For all of my Naturals and Transitioners. I'm in need of help


New Member
What I wanna know is to everyone who is natural or are transitioning or have already BC'd (lol yes i'm learning the lingo.. Well trying to :yep:). How long did you wait til' you BC'd? or for transitioning how much growth are you trying to get until you BC?....

I have about an inch of new growth but I'm trying to wait a little while because I'm just starting and I wanted to know some opinions :spinning:....
At this rate i'm transitioning for 2 years. I'm almost 7 months post and i have just over 2 inches of growth. I'm hoping to get a growth spurt in the summer then maybe i can do a year and a half.
I've shaved my whole head bald three times in my life when I was dissatisfied with my hair. If things weren't working out with my hair I had this tendency to start from Ground Zero. I think it's easier to do it that way. My hair grows in faster and softer after that. Don't know if that helps but that was my experience with the BC.
I transitioned for 5 months and BC'd on January 8th. My damaged relaxed ends were breaking off really bad and I just couldn't take the thinning hair so I BC'd. My hair is thriving now and I like seeing my healthy natural hair. It's fun to see the diffrent stages of hair growth and learning new things about my hair. I only wished I had done this sooner!
I transitioned for 8 months before cutting in December. Not sure how much hair I had since I'm not keen on measuring....but maybe about 3-4 inches. I wanted to cut long before but I thought that I'd like to start the year with something new.
Hi... I stopped bone straight relaxing in March 08'. Since then i may have put chems on my hair 2-3 times. At those times i used sssssoo much conditioner/oils added to the relaxer & rinsed within 5-7 min. of applying that my hair should not have even been called telaxed. But i didn't do that anymore as of Mar. 09'. I've trimmed about 3-5 inches since the start (i started off at mid-ear-length or so). I then continued using quite a bit of heat to match the textures (i now know i could/should have done something else for style more often than i did). I now am about 3 in. or so from apl and i really am not sure if my ends are heat damaged or i have a lil' relaxed ends left. I'm somewhat positive that its from heat abuse though.HTH.

BTW..I had some breakage by the end of 08' (relaxed ends) i think due to the heat & not using my henna and other powders right. Or better yet not properly dc/moisturizing after.
Oh I did it little by little. No big chop here! An inch here and there.

I did it like SaucyWow, only I was in braids which I would redo one at a time trimming a little as I went along. In a year, I had about 5 inches on natural hair, w/ the relaxed hair all gone.
I transitioned for 11 months before I BC'd in August 2009. I couldn't take it any more. My length straightened now is SL. So, I am getting back to my profile pic slowly, but surely. The picture is after the BC.


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I BC'd 3 times.

First I waited several months so that I could have about 6 inches of hair. It would stretch to chin length.

The second time, I had about 1-2 inches of hair.

Last time I cut it down to nearly bald. I had maybe a centimeter, couldn't even pull a curl.

It really depends how comfortable you are with the idea of shorter hair. Each time I cut I felt more confident about a) wearing short hair and b) that it would grow back relatively quickly, so I wasn't afraid.

You have to know how much hair is comfortable for you!
I'm 10 months into transitioning and don't plan on chopping until 18-24 months. I would like my hair to be long enough to put into a cute little pony.
I transitioned for 3 months then BC. It's 1 month today!! I'm so glad I did it. I'm LOVING my twa. I have a post here about my bc but I don't know how to post a link.
I'm 9 months into my transition, but I don't know when I want to cut off the relaxed ends. My original plan was to go 18 months and then chop but I don't know how much natural hair I'll have by then so I don't know. Transitioning hasn't been that bad so far though, braidouts and phony ponies are lifesavers!
I'm 10 months into transitioning and don't plan on chopping until 18-24 months. I would like my hair to be long enough to put into a cute little pony.

Same here.:yep: I've been transitioning most of this time in braids and Senegalese Twists so the 2 textures haven't been a problem for me. I'm also considering transitioning without the BC as well.
I transitioned for 2 years total. I had 6 to 8 inches cut 6 months into my transition, and then continued getting gradual trims until all of the relaxed hair was gone.

I'm transitioning... a little over 14 months post and I aim to go for at least another 6 months. My goal is to have enough hair to put in a little ponytail/ponypuff, and also into a ponytail while in twists or braids.

So far my transition has been an interesting learning experience :yep:

Set yourself a goal... check out fotkis and youtube videos... gather as much info as you can while transitioning.

Good luck!
I transitioned for 6 months before doing the BC. I wanted to transition for a year, but I just couldn't take it. I was getting so tired of dealing with two textures, and I was anxious to see my natural hair. If I can remember, I think I had about 5 or so inches by the time I did the BC.
I will transition for at least 2 years. I want my hair to be below shoulder (lightly stretched) when I chop. This is likely given the amt of ng I have in the back now. I think it will take longer than 2 years for the sides and front but I will have to see.
I transitioned until my hair was the same length as it was relaxed which was between CL and SL; I cut a little each time until it was done; so I guess it was about three years