As far as bunning, I agree with CaramelHonee. If I bun my hair dry without sealing the ends with vaseline, the ends get dry (bad thing) but they are not all gooped together when I take the bun down (good thing). Lately I've substituted extra conditioner on the ends for vaseline.

My hair's not bra strap length yet.
megonw said:
Poohbear said:
It WAS 2 different statements coming from the SAME person! Thats why I noticed a contradiction

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I get it. You have to realize that people here alter their routines and try new product occassionally. Also, some people have different hair requirements depending on the season of the year or how recently they had a touch up. Ex: A conditioner might work fine for Member X and then not so well, so she quits it.

As far as bunning, I agree with CaramelHonee. If I bun my hair dry without sealing the ends with vaseline, the ends get dry (bad thing) but they are not all gooped together when I take the bun down (good thing). Lately I've substituted extra conditioner on the ends for vaseline.

My hair's not bra strap length yet.

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Megonw...I agree too
Re: ***For Those with Hair that is Bra-strap Lengt

Poohbear said:
<font color="red"> I am confused...
I thought protective styles were suppose to protect your ends so your hair can grow. Now I hear protective styles can dry out your ends...I thought they keep them moisturized if you put moisture on them
Now some of you are saying wear it down to let it breathe...I thought it wasnt good for your hair to come into conact with your clothes

I have several questions:
Is it really okay to wear protective styles to grow your hair long?

What is an effective or the best protective hair style to promote growth?

How did those with long hair now grow their hair down their back?

Can someone with long healthy hair please clear this up for me?

***I know everything is TRIAL AND ERROR...I just want to hear everyone's opinion*** </font>

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Poohbear, have the ladies cleared the mystery up for you?
Re: ***For Those with Hair that is Bra-strap Lengt

I hope that you've figured things out.

When I originally grew my hair long, I hardly did any of the routines here other than sleeping with a satin scarf, minimal heat (but by minimal, I mean 'only' a few times a week), airdrying, and consistent trimming (every 2 months). It took me a while, but my hair grew long and very healthy until I moved across the country and switched stylists.

Right now, I'm a little below bra strap and what has helped is little to NO heat. I am regaining length faster that way b/c I don't get split ends anymore so I've lessened my trims from every 2 months to 5-6 months (we'll see..I'm approaching 4). I also moisturize my ends more. The thing is...I *know* my hair will grow. It's about length retention for me.

If something looks crazy to you and you know you couldn't do it or keep up with it, don't do it. Read it and move on to the next thing.
Re: ***For Those with Hair that is Bra-strap Lengt

This is a great forum for sharing information about hair products we use and also methods we use to protect our hair, but the one thing we all must remember, our hair is unique just as we are unique. Some of our hair may look and even feel the same, but it does not mean that it will all respond the same to products or styling methods. When you begin to grow out your hair, you have to be open to experimenting. It usually takes about 2 weeks (that is if you are styling or using a product at twice a week) to show it's effect on your hair. I have had products that the first time I used them, I hated them. I then tried adding this or that to them and now I love them. If you find your ends being dry even after applying oil or grease in some cases, and putting up your hair then it's time to move on to something else. It is not tucking up the ends that is hurting your hair, it's usually an external (product) or internal (health) problem. Most of us who where our hair up don't keep it up 100% of the time. Face it, who could stand that. I let my hair down and out on weekends, but twice throughout the day, I will apply a light coating of olive/castor oil with my finger tips. But that's me. Others love vaseline. I haven't tried it, but it doesn't mean it won't work on me. As I said, keep an open mind and experiment. That is the only way that you will find what works for you.
Re: ***For Those with Hair that is Bra-strap Lengt

I for one can honestly say that my hair is at brastrap because of my bun wearing. Everday since last july I have faithfully worn moisturized buns. I moisturize twice a day with my products but I always spray distilled water on my strands before putting any product on it. I wash twice a week and now that Im working out every day, I condition wash or just let the shower run over my entire head almost every day, so my hair stays wet or damp at some point every day. I have to attribute my length to this because I have never been brastrap in my life. I have always been maybe 3 or 4 inches past my shoulders. This bun wearing however has become quite boring but I dont give into my feelings because Im trying to achieve my goal and so far I have exceeded my expectations. I have not exeperienced dryness at all. I dont have breakage or shedding problems either and Im just greatful that I found a method that works. It's a lot to do but for my hair to grow, Im realizing that this is what it takes and Im more than willing to do it all.