
New Member
~~~~Hi Ladies~~~~~~~~

An inquring mind would like to know......How long did it take your hair to stop shedding when you stopped taking these products? Were you using these products daily? If not, how often??

Or., did your hair continue shedding?

I'm just trying to figure out when should one be concerned about the shedding.

I do understand that the hair sheds 100 hairs a day. But how much is too much, ya know???

BTW...I am happy with OCT. I just started MT this week. I'm in braids and can't really tell how much shedding my hair is doing.

I just wanted to throw the question out there :drunk:.
Well,............ I guess it's safe to say....EVERYBODY is happy with using MT/OCT....this is good news to me!!!!
I would like to know also... I have experienced an increase... I am upping my moisture, since I am 7 weeks post and this is the time my hair goes crazy :spinning: anyway... I am also upping my garlic in take and B-complex...

I added EVOO with garlic oil to my mixture, SAA, coconut oil to combat the shedding too...
Gave it up, gave it up, gave it up!!! I could not take the shedding. I read all the talk about old hairs shedding for new hairs but no no, that explanation does not cut it for me at all. My hair was growing before and I did not have to shed so many hairs for it to do so. I also did not notice any great increase in growth. Surge 14 gave me a lot of new growth though. It will remain one of my staples as long as I can continue to get my hands on it off of Ebay.

I gave Mega-Tek and Ovation time but that shedding did not stop and I was not going to wait another couple of months to see if it would stop. I also take garlic vitamins everyday so I wonder what would happen if I did'nt do that.:burning:

Products will work differently on different people. You have to find what works best for you and stick with it. And remember, always take your vitamins because a healthy inside produces a healthy outside. :reddancer:
Just posting to say, I was about to stop the OCT due to shedding when all of a sudden it stopped - right around the 2 and a half week mark. I still shed a few hairs with each treatment but nothing like before, and I don't know if that's the same as my usual since I never paid attention until I started the OCT.

I didn't even need to try garlic, though I might pick up some garlic supplements anyway. I really think there's a certain number of hairs that have their cycle sped up by the growth aid but once they're gone it'll be normal.