Flirting with guys in presence of your friend(s)


Active Member
Does any one else feel a bit awkward abt flirting (eye contact, etc) with guys while out with your girl friend(s)? cos once u start making eye contact / smiling with somewhere else, their attention is drawn to what you were looking at and then it can either:
- be perceived as if you were just there to meet guys and are putting a guy above ur gf or
- become embarassing if he doesnt approach

lol, i dunno is this feeling normal?
and how do u guys handle this?
If you slick you can flirt and not be noticed therefore avoiding embarrassment if he doesn't respond.

To the other point, avoid hanging with blockers. This is the reason men hate approaching women in groups.
Depends what friend you're with.

My 'shy' friends get angry.

But usually my friends (single ones) they'd encourage me to smile, and hell she'd smile too. We all start grinning :grin:

Hopefully he's got a friend.

Nobody likes to be made the 3rd wheel. But friends usually understand. I sure wouldn't have a problem if my friend wanted to flirt. Hopefully next time we can double date if he's got a tall, dark, handsome guy for moi :lick:
I think it just depends on your friends. I have some who are more shy so then it would get kind of awkward. lol then I have the others who will give me a nudge of encouragement.

As prettyfaceANB said, you can flirt without being obvious to others, with a few glances or half/small smile. I think of flirting as just fun. So if he doesnt approach me, its fine, hes the one missing out, and if he does thats good as well.

Hopefully your friends would not think your putting a guy above them just by flirting, the only way I could see that is if a girl stared at a guy all night and did not interact with her friends at all.

who are blockers?

These are the type of girlfriends who will deliberately try to "block" a guy from flirting with you or getting to know you better while they're hanging out with you.

For example:

You're out with your girlfriend just having fun at a bar or a club, etc.... and you spot a cute guy from across the room. After he's caught your eye and you two share eye contact for a little bit, he walks over to you and your friend...

Cute guy: "hello ladies, how you all doing tonight?"
You: "I'm doing great! How about you?" :D
Your "blocker" friend: (looks him up and down in a disdainful way) "We're fine"
Cute guy: "Do you all come here often?" (he's clearly smiling and looking YOUR way)
Your "blocker" friend: "No not really, in fact...we were just about to leave, come on girl"
You: (giving your friend the side-eye) :mad:
Cute guy: "Hold on a second, maybe I can get your number before you two leave" (he's obviously talking to you)
You: "Okay...sur......"
Your "blocker friend": "No, she probably wouldn't be interested. She just got out of a bad relationship. Anyway, this place is wack, come on girl let's just go"


Yea, so basically your girlfriends who are "blockers" either try to take the men who you might be interested in while you all are out, OR they try to block other guys who are interested in you from getting "too close". Sort of like a "pack mentality". Some girls do it due to jealousy or because they are attention hogs, and others do it because they're just trying to look out for you and your best interests, but they don't realize that they're really being a nuisance. :rolleyes:
These are the type of girlfriends who will deliberately try to "block" a guy from flirting with you or getting to know you better while they're hanging out with you.

For example:

You're out with your girlfriend just having fun at a bar or a club, etc.... and you spot a cute guy from across the room. After he's caught your eye and you two share eye contact for a little bit, he walks over to you and your friend...

Cute guy: "hello ladies, how you all doing tonight?"
You: "I'm doing great! How about you?" :D
Your "blocker" friend: (looks him up and down in a disdainful way) "We're fine"
Cute guy: "Do you all come here often?" (he's clearly smiling and looking YOUR way)
Your "blocker" friend: "No not really, in fact...we were just about to leave, come on girl"
You: (giving your friend the side-eye) :mad:
Cute guy: "Hold on a second, maybe I can get your number before you two leave" (he's obviously talking to you)
You: "Okay...sur......"
Your "blocker friend": "No, she probably wouldn't be interested. She just got out of a bad relationship. Anyway, this place is wack, come on girl let's just go"


Yea, so basically your girlfriends who are "blockers" either try to take the men who you might be interested in while you all are out, OR they try to block other guys who are interested in you from getting "too close". Sort of like a "pack mentality". Some girls do it due to jealousy or because they are attention hogs, and others do it because they're just trying to look out for you and your best interests, but they don't realize that they're really being a nuisance. :rolleyes:

ohh i c now. Thanks hun!