Active Member
Hey, I wanted to give an update about my experience with chlorella. I had been taking it for 3 weeks took a break for a month and then went back to taking it again and it made me throw up no matter how small an amount I took. I got the idea to try to take chlorophyll for a few weeks before trying it again since I was initially taking chlorophyll before I started chlorella. Well ladies it worked!
I can now take chlorella again without getting nauseous or sick. In fact, I have noticed an increase in energy. I'm so happy since I really wanted to reap all the great benefits that this supplement has to offer.
Hopefully this can help some ladies who didn't have success at first and would really like to try chlorella again or those ladies who suddenly find themselves getting sick from it.
Best wishes!

Hopefully this can help some ladies who didn't have success at first and would really like to try chlorella again or those ladies who suddenly find themselves getting sick from it.
Best wishes!