Flat ironed hair is too flat ... lol


New Member
So im natural.

I got my hair flat ironed today and I'm enjoying it BUT I hate how flat it looks at the roots/on the top of my head. I look much better with a bit of oomph/body/height to my hair.

What should I do? Should I tease it a bit and use hair spray? I sorta want the look to last 2 weeks though (i dont want the hairspray to flake).

Is there something I should be intructing the stylist to do?

Cutting into layers isnt an option because I rarely wear my hair straight (like maybe 4 times a year). I primarily wear my hair in twistouts/braidouts or in a puff.

So... suggestions?
When ever I flat iron my hair too straight I just got to sleep in a high pony tail (pineapple) or high loose bun. Sometimes I have to do it 2 days in a row but that's ok
I usually put mine in a high loose bantu knot bun over night. When I let it fall down it has lots of body.
Erm :look:

my bad! i forgot.

i took crappy pics :(

And my hair didnt grow too much. But I am closer to bsl now. I'll take more pics tomorrow.

Turns out i didnt have to worry about my hair being too flat cause i took a steamy shower and the front of my hair got poofy, lol. But i liked it! i ended up doing a warm flat iron over it just so that the texture could match. Didn't take any pics today (whcih is weird cause its easter) but I'll take some tomorrah.

See how close it is to my head? This makes me look awkard irl lol (i messed up my face cause it was not cute looking lol)

From da back

what it looked like from the front after i ruffled it and made it messy in an attempt to create volume

attempting and failing at measuring... plus idk why i still had my shirt on
My hair is always super flat when I get it done. I agree with the poster above who mentioned bantu knots. Works like a charm.