Flaxseed Oil: pros and cons


Active Member
Can you all list some pros and cons of taking flaxseed oil. I'm thinking of putting this into my reggie. Is it true about gaining weight taking them?

***search feature has been trippin with me****
- Shiny hair.
- Faster nail growth.
- Small weight loss.

- It makes me burp & it tastes fishy. (Sorry if it's TMI)
- You have to take like 3 pills to get the right dosage for the day. (I hate taking pills)
I haven't gained any weight and I've been using it since February! My skin and hair have a glow and my hair is alot softer! I haven't seen anything bad about it. I take 2000 mcg a day
I didnt notice any significant changes in my hair, skin, or nails after taking it for some time.......... so i discontinued. Hmmmm, come to think of it, maybe at the time i was taking so much other stuff that it was hard to discern what was doing what. :drunk:
I think i may try it. I want shinier hair because mine is naturally dull. But lord knows I don't want to gain any weight. We'll see.
It made my skin itchy too. I scratched my hair out in the back. I wish I could take it because it really made my skin look nice.
I gained weight...but my skin looked really nice.....its a case of the whole "double ended sword"..i had to stop taking it and now taking EPO hoping it does the same that Flaxseed did...apart from the weight gain of course....:ohwell:

p.s i was taking it for 2 months..lets put it this way i can no longer get into my "once baggy" jeans....:perplexed
I take flaxseed oil but if you don't want to take pills, you can buy ground flaxseed meal. I mix it in my oatmeal, cream of wheat, and pancakes and I can't taste it at all. When I eat it at my mother's house, it has a nutty taste and we have the same brand so Idk what the deal is. But all you need is 2 tblsp to get the recommended dose. I take the capsules on the days I don't eat the ground flaxseed. I haven't noticed any hair and skin benefits or weight gain but I also dont pay much attention to changes in my hair and skin.
I take Flaxseed Oil and I have not noticed any weight gain, but my new growth is much softer and the curl is not as tight.