For Those Who Part Your Hair


New Member

Have you ever parted your hair "wrong" and it looked "off" that day? :nuts:
This happens to me once in a while, including today. My hair didn't look right and I thought I was having a bad hair day. Couldn't figure it out for the longest. Then I reparted my hair and two people gave me a hair compliment shortly afterwards. The part was a side part but wasn't in the right place. Has something like this ever happened to you? And do you prefer side, center or off-center parts?
This is so cute :) It's funny that people notice that you did something a little different w/your hair.

I intentionally switch my parts up so my hair doesn't get used to it. I've worn a part almost everyday all my life, but now I'm experimenting wearing my hair down w/no part, just all going back. Funny thing is I've gotten more compliments with no part lately :(.
SouthernGirl said:
This is so cute :) It's funny that people notice that you did something a little different w/your hair.

I intentionally switch my parts up so my hair doesn't get used to it. I've worn a part almost everyday all my life, but now I'm experimenting wearing my hair down w/no part, just all going back. Funny thing is I've gotten more compliments with no part lately :(.
It sounds like you know exactly where your parts should go, even when you switch them. For example, I don't look right if my hair is parted straight down the center. But if I make it slightly off center, it looks so much better.

That's interesting that you're getting more compliments with no part! That's wonderful!
I switch my parts so that I don't get "too" used to it being in a particular spot. I will sometimes part in the middle, on the right or left side or none at all.
ballet_bun said:
I switch my parts so that I don't get "too" used to it being in a particular spot. I will sometimes part in the middle, on the right or left side or none at all.
I've seen people who never switch parts and the part seems to widen or something.
Mine used to do that, and I couldn't figure out why it looked funny. I finally just started shaking my head and letting the hair fall were it would...then make the part straighter. Lol. My hair decided it likes the center part best...
Isis said:
It sounds like you know exactly where your parts should go, even when you switch them. For example, I don't look right if my hair is parted straight down the center. But if I make it slightly off center, it looks so much better.

That's interesting that you're getting more compliments with no part! That's wonderful!

It's weird, but my comb tends to lead the way :)

It's almost as if the part is "permanently" there on the side. I agree with you though that when I have it slightly off-centered, I like it a lot better.
SouthernGirl said:
It's weird, but my comb tends to lead the way :)

It's almost as if the part is "permanently" there on the side. I agree with you though that when I have it slightly off-centered, I like it a lot better.

Hey SG!! :wave:

Glad to see your fonts, I missed you! :kiss:
Isis said:
I've seen people who never switch parts and the part seems to widen or something.

That is EXACTLY why switch my parts around. The hair against a part can get thin if it brushed the same way all the time. When I wear my hair pulled back I like the part slightly off center, but when I wear it out I like a center part.
SouthernGirl said:
This is so cute :) It's funny that people notice that you did something a little different w/your hair.

I intentionally switch my parts up so my hair doesn't get used to it. I've worn a part almost everyday all my life, but now I'm experimenting wearing my hair down w/no part, just all going back. Funny thing is I've gotten more compliments with no part lately :(.

Practically forever I have been wearing the same part. In the center 80% of time, or parted on left 20% of time. This summer I did something I never did, I wore no part and wore it all back, smooth.
People went crazy. Compliments, family was like wow :eek:you look gorgeous. I don't know if its because I actually did look good or that I finally switched my hairstyle.
Anyway I'm back to my trusty center part. It automatically falls that way now.
sylver2 said:
Practically forever I have been wearing the same part. In the center 80% of time, or parted on left 20% of time. This summer I did something I never did, I wore no part and wore it all back, smooth.
People went crazy. Compliments, family was like wow :eek:you look gorgeous. I don't know if its because I actually did look good or that I finally switched my hairstyle.
Anyway I'm back to my trusty center part. It automatically falls that way now.
I'm wondering if wearing your long hair back without a part looks more exotic. And it probably makes your beautiful features (and SG's too) stand out even more so.
I mostly part my hair in the middle, but I think I look best with a side part. If I part on the side it's always on the left. Sometimes when I wear a ponytail I just brush my hair back no part.
I usually wear my "old man" off center left side part. One day when I got a blow-out, the stylist parted my hair dead center even though I kept saying that I wanted it on the left side and even pointed to the left side of my head. I just left the salon with the part in the center and I swear, it felt like I was walking sideways all day.
Isis said:
I don't look right if my hair is parted straight down the center. But if I make it slightly off center, it looks so much better.
DITTO!!! For some reason, I think I look ridiculous with a center part. I always do my parts on the side or off center.
I like to switch my parts up also. I wear off center more often than not, but I also do center, curve, or zig zag parts just to make it look different.
I have a big head and thought that parting it down the middle would make me look old but as my hair grew longer, wearing it down with a part in the middle is soo cute.

I rarely part my hair on the right side. This may have something to do with me being right handed, or the fact that I can't see out of my left eye :perplexed

Oh, and I hate wearing my hair parted down the middle when I wear a ponytail. I look like Susan B. Anthony.