Flaxseed oil = hair growth?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
My BFF has been taking flaxseed oil capsules as well as a multi-vitamin for the last three weeks and she claims that her hair is longer . . . . Wondering if anyone else has had success from flaxseed oil? (I've taken multivitamins in the past and they didn't do much for me at all . . . .)


bumping...I wanna know more about this... I read about one member putting on her face and she had clear nice skin from it.
I've been taking a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily for several years, even before this hair journey. It's great for the skin from the inside out (no dryness) and my hair is shinier. I'm not sure what it does for growth but it's a good staple for the body and hair's health.
Flaxseed oil and me don't go to gether for some reason it makes me put on weight so I don't bother with it. Good luck with it.
I take flaxseed oil and have not seen any extra growth from it. Maybe yuor friend's extra growth is from the multi? What multi-vitamin is she taking? FSO makes my hair grow in softer and much more shiny. It also makes my nails stronger and my complexion more even.
I always wondered if one could just put a little flaxseed oil directly on the hair. I take a TBS a day. Hopefully it won't make me gain weight.
My BFF has been taking flaxseed oil capsules as well as a multi-vitamin for the last three weeks and she claims that her hair is longer . . . . Wondering if anyone else has had success from flaxseed oil? (I've taken multivitamins in the past and they didn't do much for me at all . . . .)



I think it's probably the combination. Generally we don't get enough Omega 3, 6, or 9 and flaxseed is a good source that helps our bodies process vitamins and nutrients better, especially B vitamins which we know are good for hair and circulatory health. It also helps regulate our blood sugars and having a good balance that way strengthens all of our body's systems. Flaxseed supplements or just a general Omega 3, 6, and 9 supplement (I like Udo's Choice Oil 'cos I don't like pills and I can add it to nearly anything I eat/cook and it doesn't add any taste) is a good idea for overall health. And my hair which was stuck for a long time before I started the Udo's Choice has actually been showing some growth (course that could just be from all the good haircare habits I've been picking up here!) HTH
I take flaxseed oil and have not seen any extra growth from it. Maybe yuor friend's extra growth is from the multi? What multi-vitamin is she taking? FSO makes my hair grow in softer and much more shiny. It also makes my nails stronger and my complexion more even.

I think it's Nature Made Multivitamin - iron free.
I think it's probably the combination. Generally we don't get enough Omega 3, 6, or 9 and flaxseed is a good source that helps our bodies process vitamins and nutrients better, especially B vitamins which we know are good for hair and circulatory health. It also helps regulate our blood sugars and having a good balance that way strengthens all of our body's systems. Flaxseed supplements or just a general Omega 3, 6, and 9 supplement (I like Udo's Choice Oil 'cos I don't like pills and I can add it to nearly anything I eat/cook and it doesn't add any taste) is a good idea for overall health. And my hair which was stuck for a long time before I started the Udo's Choice has actually been showing some growth (course that could just be from all the good haircare habits I've been picking up here!) HTH

Wow - thanks for all that info!