for the LADIES who WASH in BRAIDS....


Well-Known Member
Now that I've learned in an earlier thread--that my routine was 100% bona fide, certified

Let me ask y'all this.

I'm 20+ post relaxer, and my hair is 4b, and loves to mat and loc, naturally.

Can I wash my hair in 8 braids, uses the 2 minute reconstructer (aphogee), then silicon mix, while in braids the whole time? My main concern is the reconstructer, and applying that on braided hair.

For extra credit, ladies, have any of y'all, ever used the heavy aphogee 2 step, while in braids?

Muchas gracias in advance.

I don't use any heavy protein products while in braids. I am concerned that I can't wash it all out.

When I am in braids I usually use a spray bottle to put my wash product in my head and then use a large plastic cup and/or large sponge to rinse it out instead of letting the shower heard run through the breads. This tends to keep the braids in decent shape a little longer.
You could do the reconstructor in with everything, make sure to rinse really well. Heavy protein (2 step)...probably shouldn't risk it.
I ALWAYS wash my hair in 8 braids.......AL-WAYS keeps my hair nice and detangled.

I condition my hair in the braids and Deep Condition in them 2 min Aphogee and all but the 2-Step Hard Core Aphogee:perplexed....Not sure I'd do a protien that heavy in braids, but I think even that is feasible.

Washing and conditioning in Braids is one of the biggest keys to success for my tightly coily hair.

When I did Aphogee I unbraided my hair, but I think it could have been fine you just have to rinse more thoroughly. I'm actually intending on doing the Aphogee Treatment this weekend and now you got me wanting to just keep my hair in the braids all the way through:scratchch
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I wash in braids,DC and everything, but as someone already
said - not so sure about the 2 min protein.How about Infusium 23 instead?
Ladies I adore y'all for answering my pregunta so quickly--I am so smitten with this board.

I am going to wash in braids, complete with the 2 min reconstructer. BUT I shall skip the DRC/Aphogee Heavy Protein in braids. Thanks ladies.


I usually do everything while my hair is in 6 braids. Sometimes I may undo the braids after a protein treatment to make sure I rinse thoroughly. I do this one braid at a time and then I just twist each section instead of rebraiding.