To hang out, please share
Form of color (semi, demi, permanent, etc)
I was using semi, but that stuff just runs right out of my head and onto my pillow. I need an alternative.
How often you color
I just started a few weeks ago :wink2:
Your color regimen if any
See #2
How long you have been coloring or your coloring history
When I first went natural I put a permanent color in my hair. It left it feeling so raw that I cut off two years worth of growth. That's how nasty my hair felt. No amount of conditioning would change it. I think the brand was Dark n Lovely. The color looked so pretty though. (and tell me if this is true-my mother said that store bought brands made for black women are usually pretty harsh and that I would have better luck with something like Loreal). I just recently started putting rinses in it. I tried a beautiful but if it had any effect only God could see it. Now I am experimenting with a brand called Avatar. I am trying to get the perfect dark Cherry Cola color (a nice color that I think the military will let me get away with
I just washed my hair the other day and I'm pretty sure the rest of the rinse came out. Prior to that, any time I would moisturize my hair (using Hawaii Silky at the moment) the dye would rub off. Super annoying.
Anything else you would like to share.
I am trying to avoid permanent dye because I am afraid of it. If anybody has any suggestions by all means let me know.