For those of you who get an inch a month...

How can putting moisture on your existing hair and protective styling make more hair come out of your scalp?
i think maybe she means that by putting moisture on her already existing hair that she's SEEING more growth, b/c she's maintaining and keeping what comes out of her head and that attributes to the overall length... or something like that! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
that's what i think. personally for me i get about 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch a month on avg. vitamins dont really MAKE my hair grow in faster but they help the quality of what comes out. keeping that growth, in terms of preserving my ends and seeing the inch that grew in, ON the length of my hair. has been a problem for me.
I dont get an inch and i used to worry about it, now i just dont care, whatever comes out is good for me
I would say moisture and vitamins. I used to wear protective styles when my hair was long, but I got tired of it, and just started putting as much moisture on my hair ends before I went to bed. Now that my hair is short, I can't do protective styles yet, so I rely on moisture a lot. Vitamins don't hurt, but if you don't keep your hair moisturized you can grow an inch a month, but have damaged split ends that kill the progress.

So I am a believer in moisture, and then vitamins.
I agree with Beana3. Nothing short of illness, or damage to the scalp slows down hair growth. Your hair is constantly growing. But heat, and dry ends can contribute to split ends which have to be cut, so you can have an inch of growth but 1/4" of split ends that should be cut. Now I know people who never trim (I was one of them), my hair grew and grew, but the area that needed to be cut looked pretty raggedy compared to my hair that was in good shape.

So moisture doesn't make your hair grow, but it can help a person accumulate length because they don't have to cut off see through, dry, fuzzy ends of due to excessive dryness.
I still don't get it. I was told that nothing you do to your existing hair can effect your new growth. Are we talking about putting moisture on your scalp? I still don't know how protective hair styling can make more hair grow from your scalp. I have braids which are like the ultimate protective style and I only have about 1/4 inch after three weeks. I also moisturize them twice daily. What am I doing wrong? I would love to get an inch a month but I just don't understand how that works.
But then that would mean that everyone gets an inch of new growth but only some people keep that inch. I don't even get an inch a month. I only get a 1/2 inch most months. How can I get an inch a month coming from my scalp? It would be so much easier to reach my goal if I got an inch instead of a half inch. I already moisturize daily and because I have braids I would get to keep it all.
I understand what you are saying HoneyRockette.
If people are actually getting an inch a month from their scalp, it is usually a combination of genetics and vitamins/certain foods.
I take a multi-vitamin daily and I still only get about half an inch per month.
I was wondering if the people who are getting an inch a month are taking extra protein or biotin in some form.
Actually, I wanted to see if a pattern was being established amongst those who get an inch. Personally, I really don't know what I get I just want to retain it so that I see length. If there are things that they do consistently to get that inch or just in taking care of their existing hair...then I would incorporate those things into my routine to see if it would work for me too.
I would say diet and vitamins.

Moisture, good care, etc... only keep and retain hair that's already there.

Adequate nutrient intake is where you can get growth. If your current diet doesn't provide you with enough vitamins, proteins, EFA, etc. for you follicles to work at their maximum, then you'll have sub-optimal hair growth. Most food we eat today in western countries is poor in nutrients due to pollution, transgenics, pesticides etc.

Hair, nails, etc. are non essential body functions, and your systems gives priority to such things as your brain, heart, etc. and the hair and nails get the left overs. Only if you feed yourself enough of everything will you get your optimal growth.
Daily recommended intakes (RDA etc.) are basically BS. What they mean is the amount you should take to stay away from illness, not the amount you should take to be at your optimal health.

Taking supplements will help you to track down where and what you are lacking. People like Bargello have only succeded in identifying what they were missing.

Whenever you can see improvements from taking vitamins, you are lacking!

I agree with Chocolatechild,

It's a combination of everything and just leaving the hair alone. The more I leave mine alone, the more I notice growth. The more I look for growth, the less I get it. I'm sure it's a pyschological thing. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
i'm with you hairfanatic! i ain't nevah got an inch a month. heck, i'm jumping up and down with half an inch. my bottom line has been basically just leaving my hair alone regardless of how much it grows per month. after all, as i like to say alot, "hair is like money. it's not what you make. it's what you keep." /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I don't get a full inch a month either. I'm more of a 1/2 and inch a month kinda gal! I'm not upset about it anymore cause the way I look at it is it's 1.2 an inch more than I had last month and half an inch closer to my hair goal!
I get an inch a month.
I'm sure that my hair has been growing faster and healthier since I've been taking hair supplements, but what could also factor into that is that I get enough sleep, exercise, and try to keep myself stress-free although I'm a full time student. I also eat healthy meals and drink water 95% of the time. All of my hair tonics are organic, although my favorite hair "tonic" is water.
I've never gotten an inch of growth in a month. But my hair growth has gone from 1/4" to almost 3/4" of growth in a month and I definately attribute that to the vitamins I take. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I get about an inch a month I'm trying to up it since someone posted 1.5". I have to say I beleive it's protective styling, moisture, vitamins, and excercise. I really noticed more growth once I took better care of my hair and myself.
Great posts!

I should also mention that my hair still looks very short, since it's growing in a corkscrew [the size of a pen spring] and I tend to mat it down.