? for those on the Wanakee Challenge


Well-Known Member
I can not afford to purchase any wanakee products just yet so, I was going to use what I have on hand. I was going to use ouidad products and nexxus products until they run out and then use elucence. I was really trying not to buy anything because I have so much stuff.
What can I use for the hairline cream and contant care for the ends. Will any gel and heavy grease work? I need some suggestions. Also I had only planned on getting trims twice a year. My hair is till too short for a bun so I wear it in a puff to work and sleep on a satin pillow case at night( I am a wild sleeper) what else can I do?

A heavy grease MIXED with a little gel (non-alcoholic) should work. More grease than gel.....I use a thick conditioner (diez en uno), and a little gel and some grease mixed together.

She says as long as you keep your hair covered when you're indoors, and up as best you can get it, that not wearing protective styles when you're out is enough. She says this is more necessary as the hair gets longer.
I found these products to be good substitutes for Wanakee's for me. (I never tried the shampoo):

Conditioner: Lady Velvet Instant Repair
Detangler: African Royale Daily Doctor, African Royale BRX Braid Spray or Grandma’s Secret Recipe Will-Gro Scalp Spray
Hairline Crème: Elasta QP Glaze or Vonte Silk Effects
Oil: Wild Growth, ApHogee EFA Oil Concentrate or Healthier Hair in a Bottle
Constant Care for Ends: Vaseline, John Frieda Secret Weapon or any cheap hair grease
Braid Spray: African Royale BRX
Thanks Tracy, How did your texturizer go. I see you used Arosci...do you do it your self or at a salon. If finally found a few places in Charlotte that I can get Nexxus cheap...yeah.
I'm going to have to try the grease/gel trick.
They did the texturizer at the Hair Cuttery, auntybe...

Where are you getting Nexxus for cheap?
I get it at Tisun on North Tryon or Freedom Drive and Midtown Hair Connection on Kings Drive. I also saw some Nexxus at Target on South Blvd.
Thank you much darlin'!

So you know, there's a hair salon on E. Independance and Village Lake that has the liter sizes of a bunch of products 2/25.
Nexxus included. Can't remember the name of the salon, but they carry everything - Design Essentials, Nexxus, Kenra....

I love that place. And it's within walking distance of my house.
Thanks, I know where the salon is. Just in case you need it Midtown Hiar Connection also carries Dudley's
I found that shea butter, or a hair pomade and light gel (fantasia IC or aloe) worked well in place of the hairline creme.
I am not on the challenge but have used Wanakee's products several times in the past. I would recommend Fresh's Hair Cream. While expensive ($20), you can request samples from fresh.com (they last a while) or you can go into Sephora and pick up a sample.