

New Member
I am getting a flat iron but I dont know which one to get?
Here are 3 i'm interested in:

I am going to Sally's in a few so I dont know what flat iron to get. HELP!!!!! Please. and thank you!

Reviews, suggestions, advice, and tips would be appreciated.
I am relaxed.
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have a sedu. love it!:grin: bought it after researching and reading reviews on www.folica.com .

I use the Chi heat protectant spray after blowdrying and only flatiron small pieces. It takes a while but its worth it because my hair turns out beautifully!
I have tried the sedu and the fhi. If you are relaxed I would say sedu. I returned it a kept the FHI because I was transistioning to natural.

I also have smaller hands and thought the sedu was a little bulky. The outer part got too hot and I couldn't place my hands on it as I flatironed. But, this may not be a problem for you.

Do a search in the hair forum these irons have been compared many times.

Good Luck!
I love my Solia! I was using a maxiglide, but it was too bulky, so I bought a Solia and I have never looked back.
so many to choose from! Grr! Since I was unable to purchase online I went to sallys today and asked the sales associate which flat iron she recommends and she said the generic chi a.k.a gvp ceramic. I went ahead and got it becuase it was the only one that was calling me. Reviews please! Do you think this a keeper? I figured since its the "generic chi" I should be good to go...........
I have a Sedu but if you like to use your other hand to hold the iron while you guide it, then watch out because it gets very very hot.
I used to hold the outer plates of my flat iron thinking that more tension = straighter hair. Once I got my Sedu though, the heat caused me to rethink this, and I decided to try the comb-chase method to straighten. Now b/c my hair is detangled and straightened at the same time I get much better results, and the comb holds the hair firmly so I don't have to touch the outside plates anymore.