For those who take powdered MSM...


New Member
I take LifeTime MSM w/ the Lignisul type of MSM in it. There is 2500mg in each 1/2 teaspoon of the powder. I have a measuring spoon that measures out a 1/2 Tablespoon, which equals to 1 and a 1/2 teaspoons, so I get 7500 mg when I take it. I take this once a day now, but I might increase it later.

I was used to taking the pills before, and when I tasted the powder it was terribly bitter! I tried mixing it in regular juice and it was still awful. I didn't know how I was going to choke it down, then I found a solution.

In a 4 oz cup, I fill the cup about 1/4 to 1/3 full of lemon juice, (I have a big bottle of pure lemon juice handy). I put in 3 packets of Splenda no-cal sweetener (you can use Equal if you want to). Then I add my MSM. I fill the cup halfway and stir carefully until fully dissolved. Then I fill the cup almost up to the top, give it one more stir, then drink.

The sourness of the lemon juice, and the concentrated sweetness, counteract the bitterness, and you can barely taste it when you drink it. I still try to get it down in a couple gulps. HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I take the powdered msm as well. I take the OptiMSM. It is very bitter, but after 2 weeks of choking it down, I decided to read the directions on how to take it. It says to mix it with juice, add sugar if you want, but make sure you let it sit for 5 minutes before you drink it.

Letting it sit before you drink it is the key. I mix mine with plain old hawaiian punch now and after it stands, I don't even notice a taste (maybe a mild afterm taste if I use more than one teaspoon). You may want to try letting it stand before you drink it to see if it makes a difference.
Thanks Notsomebody!

My bottle of MSM has absolutely no directions on how to take it. I will definitely try this.
Question for those of yoy that take the MSM:
Have you noticed a difference in tecture or growth of your hair.
What changes has MSM had on your hair and how long did it take for you to notice them?

For me it was a dramatic increase in shedding. I don't really know if it affected my texture. I credit the softness of my texture to the EPO. I can say that the msm combined with biotin really boosted how much growth I had each month. It took about a month before I noticed any results with any of my vitamins.
At first I took my powedered MSM in water and nearly spat it out. OMG its so bitter.

I now take it in OJ and its fine /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I noticed changes in my texture, but I am not sure if it was due to the MSM. I don't think I have been taking it regularly enough for it to have a dramatic impact on my hair. I am taking more of it now so that it might.

Over the past 2 and 1/2 years,(since my hair has been natural) it has gradually softened, and the curl has loosened.
My hair texture changed - my hair became wavier and softer (and it was soft already).

I'd also like to thank MsChiChi and Notsomebody for the drinking tips. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I had resigned myself to drinking bitter-tasting OJ /images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

A bit OT - has anyone else noticed powdered MSM's binding effect?
i take the powdered form as well. because i don't eat breakfast, i have a slimfast in the morning as my personal trainer instructed and i mix the msm with it. i don't taste it at all. if i run out of slimfast, i mix it with my juiced veggies and still don't taste the msm.