For Those Who Relax after Two Months Or More


New Member
Hi guys,

I got my hair relaxed last week after waiting eleven weeks. As my stylist was relaxing my hair she made the statement that she should really charge me extra for the amount of newgrowth that I had. She said it was almost like I had virgin hair and she said she had to use extra relaxer as a result. I only had one inch of newgrowth. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Has anyone ever been charged extra based on the amount of newgrowth they had?? I was really annoyed with her comments.
Maybe I'll start bringing my own relaxer from now on. It really irritates me that stylist give folks who wait two months or more such a hard time when they go in for a retouch.

I've never heard that before.... my stylist will comment that there's a lot (I usually have about 3/4ths to an in places... but he never says anything about charging me more.... nor does he complain. How Bizzare... I should think they should like seeing your hair grow... if you have a healthy head... it can only be a good thing for them too.
I'm sure quite a few women here heard the same comments. Personally I think it's ruse to get more money out of you by getting you to come in more often. Either bring your own relaxer or find a new stylist.
I never used to hear my hairdresser say that when I had relaxed hair, and I used to have it retouched every 12 weeks or so.
Girl, this is utterly absurd! I mean what is next? I have to agree with Jazz that you are really cutting into her budget...the woman wants your money EVERY month...goodness. That is really pathetic.

I wonder even if you bring your own relaxer, if she would still charge you. She'd probably say that it was for her time and the extra services.

Think it may be time to look elsewhere

Tell her " In that case, I will not be able to afford you!", smile and leave it at that. She will get the hint! Bonjour.
Thanks for the suggestion ladies. What really made me start to get suspicious is the lady who got her hair done ahead of me had hair down to her waist and my stylist said she only came ever six months for a retouch. I wonder if this lady is charged "extra" for her newgrowth.

I think when I call for my next retouch I'm going to tell her that I'm bringing in my own relaxer and see what she says. I really hope I'm not going to have to switch stylist because of extra newgrowth.

The salon I went to does the same thing. I ran a post on it because I thought it was bizarre. It's actually a line item on their price list. They charged me 3/4ths of the price of a full relaxer when I went for a retouch at around 14 weeks. They call it a comb through. I've left the salon because of this. I like what they did for my hair - but that was also before I discovered this forum and began following the excellent advice I read here. Regardless of my opinion before, it's hard for me to believe their marketing that they want customers to have healthy hair when they are also telling them they "need" a retouch every 6 weeks. I think it's more accurate to say that they need me to have a retouch every 6 weeks.
I agree with the rest. Its a stupid idea and you should consider moving on, esp. if they refuse your suggestion of bringing your relaxer.

This sounds just like that awful place Joseph that I went to last year. While there, I asked about the cost of touch ups and why the price varied amongst clients, can you believe Natasha (the supposed great stylist there who quadriple booked me with others including free2beme) said 'it depends on the length of your hair.'

I too think that is totally ludicrous. I wouldn't go back to her again. It sounds like she has a bad attitude. ("I should charge you extra...") What was that? A threat? Puh-lease!! I wouldn't even want her hands in my hair!!
I heard some girls, some mothers and some stylists saying that some stylists were charging the girls with the ages: 14 or 15 at the beginning. The stylists were transfering from kiddie to adult relaxer.
i have never ever heard of that before...your stylist was just trying to get extra money out of you. There was a time when i went six months without a relaxer(imaging how much new growth i had) and i went to the mall to get my hair relaxed. my stylist certainly did not charge me extra for relaxing all the new growth i had and it was my first time ever going to her. Find a new stylist
That remark sounds like it may have been laced with a little bit of anger. I wouldn't want someone who is angry with me to do my hair. Ask her if you can bring your relaxer, but whatever you do, don't piss her off and let her do your hair! I'm scurrrred. You may have to consider moving on.
Hi, Katseyes here! I got that post late, but I find so crazy, I mean that hairdresser is! Well, for my part, I relax my hair myself with kids hair relaxer every 8 weeks. I've been doing it for almost 10 years and I don't have any problem with it!
I would have taken that applicator brush and rammed it a 3/4inch somewhere very dark. She's trying to make a mug out of you luv, I wouldn't have it. When in the world was 1 inch, 2.5 friggin centimetres of hair considered virgin or even comparable??
These stylists are a trip.
Out of curiousity how much extra was she thinking of charging you?
I got it all the time! my old stylist kept demanding I come in every 6 wks and if I came in later she would huff and puff and complain about how much new growth I had and charge me extra! Now I'm back on my 12wk schedule which gives me about 2 and a half to 3 inches new growth. I changed stylists and so far have only gone to her for a touch up once but seeing as how it was wk 13 I know she was like "danng!!" she asked me when I was planning on comming back in and I said "12wks" and while she didnt say anything I could see it all in her eyes!

I also asked my old stylist could I bring my own relaxer and she told me she was going to charge me the exact same no matter what because I was paying for her services. Yet, if I wanted her to use a particular brand she didnt use because it was too expensive (affirm) then she was going to charge me extra on top of the normal fee! between her super chops every touch up and a myriad of other things I had enough and thanks to some wonderful support from members of bhcab and here I moved on!
You know what this is now another reason why i am not running in2 the salon soon. Even though yeah my ends may need some clipping im ok w/it cause im nto wearing it flat but i dont wanna hear the stylist get on me bout how i really need to have them trimmed and prolly other stylist join in on talkin bout how bad my hair looks, etc. I dont wanna hear it. Good thing though i brought this book about haircutting maybe i can just do it myself. :^P. Maaan i hope they dont do that w/me. I have maybe 1 and 1/2 inch of new growth or maybe just an inch i dunno. :^P But im not ready to go in2 the shop yet. I'd rather just press my own hair or have my mama do it. hmf. LOL Then trim it and then after a few weeks or so get the perm.
Before I started getting serious about my own hair care and stopped letting the stylist dictate to me what to do, I was getting a retouch every 5 weeks!!! I shudder now just to think of that! Now, I wait 10 to 12 weeks before I get a retouch and she swore up and down that I would have tons of breakage. 12 weeks later I measured my hair and had 3 inches of new growth! I went to her for a retouch, and she said I had no signs of growth and that I had breakage that required an inch to a inch and a half of trimming! Is that a nasty attitude or what? I said no thank you, got out of the chair and took my three inches of new growth home and did my retouch myself! HA HA HA!!! (it was underprocessed, but I still kept my new growth and have even more now!LOL)
LondonDiva I have no idea how much extra she was thinking of charging me. She just made the statement that the amount of relaxer she had to use for my hair was the equivalent of what she'd have to use for two relaxer touch-ups!
So I'm guessing she wanted to charge me double? I didn't want to say too much in protest while she was relaxing my hair because I didn't want her to jack up my head!! (I'm four inches to brastrap!
I've worked too hard!). I ended up giving her a $10 tip and she was so happy to get it! That seemed to shut her up.

Pandora, I know!! It just doesn't make sense to me but I like her work so I guess I'll be sticking with her for now. I get so tired of switching stylists.

Girl, this is utterly absurd! I mean what is next? I have to agree with Jazz that you are really cutting into her budget...the woman wants your money EVERY month...goodness. That is really pathetic.

I wonder even if you bring your own relaxer, if she would still charge you. She'd probably say that it was for her time and the extra services.

Think it may be time to look elsewhere


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I agree with Jade. This IS utterly absurd. IMO, one should never be charged extra for one inch of new growth (or more). Some of these hair stylists are definitely a trip.
I've never been charged based on the amount of new growth I have. Hmph, if I ever am, I better be told BEFORE any relaxer hits my hair (so I can just go back home and find another hair stylist).

My two cents?

You and I have about pretty much the same hair type. Because my hair is thick, I've heard this many times before by other stylists. I almost feel guilty! Almost!

Look here's what I think! In my case, #1 stylists may not have to deal with thicker hair on a regular basis and the growth may signal that they have to use more relaxer than usual.

So f-in what!

Everytime a stylist has ever said that to me, I just laughed it off. Cause I tip very well, for a job well done and if you don't want my money, someone else will. No one has ever actually charged me more but they sure have *****ed about it.

When I went into my current stylist last weekend for a retouch (12th week), she made the comment that a) she was expecting all this crazy growth cause I am notorious for waiting way past the hair stylists ideal time limit, and b) that she should charge me more.

I laughed and then rolled my eyes at her and asked point blank why she was tripping cause there wasn't that much growth?

So she was like, " you need to come in more often..blah, blah, blah" and I'm like, #1) I don't get paid like that, #2) I am taking better care of my hair and I believe that 6-8 weeks is too soon and I WON'T do it for fear mostly of overlapping.

She nodded and I told her that I take very good care of my hair, making sure to deep condition under the salon dryer every week. So we came to an agreement that if I came in every 8 weeks for a trim (which, I agree I may need cause I havent achieved near my goal results up to this point and I have breakage issues.), she won't [censored] and moan about my waiting 12-14 weeks for a retouch.

That way, she gets a little extra money, I am sure to keep my ends healthy (only till my hair is long enough to dust on my own), and I get touchups when I want... It's win win.

I understand the other ladies' points about charging extra being unfair. But I have witnessed first hand the extra amount of relaxer my previous stylists have used from when I went 8 weeks to when I waited till much later to retouch.

They do use more product, but the way I see it, for the amount they charge for a retouch, shooooot, I'm worth it. Oh-kaaaay????

Besides, what business doesn't experience some kind of loss? Puh-lease!!!!!

Pooh, it's your money, Child! Do not overtip because you feel guilty. Explain to your stylist that this is how you have decided to take care of YOUR hair. If she goes ahead and tries to charge you more, tell her that you will be looking in the future for someone who understands and respects your hair needs.

I know my reply was long winded but this thread really hit home for me.

Good luck,

P.S. you have 12 more months to formulate your