For those who've gone at least 6 months to 1 year or more without a relaxer.....

When you decided to relax, did you go to a stylist? What did she/he think about you waiting that long in between relaxers? My last relaxer was at the beginning of this month and I'm thinking about stretching until September or October. I have a stylist that I go to but the longest I've stretched was 4 months with her and she did a wonderful job. I'm just wondering what other stylists (and people around you for that matter) thought about you stretching that long....
I stretched for a year once before. No one could really tell since I Found different ways to camoflauge the NG. WHen I finally did relax the stylists was like "When was the last time you got a relaxer?!" I couldnt help but laugh. Now that I think about it I shouldnt have let her do it. She was surpised that I wasnt "half-bald." She thought no one could stretch a relaxer that long without losing all thier hair at the line of demarcation. That right there should have let me know that she shoudlnt be doing my hair. But thats another story :lol:

I say go for 6 months and then let her evaluate the situation. I say go into uncharted territory slowly. 6 motnhs may be too long and maybe you can go 8 months or even a year but I think you should evaluate the state of your hair every 2 months and then go from there.
I always super stretched. My stylists haven't really said anything because I get texturizers and your supposed to get them done every 3-4 months. Right now it's been 8 1/2 months since my last touch-up, I plan on getting my hair done next month.