For those who use Amla Oil - ?


Active Member
Hi y'all,

So i have officially put myself on my own Use It Up! Challenge because my shelf that holds my hair products in my linen closet cannot hold another thing! It's ridiculous how many hair products I have and don't use regularly. Also since I am transitioning *again*, I really want to simplify my regimen sooooo...........

I found a bottle of Amla Oil that I bought last year and want to use it up for pre-poo conditioning. It says it was manufactured June 04 and is best used within 36 months which would be June 07. Should I throw it out? I was wondering if I commit to pre-pooing at least once, possibly twice a week, I should use it up by the end of this month. I hate to waste stuff but I also don't want my hair falling off my head (although that would def. speed up the transition dontcha think? :lol: ).

Keep it or dump it?

I probably should have asked this before using it since I am sitting with it on my hair under a shower cap right now :grin: . But seriously, should I throw out the rest?

And why in the h$&^ y'all didn't stress how much this stuff stinks?? LOL ;)
I haven't bought a bottle that wasn't expired. Don't throw it out ship it to me.:D

J/k:ohwell: keep it.
sweettrini said:
And why in the h$&^ y'all didn't stress how much this stuff stinks?? LOL ;)

I started using it back in 2004, but had to stop because of that smell. It smells like soiled nursing home bed sheets. Yech. :lachen: :lol: :lol: The other Dabur oils run circles around amla, IMO. It's expired? Personally, I'd toss it. When a company puts an expiration date out there, I'm sure its not just for fun. I don't know which ingredients in there are perishable, but I'd hate for something to possibly have ill effects on my health. It's only a few dollars you're out of, no need to hold onto rancid or expired oils.
dlewis said:
I haven't bought a bottle that wasn't expired. Don't throw it out ship it to me.:D

J/k:ohwell: keep it.

Oh no! Really? :eek: Where are you getting your oil Dlewis? That shop owner needs to work on finding a new wholesaler or moving product a little better than he's doing. You shouldn't have to put up with expired oils. :ohwell:
dlewis said:
I haven't bought a bottle that wasn't expired. Don't throw it out ship it to me.:D

J/k:ohwell: keep it.

Dee, are you sure it's expired. They print the manufactured date on the products and say it's best used within 36 months after that date. So yours might not be expired.

sweettrini.........I hate the smell with a passion. I only use it because I am trying to use it. But It smells pissy to me. I have always been told certain items are good for 1 year after expiration date. I always trash mine. I Dont want to chance it. So, do I think your hair will fall out for using it a month after the expiration date, NO. Would I continue to use it, NO.

FNWL sale Alma oil that does not stink at all. You are going to pay more but if you really like what alma does for your hair, check them out.
Letitia said:
Dee, are you sure it's expired. They print the manufactured date on the products and say it's best used within 36 months after that date. So yours might not be expired.

sweettrini.........I hate the smell with a passion. I only use it because I am trying to use it. But It smells pissy to me. I have always been told certain items are good for 1 year after expiration date. I always trash mine. I Dont want to chance it. So, do I think your hair will fall out for using it a month after the expiration date, NO. Would I continue to use it, NO.

FNWL sale Alma oil that does not stink at all. You are going to pay more but if you really like what alma does for your hair, check them out.

See! I knew I wasn't crazy! :lol:
Sistaslick said:
See! I knew I wasn't crazy! :lol:

lol. Not at all. But you said it so nice and sweet! I should have just said,
^^^What she said.
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Sista: I know this stuff does stink!! I couldn't live with this smell forever so I just want to use up this bottle. I'll probably just toss it - you're right it was only a few dollars.

Letitia: Thanks for the FNWL tip. I'll look it up especially if it doesn't smell like this!

DL: This bottle is halfway done. Besides I couldn't in good faith send you more stinky, expired stuff :look: . LOL!!
Sistaslick said:
Oh no! Really? :eek: Where are you getting your oil Dlewis? That shop owner needs to work on finding a new wholesaler or moving product a little better than he's doing. You shouldn't have to put up with expired oils. :ohwell:

Mines was manufactured in 04 too.:look:

I too have never seen a bottle that wasn't 'new' or up to date.:ohwell:

PS: I am NOT using this stuff anymore and it is hiding all the way in the back of my cabinets (yes the smell travels). I HATE the smell.
sweettrini said:
Sista: I know this stuff does stink!! I couldn't live with this smell forever so I just want to use up this bottle. I'll probably just toss it - you're right it was only a few dollars.

Letitia: Thanks for the FNWL tip. I'll look it up especially if it doesn't smell like this!

DL: This bottle is halfway done. Besides I couldn't in good faith send you more stinky, expired stuff :look: . LOL!!

Here is the link. (and It really does not have the Alma smell.)