For those with Color-Treated Hair...


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I colored my hair on March. 20 and measured my new growth on April 20 and it was only 1/4 of an inch
My hair use to grow much more...

For those who color or have colored their hair:

1. Do you think coloring your hair has hindered your growth in some sort of way or fashion??
2. If not, what do you do to speed up the growth process besides moisturize, moisturize, moisturize???

***PLEASE NOTE: I'm just asking for opinions and experiences... please don't tell me "it depends on the person's hair"***
Hair color cannot hinder your hair GROWTH... it's possible that it might cause BREAKAGE on your ends, but it's not going to affect the rate at which your hair grows out of your scalp...

Maybe what's happening is that you always THOUGHT that you got more growth, but now that you colored your hair, you can actually see for SURE how much growth you're actually getting (due to the difference in color between your color treated hair and your new growth)...
When I had color treated hair I believe it grew at the same rate. However, it was hard for me to keep the color up (roots) and keep it moisturized.
Lindy said:
Hair color cannot hinder your hair GROWTH... it's possible that it might cause BREAKAGE on your ends, but it's not going to affect the rate at which your hair grows out of your scalp...

Maybe what's happening is that you always THOUGHT that you got more growth, but now that you colored your hair, you can actually see for SURE how much growth you're actually getting (due to the difference in color between your color treated hair and your new growth)...

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That second paragraph may be very well true but hair also varies in growth each month. Before I colored it, I measured my hair growth and it was 3 times more than what I measured with colored hair.
It doesn't hinder my growth at all. I don't see how it possibly can.
When you color your hair, you can see the growth like Lindy said, and it's the same for me.
Karonica said:
It doesn't hinder my growth at all. I don't see how it possibly can.

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ITA... My hair grows FAST and I have been coloring my hair for the past 10 years
I don't think it would grow faster if I didn't have color