For all you, lovers out there...


Well-Known Member
Not that I'm dating anyone right now, but I'm curious about something:

Do you alter your NIGHTIME hair routine when you have a "special" night planned with your mate?

I can't imagine wearing my plastic cap or scarf to bed or applying my stinky MTG when I trying to set the "mood" -especially early in a new relationship.
I would have my hair down and probably freshly washed. Guys like to play in your hair, although it gets on my nerves if he doesn't ask first.
Men don't really care, you have to be real with them, girl!

Do all your special events BEFORE you do your hair. :lol:
Well....Yes and no.

In the beginning you have to actually get used to the fact that he'll be there. I would forget that he's there and go get ready to put some moisturizer and pin curl my hair then I realized "Oh...that may not be so cute when I'm done". I'd end up doing stuff in the morning to counteract the neglect the night before.
Now...I go in there and do what I need. He showed up on valentines day and played bejeweled while I sat under the hair dryer.(he came early). He said handle your business.
So it all depends on the stage you are in. If you lucky enough to find a man that understand healthy hair care, then you wont have a problem. Mine actually tells me if my hair needs to be washed...hes taller so he can see it. :lol: And he still wants to be next to me when I have my satin cap on. :p
Been married five years thank God, and just being who I am, I always do it up on special nights, from my night clothes > the toes>and especially the hair. Even if it's just a simple, neat pony tail, and men love to see their lady lookin' good, and if they don't they just want to hit and rollover. LOL, but on any regular old night you do you pin it up, oil it up, tie it up heck w/it put that green facial mask on , LOL, but ITA w/ Porche 19 handle your night time hair thing after your special events. You may not even thinkink about hair when it's all said and done you just want to sleep. LOL.
At the end of the day most men know what we go through to take care of our hair. I'll admit when i was first dating DH my hair was all over the place, when you're in the moment you aren't thinking about your hair then you just fall asleep lol. So yes my hair was rough. I was still doing what i needed to do with it in the morning so i wasn't totally neglecting it.
However that lasted a week, i was thinking if this guy was truely into me he would think i look just as great with my sleeping cap on, and of course it worked out fine. DH has surprised me over the course of our relationship because he's white and yet he encourages me to do whatever i think is necessary for my haircare. If we had a daughter and i died, i would trust him 100% to take care of her hair properly.

So i say do what suits you at the time, and maybe talk to him about your hair and what you need to do to make sure you stay looking good.
Curildiva- gurl i am in Woodbridge, va- glad to see a homie. anywho- in response to your question- i am seeing someone right now- i don't do my nightly routine when he comes over- i just do a cowash with a nice scent(like wild cherry, honey and almond,balsam or whatever) then i moisturize with glycerin and water and sleep on a satin pillow case. I usually oil and apply my plastic cap at nite- but i just do another co-wash after he leaves to counteract not doing my nitely routine.