4 months post-relaxer!

No. :nono: Don't let him pull it all the way through.

No matter who does it, 1 week before you go you should go there and let the person who will be doing your relaxer WASH your hair. This way the person can see the exact amount of new growth and know what strength relaxer to use and also how many inches need to be re touched. They will probably want to treat you the same as a virgin relaxer.

The night before you go. you should rake some Extra Virgin Olive Oil and put it on the majority of the relaxed part of your hair. especially the ends.
Don't use a whole bunch, you should not be an oily grease-ball but just get your relaxed hairs mostly coated.

Let the stylist pull the relaxer about a 1/2 inch farther than the new growth but NOT all the way through.:wallbash:
NO! I thought pull throughs were a no-no! It's already getting "pulled through" when he has to wash it out. All the chemicals will still go all the way down the shaft to the ends and get relaxed again. Double chemical. I wish someone would pull my relaxer all the way out...:nono:
Hey, B! I'm so very happy that you posed this question. :yep: I won't relax again until mid-December. I worry that I may have so much new growth that I don't know what do to with. If I'm going to relax, I already decided to have it professionally done. So I appreciate this. Please let us know what your results are. ;)

I will definitely keep you guys up to date. I just don't know what to do with this "stuff" anymore.

I looked like Manson yesterday!
I don't think you should let him pull it all the way through. What would the purpose be to re-relax your already relaxed hair? You don't want to end up looking like Teva, do you?

I know, Miss J, I know... my hair is just so thick now. Never thought I would complain about that :rolleyes:

Okay! Be bald like Teva. NOT!

We will see.
I personally would not let him re-relax already relaxed hair. It's just too risky especially if it was already fully processed. If it's not straight enough that's what rollersets are for!!!
No. :nono: Don't let him pull it all the way through.

No matter who does it, 1 week before you go you should go there and let the person who will be doing your relaxer WASH your hair. This way the person can see the exact amount of new growth and know what strength relaxer to use and also how many inches need to be re touched. They will probably want to treat you the same as a virgin relaxer.

The night before you go. you should rake some Extra Virgin Olive Oil and put it on the majority of the relaxed part of your hair. especially the ends.
Don't use a whole bunch, you should not be an oily grease-ball but just get your relaxed hairs mostly coated.

Let the stylist pull the relaxer about a 1/2 inch farther than the new growth but NOT all the way through.:wallbash:

Now this has been advised and I will follow but remain leery about a full pull through.

Thanks, Mook... by the way, no person can wash my hair, especially with 4 months worth of new growth, and live to tell about it.

My hair was outrageous yesterday. My stylist would never be able to wash my hair and detangle it without ripping out the majority. It's that thick.

I took pictures of a comb-out at 3 months and when I get the final pictures, they will all be posted.

The good, the bad and the Manson shots, which actually belong on death row.
NO! I thought pull throughs were a no-no! It's already getting "pulled through" when he has to wash it out. All the chemicals will still go all the way down the shaft to the ends and get relaxed again. Double chemical. I wish someone would pull my relaxer all the way out...:nono:

See, this is what I surmised as well which is why I was content, seemingly, with the roots only. The relaxer when washed out affects the rest of the hair anyway.

However, considering that, if the relaxed hair is still being affected during the wash out, what difference does it make if a pull through is performed?

I don't know. I think I'm more confused than ever now.

I will continue with my 3-4 month stretches, though.
And see, this is what I've been experiencing ever since I began stretching out to 3-4 months at a time.

The hair on top of my hair looks relaxed, but all inside of the bulk of my hair, it looks "untouched".

I have at least three different textures of hair on my head, and I'm concerned that the reason why is because he's only doing the new growth, thus, my hair looks like nothing has been done to it.

I can't wear a proper wash n' go because of the different textures :(

Saida says she does all of her hair and she's fine and she's a 1a and I'm a 4a. If she can get away with stretching 4-8 months without penalty, surely me with all this wool on my head can get away! :grin:

Thanks for the replies. I guess I'll let y'all know what happens Friday night.

Sounds like he was trained to relax only an inch of hair at a time or he's gotten in the habit of it. If he weren't' doing it that way (as in he was actually looking to see how much new growth you had) he wouldn't have a problem. Pulling relaxer all the way through the hair is never a good idea. Hair doesn't completely recover from the damage done by permanent chemical processes (if it did your hair would go right back to how it was) so it is possible to compound the damage even after a few months. Might be time to either put your foot down or find a new stylist.
My last relaxer was a full pull through. Prior to that my hair was under processed with about 4 months of NG. For me it was a good thing. Pics of it are in my August 07 fotki folder. you will see my hair before and after the pull through.

BTW: My stylist was very attentive and she and I consulted with the master stylist before doing it.
My last relaxer was a full pull through. Prior to that my hair was under processed with about 4 months of NG. For me it was a good thing. Pics of it are in my August 07 fotki folder. you will see my hair before and after the pull through.

BTW: My stylist was very attentive and she and I consulted with the master stylist before doing it.

Thanks for sharing, Charm. I looked at your Fotki and you have very nice hair.

I have a lot to think about the next five days.

I will say also that my ends are STRAIGHT which I don't understand in comparison to the bulk of my hair which seems unprocessed at all :(

Whatever the decision and consequent outcome, I'll just have to roll with it.

I was supposed to flat-iron today but I promised mom I would attend church with her, so I won't have time.

Maybe God will "speak" to me and tell me what to do.

Hey, Bloss!

So what did you decide and how did your hair turn out?!

Let us know and post pics if you can....

Now you know I ain't got no damn pics! LOL! :lol:

YET! ;)

I did take three more pics yesterday, so I have about 12 flashes yet. I know... just waste them or take pictures of WHATEVER and end the suspense.

Well, I went in on Friday and I discussed with my stylist my concerns. He agreed with me that perm is not "permanent" and because I'm only getting my hair relaxed every four months, parts of it is reverting.

He told me that you have to have your hair processed on a continuous basis to keep it "silky and manageable". The perm does "wear off".

He did a mid-way pull through. I was too nervous about going any further, but I believe I should have had him pull it through to almost the ends, which are already straight anyway, while the rest of head 98% of it was nappy, excluding the very top layers. The bulk and width of the hair was completely reverted :nono:

The part he did pull through, though, is like Indian hair. I likey-I likey, but because he didn't do a complete pull through to almost the ends (like I said), the part he didn't pull is still somewhat kinky but not as bad.

We have decided I will come in every two months. He told me if I come in more frequently 4-8 weeks, he won't have to do pull throughs and my hair will be one consistency.

Can anyone relate to this?

Thanks for asking, SP, and I apologize for being remiss. I know some of y'all been waiting.

HEY! But pics are on the way! 12 flashes LEFT! HAHA! :)
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Now you know I ain't got no damn pics! LOL! :lol:

YET! ;)

I did take three more pics yesterday, so I have about 12 flashes yet. I know... just waste them or take pictures of WHATEVER and end the suspense.

Well, I went in on Friday and I discussed with my stylist my concerns. He agreed with me that perm is not "permanent" and because I'm only getting my hair relaxed every four months, parts of it is reverting.

He told me that you have to have your hair processed on a continuous basis to keep it "silky and manageable". The perm does "wear off".

He did a mid-way pull through. I was too nervous about going any further, but I believe I should have had him pull it through to almost the ends, which are already straight anyway, while the rest of head 98% of it was nappy, excluding the very top layers. The bulk and width of the hair was completely reverted :nono:

The part he did pull through, though, is like Indian hair. I likey-I likey, but because he didn't do a complete pull through to almost the ends (like I said), the part he didn't pull is still somewhat kinky but not as bad.

We have decided I will come in every two months. He told me if I come in more frequently 4-8 weeks, he won't have to do pull throughs and my hair will be one consistency.

Can anyone relate to this?

Thanks for asking, SP, and I apologize for being remiss. I know some of y'all been waiting.

HEY! But pics are on the way! 12 flashes LEFT! HAHA! :)

wish I would have seen this earlier. Your stylist is full of bullsh**.
sounds liks my old stylist that I had to leave. My hair was thin and never grew beyond a certain length.
U keep goin to him with his bullsh*it and u will neva see progress.
How can your hair revert from a chemical change? I don't think it's so much reversion as it was underprocessed.
I'm sorry to sound rude but that is wrong.

You chemically straighten your hair, it doesn't go back. If its underprocessed, well its underprocessed. But it doesn't just magically go back and need to be permed again. That man wants you bald. And you think your hair "looks Indian" now (:look: ) think about what that hair will look like after he "pulls" the relaxer through it a few more times. Give it a year of relaxing the same hair over and over again, and I'm sure he'll be telling you you need to trim over and over again. That guy sounds like an ass.

The only explanation I can think of is that it was underprocessed from the get go. But you don't overprocess to fix underprocessed hair. You do a corrective and NEVER overlap again.
Now you know I ain't got no damn pics! LOL! :lol:

YET! ;)

I did take three more pics yesterday, so I have about 12 flashes yet. I know... just waste them or take pictures of WHATEVER and end the suspense.

Well, I went in on Friday and I discussed with my stylist my concerns. He agreed with me that perm is not "permanent" and because I'm only getting my hair relaxed every four months, parts of it is reverting.

He told me that you have to have your hair processed on a continuous basis to keep it "silky and manageable". The perm does "wear off".

He did a mid-way pull through. I was too nervous about going any further, but I believe I should have had him pull it through to almost the ends, which are already straight anyway, while the rest of head 98% of it was nappy, excluding the very top layers. The bulk and width of the hair was completely reverted :nono:

The part he did pull through, though, is like Indian hair. I likey-I likey, but because he didn't do a complete pull through to almost the ends (like I said), the part he didn't pull is still somewhat kinky but not as bad.

We have decided I will come in every two months. He told me if I come in more frequently 4-8 weeks, he won't have to do pull throughs and my hair will be one consistency.

Can anyone relate to this?

Thanks for asking, SP, and I apologize for being remiss. I know some of y'all been waiting.

HEY! But pics are on the way! 12 flashes LEFT! HAHA! :)
Well, I went in on Friday and I discussed with my stylist my concerns. He agreed with me that perm is not "permanent" and because I'm only getting my hair relaxed every four months, parts of it is reverting.

He told me that you have to have your hair processed on a continuous basis to keep it "silky and manageable". The perm does "wear off".

:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:blossom I love your hair. And I would suggest you try keeping all that hair. The above bolded is just WRONG!
:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:blossom I love your hair. And I would suggest you try keeping all that hair. The above bolded is just WRONG!

isnt it? its like that girl I met who used perm as a DC. Was massaging it in and everything, ALL OVER HER HAIR everytime she relaxed. then had the nerve to say it cleansed her scalp.

OF HAIR!:perplexed
Hey Bloss,

I think your stylist is giving you the wrong advice. I don't agree that a full pull through is going to help your hair do anything but get thinner and thinner. Yes, please do keep us posted on how your hair is holding up.

Have you thought about doing a protein treatment post-relaxer?

Just curious.

Thanks for the update. I think we all are concerned. Your hair is so beautiful and we want to see positive progress...:yep:
Hey Bloss,

I think your stylist is giving you the wrong advice. I don't agree that a full pull through is going to help your hair do anything but get thinner and thinner. Yes, please do keep us posted on how your hair is holding up.

Have you thought about doing a protein treatment post-relaxer?

Just curious.

Thanks for the update. I think we all are concerned. Your hair is so beautiful and we want to see positive progress...:yep:

Thanks, SP... my hair is much better now, but I didn't think that perhaps something I wasn't doing at home may be contributing to the "coarseness".

Anyway, I going in every two months for a roots only like I've been doing, just to be on the safe side.

He told me that should alleviate the problem... we'll see.
Blosssom, chemically relaxed hair does not revert. In all likelihood, your hair was underprocessed. Do not let that stylist - or any other - pull through a relaxer ever again. That was done to me at a salon and I had to find a new one where my hair was serviced correctly. It took over two years for my hair to recover entirely.

Now that it's done, be sure to keep up regular protein treatments. I'd hate for you to lose all your pretty hair.

And this :hardslap: is for your idiot stylist.
It cleansed her scalp of hair? :lol:

That doesn't make any sense anyway, considering the relaxer touches the scalp without a pull-through :lol:

Oh trust me... that b!tch was damn near bald... I think she was one of those people who thought perm was a DC, I mean rubbing it into her scalp and hair?? Then she changed her pic to one of her with a wig on after I called her out for having more forehead than head. Talkin about perm cleansing her scalp.:perplexed