For Those Who Take Biotin


Healthy Hair Quest..
How much are you taking?

I bought a small bottle from Walmart and it listed 1000 mcg(1mg). Suggested dosage: 3x a day.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I've seen in different siggies ladies taking 1500mg. Is this possible?

I take 2200 mcg's. My vitamin has 600mcg's and I take 2 800mcg biotin pills. I believe some ladies take a 10mg pill of biotin though.
I take Puritans Pride Biotin. It's 300 mcg and I always pop three of these microscropic sized tablets a day! So 300mcg x 3 pills is 900mcg a day. I guess that's = to 90 mg. I don't know, I'm not good at this math, only my hair! Lol.

Puritans Pride I heard was good from the ladies on here. They always seem to have a buy two get three free deal or something. I just know I paid about $9 for 5 bottles of Biotin. That should last me until my hair gets to my ankles, you think?

I'm starting to wonder why I'm taking Biotin. I'm not seeing results with it.
I also bought Puritan's Pride Biotin 1000mcg. I take them 3X a day. The only thing I've noticed is that my new growth comes in kinkier.
I was taking 2 10mg tablets daily, one at breakfast and one at dinner.

I kept getting single, pronounced, large zits. I quit last week.

I'm seriously considering the Nioxin Follicle Booster and increasing my protein consumption with Atkins shakes and bars and canned fish.
megonw said:
I was taking 2 10mg tablets daily, one at breakfast and one at dinner.

I kept getting single, pronounced, large zits. I quit last week.

I'm seriously considering the Nioxin Follicle Booster and increasing my protein consumption with Atkins shakes and bars and canned fish.

yeah, when i took 10mgs a day, i got a lot of facial hair on my cheeks. so i cut back to 5mg every other day.
When you take biotin you have to drink ALOT ALOT of water. If you don't you will get major headeaches and pimples. Biotin is a detoxifing agent so its pushing out all of the junk in you through all means possible; when you use the bathroom or by showing up as zits. Thats why its important to drink alot of water so it can all be flushed out that way.

In addition, no ones taking 1500mg, if they are wow, but no you probably saw 1500mcg.

1mg=1000mcg Therefore 600mcg= .6mg

I take 1000 mcg a day, basically one pill. Basically same results when I took 2000 or 3000 mcg.

Edited for spelling.
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Hey guys, I was getting really sad, the last couple of weeks cuz i've been taking 5x1000mcg biotin pills everyday as well as my Msm and Evening primrose. I got huge pimples all over my forehead and a couple on my cheeks. I was a walking poster for adult acne. aaaaaaand i wasn't even seeing any results for all this stress.

but my face is finally clearing up, and my hair is growing really really really fast! i think in the last 3 weeks i got 3/4 of an inch. So i'm pretty surprised.
Persistence is finally paying off.
metro_qt said:
Hey guys, I was getting really sad, the last couple of weeks cuz i've been taking 5x1000mcg biotin pills everyday as well as my Msm and Evening primrose. I got huge pimples all over my forehead and a couple on my cheeks. I was a walking poster for adult acne. aaaaaaand i wasn't even seeing any results for all this stress.

but my face is finally clearing up, and my hair is growing really really really fast! i think in the last 3 weeks i got 3/4 of an inch. So i'm pretty surprised.
Persistence is finally paying off.

I was also taking all three of the vitamins that you listed and just stopped cuz my face began breaking out and my facial and neck hair was growing like wild fire. I now only take a multivitamin and flax seed oil. I would love to continue to take the vitamins,but I don't want to be covered w/ pimples and look like Cousin It at the expense of assisting in my scalp hair growth!
I am now taking GNC Biotin with (600mcg) instead of taking the GNC Ultranourishair(1200mcg) or the GNC Hair, skin and nails (2500mcg) and I realize that ever since I started to take vitamins I get a big pimple every week. Normally I would only get these big pimples when it's almost the time of the month so I am thinking that it might be the Biotin. On the other hand, my complexion looks much better and my hair is growing faster everywhere.
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i can't take high doses of Biotin cause it made me breakout in hives (2500mcg). So now i take low dosage 600mcg plus the 30mcg in my centrum. I might go even lower on the comsumption as i found out it's present in food like egg yorks & some veggies. I resently started breaking out in acne also and i drink about a gallon of water a day, not sure if biotin is the cause thou.
That's the brand I bought and I took it as directed and now have a pizza face!
So I have just started taking two a day and the zits are leaving from a meat supreme pizza to a pepperoni. So I may just take one a day now.
I am taking 5000mcg of biotin and have had a boost in my hair growth. I have noticed more breakouts which are annoying. I increased my dosage from 2000mcgs and had no zits. Maybe I should go back to that.....
I get my daily dose of biotin from GNC Ultra Nourishair. It has 1200 mcg per caplet, and I take 2 caplets a day, so 2400-3000mcg a day, because I also take Super B-Complex, which I believe has some biotin in it. No zits. I have been taking biotin for 4 years, but at a daily dose of 800 mcg up until Jan this problems with the increased dosage.
The ladeis who are experiencing breakouts taking biotin. . . maybe you need to try significantly increasing your water intake.

I take a Rexall brand biotin (w/ Silica & Calcium) which has 1000mcg, there is 30mcg of biotin in the multi-vitamin, I use PP's super hair, skin, & nails vitamins which have a total of 1875mcg of biotin (in 3 pills, but I only take 2), and I get an additional 200mcg of biton in the Hair Energizer vitamins I am taking. I guess that's a total of about 3000mcg's of biotin that I am currently taking as part of my supplement regiment. I have not noticed any adverse affects or severe breakouts in fact my skin is super clear.
Dolapo said:
I take 5000mcg or 5mg. I barely drink water though. I just cant......

Try mixing your water with Crystal Light, sometimes when I don't feel like drinking it straight I do this. It adds flavor and has no sugar and no calories.
aquarian1252004 said:
The ladeis who are experiencing breakouts taking biotin. . . maybe you need to try significantly increasing your water intake.

I take a Rexall brand biotin (w/ Silica & Calcium) which has 1000mcg, there is 30mcg of biotin in the multi-vitamin, I use PP's super hair, skin, & nails vitamins which have a total of 1875mcg of biotin (in 3 pills, but I only take 2), and I get an additional 200mcg of biton in the Hair Energizer vitamins I am taking. I guess that's a total of about 3000mcg's of biotin that I am currently taking as part of my supplement regiment. I have not noticed any adverse affects or severe breakouts in fact my skin is super clear.

This may be why I haven't ever had breakouts from biotin, because I drink lots of water (close to 2 liters a day).
I take 6mg a day (4x1.5mg extreme biotin)
I also take one centrum a-zinc

My skin looks better, my nails are growing like wildfire and my hair has become noticeably straighter. I like Biotin!!!!
I take 5000 mcg lozenges every other day & drink 2 Liters of water per day or at least 1.5 Liters.
I also take my Hair Shake (contains everything under the sun) & an Amino Acid (L-Cysteine-50mcg)!
No breakouts from Biotin so far... :)
I usually take 2,000-4,000 mcg of Biotin a day, with no noticeable adverse effects. I also drink lots of water everyday. I have noticed an improvement in the growth and condition of my nails, but not sure what it's doing to my hair. Between the biotin and the MSM, my new growth seems to be tighter but still soft. I'll finish up the bottle I'm currently using, but not sure I'll purchase another.
i take 10mg per day and i've just started noticing breakouts, i use to drink lots of water, but i stopped ,hence, the breakouts. i also take 1000mg of l-cysteine, 1000i.u. vitamin e, 440 mg horsetail, 1000mg msm, liquid aminos, and triple omega (puritan's pride)