for mothers that had a c-section, how did you wear your hair for the hospital?


Well-Known Member
for mothers that had or is scheduled to have a c-section, how did you wear your hair during your surgery and hospital stay?

the first time, it was an emergency c-section for me, so i was pretty jacked up. the second time was scheduled. i got corn rows going back, but i ended up looking like Queen Latifah in Set It Off. i need a hairstyle that will have me look cute and something i will be able to maintain while recovering in the hospital for 4 days.

i thought about getting braids, but i am so scared for my hairline.
My c-section was scheduled... But for the day of. I was relaxed at thee time and just wore it in a wrap. I will say this though: once my beautiful girl arrived, my hair was the LAST thing on my mind! :)

Congratulations to you, by the way!

For what it's worth, my scheduled c-section was a breeze!
I had already been in labor for a full day beforehand, and most of that day. I think my hair was wrapped up in a satin scarf, but they pumped me so full of drugs (they had effed up my epi Twice, and had to make sure I was good for the surgery) my hair could have been in a jeweled pink turban for all I know. :lachen: And when I came to, halfway through the section and saw my first only thought was "Who's white baby is that??", and I barely held it together long enough to hear my 2nd son cry before it was lights out again. :lachen::lachen:

Just as long as its up, and out of the way...that first day of being a Mom is so major, you really don't want to fuss with your hair at all. :yep:
I had two emergency c sections and my hair was in a high bun at both times. I would suggest you get your hair braided because hair is the last thing on your mind when your highly medicated and in pain. Plus you have to lay on your back for 24 hrs, not fun at all
First time he was premature, I was totally unprepared and the hair was a complete mess. :lol:
Number 2 I had weaved up cornrows and number 3 I think I did some 2strand twists.

All I know is after the first, I couldnt go in looking like that again. I kept my hair done well ahead of time just in case too. :yep:

ETA: Oh and number 1 was the only one that was a c-section.
I didnt have a c-section, but as an L&D nurse, I just wanted to let you guys know that if you look crazy, we will talk about you :lol:.....

I kid, I kid :grin:......Just bring your own pillow with a satin pillowcase and just make sure your hair doesnt get dry. As long as it is neat and not all over your head, nobody is going to care.

I had a midwife attended childbirth and after 24 hours of unmedicated labor I looked like Harriet Tubman leading the slaves through the underground railroad. Nobody has ever seen pictures lol. Im glad I wasnt in the hospital and it was just me, my husband, and the midwife because I looked CRAZY!! Of course I didnt know or care at the time, but I shuddered when I saw the few pics my husband took that day. I looked ok until about halfway through it...then it was downhill. At the end....drenched in sweat, racoon eyes, hair everywhere....:nono:

Nobody expects you to look like the cover of a magaine when you have a baby. From time to time we see the really extra over the top woman with a full face of flawless makeup and not a hair out of place...its very rare though!
First time he was premature, I was totally unprepared and the hair was a complete mess. :lol:
Number 2 I had weaved up cornrows and number 3 I think I did some 2strand twists.

All I know is after the first, I couldnt go in looking like that again. I kept my hair done well ahead of time just in case too. :yep:

ETA: Oh and number 1 was the only one that was a c-section.

Marand13 Way to go on the VBAC! Hardly even heard of around here...the Docs wont even let the patients try, and even if they say they are going to, they dont even give them a fair shot before we are wheeling them to the back. :rolleyes:
I didnt have a c-section, but as an L&D nurse, I just wanted to let you guys know that if you look crazy, we will talk about you :lol:.....

I kid, I kid :grin:......Just bring your own pillow with a satin pillowcase and just make sure your hair doesnt get dry. As long as it is neat and not all over your head, nobody is going to care.

I had a midwife attended childbirth and after 24 hours of unmedicated labor I looked like Harriet Tubman leading the slaves through the underground railroad. Nobody has ever seen pictures lol. Im glad I wasnt in the hospital and it was just me, my husband, and the midwife because I looked CRAZY!! Of course I didnt know or care at the time, but I shuddered when I saw the few pics my husband took that day. I looked ok until about halfway through it...then it was downhill. At the end....drenched in sweat, racoon eyes, hair everywhere....:nono:

Nobody expects you to look like the cover of a magaine when you have a baby. From time to time we see the really extra over the top woman with a full face of flawless makeup and not a hair out of place...its very rare though!

my pictures of me in the hospital were a hot mess! i am vain. i don't ever wanna look like that again! mine will be scheduled again, so i will have a better chance to prepare myself. plus, i don't wanna worry about my hair when i get home. i will have a house full of folks coming and going.
my pictures of me in the hospital were a hot mess! i am vain. i don't ever wanna look like that again! mine will be scheduled again, so i will have a better chance to prepare myself. plus, i don't wanna worry about my hair when i get home. i will have a house full of folks coming and going.

shortdub78 Have you seen the "new" way crochet braids are done with kinky curly bulk hair? Not the old school crinkly braid look lol...its really cute and simple bc all you do is crochet hair into cornrows or twists...there are a lot of tutorials on youtube and the style should get you through the first few weeks. I don't even like wearing fake hair and I've been thinking of doing it someone this winter or spring. I'll find links if you dint know what I'm talking about.
I was cute when I gave birth. My hospital pictures are gorgeous. Bella Baby comes in and takes pictures of the family and mine are beautiful. For DS#1 I had gotten a fresh weave a few days before, I brought my FHI Runway flatirons and products with me to the hospital. The next day my best friend came to the hospital and flat ironed and pin curled my hair so when it was picture time my hair was just a swinging. Also as soon as they took out all those IV’s and stuff I put on my street clothes while at the hospital. No gowns and stuff for me, I was up, moving around, hair laid, looking cute.

For DS #2 I wore my natural hair this time. The Dominicans did it a few days before I delivered. I took my hair dryer and flat irons and make up and stuff. But I pulled it back into a ponytail with a part on the side. Again Bella Baby came in and took pictures and my pics turned out cute again.

I had C-Sections for both. I never labored for either birth or did any hard work or felt any major pain for either birth. I do remember being really cold during CS #1 and I fell asleep during CS #2 but I was cute though. Lol
I was braided my whole pregnancy. I was in natural labor 36 hours. My DD was horizontal so she was never gonna come out that way. At 40 hrs, I gave birth by c-section.

And you know what? After 40 hours of hard labor, with hair braided--I still looked like shyt. I was the most exhausted I'd ever been in my life and could care less how cute I was('nt). lol
as an L&D nurse, I just wanted to let you guys know that if you look crazy, we will talk about you :lol:.....

^^:lol: I also want to say, if u do ur own braids w/extensions, make sure they are secure. I work in the OR, and once we were positioning a woman for neck surgery and she had done her own braids w/extensions. She didn't do it very well. Now mind you, where I live, I am the only BW in our OR. The only other POC is one surgeon and a couple of surgical residents. I guess, she didn't want to worry about her hair post-op. Anyway,with all the positioning for the surgery, some of the braids came loose and fell on the floor!! :lachen:
The others in the room (all were clear), were horrified, thinking they had pulled this woman's hair out :blush:!! I laughed until I cried at their faces! I calmy explained to them about extensions while I picked up her hair and put it in a baggy to send back with her.

So, whatever style u decide, make it secure! I had vaginal deliveries and was young and didn't care about my hair, so I looked ratched during my births. Both were born in the middle of the night...
shortdub78 Have you seen the "new" way crochet braids are done with kinky curly bulk hair? Not the old school crinkly braid look lol...its really cute and simple bc all you do is crochet hair into cornrows or twists...there are a lot of tutorials on youtube and the style should get you through the first few weeks. I don't even like wearing fake hair and I've been thinking of doing it someone this winter or spring. I'll find links if you dint know what I'm talking about.

I used to wear crochet braids its a cute style and im sure you would look fly during that c-section

Sckri23 from my SCH-I500 using LHCF
I didnt have a csection but I wore my hair in two bantu knots, one on each side, when I gave birth. Im thinking about what Im going to do my hair for baby number2 with 9 months of new growth already.
^^:lol: I also want to say, if u do ur own braids w/extensions, make sure they are secure. I work in the OR, and once we were positioning a woman for neck surgery and she had done her own braids w/extensions. She didn't do it very well. Now mind you, where I live, I am the only BW in our OR. The only other POC is one surgeon and a couple of surgical residents. I guess, she didn't want to worry about her hair post-op. Anyway,with all the positioning for the surgery, some of the braids came loose and fell on the floor!! :lachen:
The others in the room (all were clear), were horrified, thinking they had pulled this woman's hair out :blush:!! I laughed until I cried at their faces! I calmy explained to them about extensions while I picked up her hair and put it in a baggy to send back with her.

So, whatever style u decide, make it secure! I had vaginal deliveries and was young and didn't care about my hair, so I looked ratched during my births. Both were born in the middle of the night...

@crazytrish75 .....:lachen: I was eating when I read this and I almost choked laughing at them thinking they pulled her hair out!!! I totally get you...I am the only person of color (besides some Filipino's) that works in the whole hospital on days...I hear there is or was anothe BW on nights in the ICU...:nono: I hate the lack of diversity and the ignorance that goes along with it here.

I didnt have a csection but I wore my hair in two bantu knots, one on each side, when I gave birth. Im thinking about what Im going to do my hair for baby number2 with 9 months of new growth already.

@hotpinkButtafly I hope by the time the time comes when and if I have another that Ill be fully natural and Id probably wear my hair in twists. In your case Im thinking a high puff turned into a neat bun maybe? Thats how I mostly wear my hair now at 8 months post.
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@Leslie C

Sorry! Didn't mean to make you choke!:lol:
I know exactly what u mean about the lack of diversity. No one understands why I wear my bun all the time. They also give me funny looks when I say something about washing (cowashing) every other day, as you know us POC don't wash our hair and just layer grease on every day (or so they think, I just kim and don't bother to explain). I go to work so early, it is usually still wet. I have to wear caps all day in the OR, they are cotton so I wanted to start wearing my satin scarf under my hats for protection, but realized what kind of looks I would likely get in the locker room:look: I finally hit on a solution though and bought some satin material and lined all my scrub caps with it, Perfect:yep:
With my daughter c-section (emergency) my hair was cornrowed i believe, and with my son (planned c-section) i had my hair 2-strand twisted.
Mine wasn't planned but I knew I didn't wanna deal with my hair while there or at home.

I rocked crochet braids. I used Freetress water wave hair and I wore it long enough to put in a high bun during the delivery and hospital stay. Then had my mom cut them into a cute CL bob and rocked that for a little while afterwards. Then, as we settled into our mommy-baby schedule at home, I found time to take them out and rocked the cornrows for a week or two.

You could even just rock the short cute bob style for the whole time since it'll be difficult to raise your arms to put them into a bun.

GL! :)
I didn't have csections but I was induced and that had me in the hospital about 3-4 days. The first time was unexpected and my hair was a hot mess. I was relaxed then but hadn't had a relaxer in months. It looked terrible and I didn't know what to do with the new growth back then.

This last time, I'd intended to put in twists but was too tired and also my hands were so swollen that it was painful to do my hair. I ended up wearing a twist out and it worked out well, pulled back in a puff.

Here's my hair after the baby was born


I'm not posting any pictures from that first birth LOL

I want to say that I did bring my satin pillowcase to sleep on (and writhe in pain on lol) at the hospital.
I had two emergency c sections and my hair was in a high bun at both times. I would suggest you get your hair braided because hair is the last thing on your mind when your highly medicated and in pain. Plus you have to lay on your back for 24 hrs, not fun at all

Very true. I couldn't move my legs and the nurses had to do everything for me.
*Side note tip, I drank prune juice during my hospital stay to keep things regular.
I intended on putting in braids or cornrows - after a trim, but I went in there with flat ironed hair and a scarf on. Lost the scarf and looked a fright for about 2 days. I got myself together enough to put in some twist a few days into my stay.

Get a low maintenance long term away style cuz you will be busy/out of comission for a long while.
crazytrish75 I wear my satin scarf under my ugly blue bonnet and dare anyone to say anything. They may talk behind my back but since I'm a surgeon and they know I don't play that no one dares to say anything to my face. I'm the only person of color in the OR except for a male Filipino anesthesiologist. In fact I'm pretty much only POC in the hospital except a social worker, 1 nurse & the operator.

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Oh yeah my hair was pretty cute with each c-sec. 1st was premature but I was getting my hair done regularly. And 2nd came 1 week earlier than scheduled but I had my hair in 2 stand twists with extensions I did myself that everyone thought was all my hair.

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aa9746 I refused any narcotic medications so I would stay regular. I had 1 shot of toradol and then did Motrin for pain thereafter.

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Very true. I couldn't move my legs and the nurses had to do everything for me.
*Side note tip, I drank prune juice during my hospital stay to keep things regular.

It seemed as if I had to learn to walk again. They gave me magnesium, but that didn't help, it just filled my stomach with soo much gas to the point other people could hear and see the gas moving around in my abdomen.
I had 4 flat twist. It looked kind of like my avatar. I was induced and ended up with my emergency c-section.

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Marand13 Way to go on the VBAC! Hardly even heard of around here...the Docs wont even let the patients try, and even if they say they are going to, they dont even give them a fair shot before we are wheeling them to the back. :rolleyes:

Leslie_C - 2 VBACs!!!!


Yea they tried to get me with the other two.. I said absolutely not!! My first was a minor complication. The other 2 had none. And they all came at 38 weeks so the docs cudnt schedule one if they wanted to.. :grin:
shortdub78 Have you seen the "new" way crochet braids are done with kinky curly bulk hair? Not the old school crinkly braid look lol...its really cute and simple bc all you do is crochet hair into cornrows or twists...there are a lot of tutorials on youtube and the style should get you through the first few weeks. I don't even like wearing fake hair and I've been thinking of doing it someone this winter or spring. I'll find links if you dint know what I'm talking about.

That would be a really cute style to go in with. :yep:
With that you wouldnt have to think about your hair and still look fab!