:::For Those Who Still Go To the Salon:::


New Member
Say you're new in town, or you need to find a new stylist, what are some things you want to know about a hair stylist before making an appointment?

What's the wait time like? Do they practice healthy hair care? Are they professional? Do you like to see pictures of their work first?

What are some things you need to know or at least want to know before making that decision?
The most important thing for me if they take their time or not. I'm also concerned about the healthy natural hair practices. I am a wash n set girl so I've had a lot of rush jobs which let to a lot of breakage. It's so hard to find someone you can trust and who actually cares about your hair. I'm really focused now on doing my own roller sets. After all who can I trust more than me.
For me it is definitely their professionalism and the wait time. I don't need to know about who is cheating on who, and if my appointment is at 2pm, I should be in your chair no later than 2:10. I think its fair to give stylists alittle extra time because you don't know if the client before you ran alittle late, but I don't want to leave the shop at 6 and all I got was a shampoo/style thats a no-go. I'm a cosmo student so id love to hear others bump bump bump!

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I need professionalism first and foremost. I need to be listened to. Stylists don't listen very well IME. I need to get in and get out instead of having to pack a lunch just to get my hurr did. I also look for a price list. If they don't have one in store, I need a flyer. If not, I need a website. Something I can look at on my own without having someone standing there waiting for me to "hurry and buy" you know?

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If they are focused on healthy hair care. Do they work with natural hair. Skill level: can they actually do what I'm asking for and/or replicate an idea/picture of a style I bring in. Pictures of their previous work. If they are scissor happy. If they are punctual. If they overbook clients. How long it will take to get my hair service completed. The final price on a service beforehand, no changing up after the service is completed. And are they consistent with their pricing, I don't want to pay something this week and next month its more money, just because they forgot what they charged me before.
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Okay, I've moved a few times in recent years and had some HORRIBLE experiences. So my feedback may be considered a little bit "extra" but hey...its what I do. I always have at least one consultation prior to actually allowing them to do my hair.

First, I begin by telling them I am on a very specific journey to GROW my hair and that I take excellent care of my hair. I feel like if they know how protective I am about my hair and my length, they will be less likely to jack it up!

- I usually follow that up with that I don't want to feel like I am micromanaging you, but I explain that I've had several bad experiences so I don't want to leave anything up to chance. That way I don't feel awkward about all of my other instructions and questions.

- I always ask their trimming practices. Are you a conservative trimmer? I explain that a trim is ALWAYS about an inch and if at any time they feel more needs to be removed they need to communicate that with me and not just do it. I usually say (and I quote) "I never EVER should be suprised when I see the results of a trim"

- I ask what products they use, if their services always include a deep condition, the prices, how many times they shampoo. If they rollerset proficiently (I explain that I prefer not to use direct heat). I ask which days are usually the slowest (I mention that I've stopped patronizing salons because their services took entirely too long). I ask if they protect my previously relaxed hair, if they base before a touch up, I stress the importance of not overlapping.

- I also ask about their experience. Where they went to school, if they participate in continuing education, and I just ask questions to get an overall feeling for if they have "healthy" haircare practices.

Like I said, I've had some HORRIBLE experiences...so I don't feel badly about how many questions I ask or how specifically. But I find those that are tolerant to me asking all these questions are the ones that are most conducive to following my instructions and granting my requests. I have no time to deal with an attitude when it comes to me and my hurr!
If they are focused on healthy hair care. Do they work with natural hair. Skill level: can they actually do what I'm asking for and/or replicate an idea/picture of a style I bring in. Pictures of their previous work. If they are scissor happy. If they are punctual. If they overbook clients. How long it will take to get my hair service completed. The final price on a service beforehand, no changing up after the service is completed. And are they consistent with their pricing, I don't want to pay something this week and next month its more money, just because they forgot what they charged me before.

Yep, I've left a stylist for this. Just feeling like they are making up prices to see if I would go ahead and pay it.

I also forgot to mention that I mainly rely on stylists for relaxers and trims, and I explain that up front. I feel like if they know you will potentially become a regular - it can affect their prices. And regular is different for different people, it can be every 1, 2, 6, or 12 weeks.
Do they hold fast to their appointments? If I have to wait more than 10 min when I have an appointment or they cancel, I will never go back.

When was the last time you changed that barbecide?

If I see ANYBODY doing two relaxers at once, I'm outta there.

If I see relaxer overlap, I would not get any chemical services there.