Flat Iron Junkies: Anyone Else Flat Iron Weekly?


New Member
Heya ladies...as we all know making it to shoulder length is the hardest part of the journey especially when it comes to styling. I've found that my hair looks really HUGE after a roller set at this length and blow drying leaves my hair with too little movement.

So I blow dry under the pibbs on cool or by hand on warm and then I ::GASP:: flat iron on high heat! So far I don't think it's really hurting anything since I only do it once or twice a week using heat protectant and follow up with a good moisturizer. The Aveda DR also does a lot for me. I just love the results I get from my iron and will probably continue to use it until my hair gets longer and can rolleset a little better though i may experience with a heat cap, flexie rods, and steam rollers to see if i can get away from the iron a bit.

Is anyone else a flat iron junkie? Flat ironing at least weekly or more and maintaining the length and health of their hair?

Reformed flat iron junkie, here.

I used to iron every week.

My hair never got past shoulder/armpit without issues.

I stopped flatironing every week, after I found this site.
I flat iron 1-2 times per month. Please believe me when I say BE CAREFUL. I'm not telling you what to do, flat iron every day if you wish, but even though you are using heat protectors and such the potential for damage is there. May not be noticeable immediately, but a month or two down the line it may/will become apparent. This of course may not be the case for you, just don't be surprised. I noticed that when I was trying to do the weekly thing I developed a lot of splits. I am still paying for that now.

I understand where you are coming from though. My hair is a huge hair monster (from looney tunes/bugs bunny) without the dern heat...

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Hmmmm:ohwell:. When I rollerset: i usually air-dry 80 %-100% of my hair. Once its dry and I blow out my roots: i find that I need to use the lowest setting on my flatiron cuz my hair is already straight: i just need to rid the poofyness.
I use a heat protectant (very little) and than I flat iron and my hair comes out silky and bouncy....
....I do notice when I glide my flatiron over my hair: my ends don't make that crackly noise (which is a good thing) so I take it as a sign that my hair is healthy and doesn't become damaged this way. Also: u might want to flat iron every other week: tryin bunning in between to give ur hair a rest. ~HTH~
I had been but since my hair doesn't seem to be growing past shoulder length I've decided to try and go without it just to see if that would make a difference. I have a sew in weave now. Going to wear it for 4 weeks and then maybe do braids. I haven't quite figured out what to do with it otherwise.

I didn't even answer the dag-on question! Sawry!

Yes I have.
(Going to keep an eye on the other responses.)
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I flat iron 1-2 times per month. Please believe me when I say BE CAREFUL. I'm not telling you what to do, flat iron every day if you wish, but even though you are using heat protectors and such the potential for damage is there. May not be noticeable immediately, but a month or two down the line it may/will become apparent. This of course may not be the case for you, just don't be surprised. I noticed that when I was trying to do the weekly thing I developed a lot of splits. I am still paying for that now.

I understand where you are coming from though. My hair is a huge hair monster (from looney tunes/bugs bunny) without the dern heat...

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Yea...this is what I was thinking in the back of my flat iron addicted mind. I've only been ironing for about 2 months so there is still time for things to go down hill. I think I need to just be a good girl and practice my roller sets. If it comes out a mess I can always just pull my hair back and roll on.

Yea...this is what I was thinking in the back of my flat iron addicted mind. I've only been ironing for about 2 months so there is still time for things to go down hill. I think I need to just be a good girl and practice my roller sets. If it comes out a mess I can always just pull my hair back and roll on.


Whew, you had me skurd for a minute. Again I don't want to tell you what to do, but i don't think your hair will love you anymore LOL. No seriously, you may just need to ride it out, you are probably so close to moving over the hump hairwise. Just be patient (easier said than done i know) :)
Yep. After giving up heat for 6 months right after I found the boards I went back to flat-ironing weekly. I've done that for about 8 or 9 months now.
I am about to give up heat again (Sep - Dec) to help in making my goal of WL by Christmas.
For several years I have used my flatiron following a complete air dry, followed by a blow dry on low heat to smooth out the roots. Actually, the blow dry followed by a roller set would have been enough. I am now beginning to see the effects of the flat ironing. In fact, my mother remarked that my hair is not as full as it used to be. This could be due to several factors, namely anemia and hypothyroidism in my case. I also stopped taking a multi-vitamin when I went on the iron therapy for the anemia, and changed my diet due to some upper GI problems, which have led me to not eat as much meat protein as I once did. Nevertheless,the weekly flat ironing certainly has not helped.

So, I have not used my flat iron in several weeks, and I really do not miss it. As my mother suggested, use of the flatiron should be limited to special occasions when I want to achieve a certain look. In addition to having visited a nutritionist and resuming daily multivitamin therapy, my hair is regaining some health.
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For several years I have used my flatiron following a complete air dry, followed by a blow dry on low heat to smooth out the roots. Actually, the blow dry followed by a roller set would have been enough. I am now beginning to see the effects of the flat ironing. In fact, my mother remarked that my hair is not as full as it used to be. This could be due to several factors, namely anemia and hypothyroidism in my case. I also stopped taking a multi-vitamin when I went on the iron therapy for the anemia, and changed my diet due to some upper GI problems, which have led me to not eat as much meat protein as I once did. Nevertheless,the weekly flat ironing certainly has not helped.

So, I have not used my flat iron in several weeks, and I really do not miss it. As my mother suggested, use of the flatiron should be limited to special occasions when I want to achieve a certain look. In addition to having visited a nutritionist and resuming daily multivitamin therapy, my hair is regaining some health.

Thanks...I'm definately thinking I should look for an alternative way to style my hair. I don't wanna mess up all my hard work. :nono:

Honestly, I don't think flat-ironing w/ceramic-tourmaline heat on a weekly basis is bad...provided it's set at 300 degrees or lower. Having to only swipe the hair w/one pass of the iron, it shouldn't have any negative effects. But this is on already healthy hair, not damaged hair. Heat can actually be healthy for the hair (in an anti-microbial way) but I'm gonna keep that to myself, cuz I know some folks are just like :nono: about regular heat use. Heat damage is not b/c of the appliance, it's b/c of the user...:look:

*tip-toes out of thread*
I use my Solia flatiron weekly on freshly washed and deep conditioned hair, especially in the summer. I don't have any problem with my hair because of this. It not a big deal to me to use heat on healthy relaxed hair.
Im 9 weeks post and have been doing rollersets and flat-ironing the ROOTS only for the past couple of weeks. I DO NOT let the flat iron touch the relaxed part of my hair. It turns out pretty nice when I do this.
Im 9 weeks post and have been doing rollersets and flat-ironing the ROOTS only for the past couple of weeks. I DO NOT let the flat iron touch the relaxed part of my hair. It turns out pretty nice when I do this.

I do the same...roots only with a good heat protectant no more than once a week on clean, deep conditioned, air dried hair. (I'm only doing the front to blend with my half wig though.) No problems so far, but I cannot let any other source of heat touch my hair if I'm gonna do this. No blowdryers and definitely no curling irons. The ends must be moisturized and sealed every other day...that's the only way I can work with flatiron heat.
I had been before I got braids, but I don’t think it was a good idea.

My hair does not seem as strong over time. No breakage really, just not as strong or something.

I really need to master rollersetting. I have been practicing OVER AND OVER on a mannequin and I have gotten pretty good at it.

I can really only use those hard mesh rollers, but hey whatever works.

Anyway, the flatironing has been too much. I think my problem may have been product use beforehand, as well. I think I need to do it with less product when I do flatiron.
Heya ladies...as we all know making it to shoulder length is the hardest part of the journey especially when it comes to styling. I've found that my hair looks really HUGE after a roller set at this length and blow drying leaves my hair with too little movement.

So I blow dry under the pibbs on cool or by hand on warm and then I ::GASP:: flat iron on high heat! So far I don't think it's really hurting anything since I only do it once or twice a week using heat protectant and follow up with a good moisturizer. The Aveda DR also does a lot for me. I just love the results I get from my iron and will probably continue to use it until my hair gets longer and can rolleset a little better though i may experience with a heat cap, flexie rods, and steam rollers to see if i can get away from the iron a bit.

Is anyone else a flat iron junkie? Flat ironing at least weekly or more and maintaining the length and health of their hair?


I do during the school year. It's not bad if you use heat protectants and serums.
I flatiron once a week on wash day (will switch to twice a month when it gets cold outside)...I deep condition every week with protein and moisture, after I finish my wash routine I apply a water based heat protectant and leave in conditioner then let my hair totally air dry, then I apply a cone-based heat protectant then I flatiron on a medium setting (between 8 and 10)...on a particular 'poofy' day I might swipe a second time with my mini glide. I've been doing this for 2 months so far and my hair seems to be doing fine. :yep:
I've been rollersetting, flat-ironing, and saran wrapping, for about a month now, and I LOVE the results!! I just need to start turning down the temp on my iron to see how little heat I can get away with using.
I'm texlaxed (underprocessed relaxer w/conditioner on purpose) and I flat iron my hair about 4 times a month. Just another way of saying weekly.

I use a Sedu flat iron with heat protectant. I airdry 85% and blow dry with a comb attachment on low heat, then I swipe one time per section and bump the ends. I roll my hair the rest of the week. My hair is longer than it's ever been before.

If I was relaxed I would use heat even less, because the purpose of a relaxer is to straighten your hair chemically so you shouldn't need heat as much. But my hair is one step away from a 4a/b afro and I like to wear it straight. :lachen:

If you want to continue flat ironing weekly, consider going to a texlax instead of fully relaxing your hair. :yep: That's my suggestion, because it has really worked for me. If not, watch your hair closely and check out the results.

When I was using too much heat before the board, my hair told me because I needed trims way more often and I had split ends. Now, I barely ever have splits and my trims are done by yours truly and spaced out a lot farther apart. :drunk:
I'm a natural that blow dries my hair straight and follow up with a curling iron just to get the hair a little silkier...Since being on this site I've decided to lower the heat on everything - blow dryer, curling iron, and my hair feels better. I've stopped putting the curling iron to my hair every other day because I was experiencing a lot of breakage and cut off some inches to get a fresh start - Basically, my point would be decrease flat ironing/heat as much as possible, because in the long run it really does cause some damage...and on the days when you're just not feeling your hair so much wear the classic bun
Im chiming in as someone who doesnt have 'ponytail' hair. If my rollerset is jacked up (which every single one has been), I cant just put it up in a bun or pony and go about my way. Im left with poofy jacked up hair. :nono:

So until I get more length, I flat iron once a week. I tried HARD not to (and i know if my big sis is reading this, she is e-slappin me right now!! :lol: ). But I work in a professional atmosphere and I have to maintain a certain look. I make sure that I DC every single week, I keep my irons on 300 or lower, I have higher quality irons (tourmaline/ceramic Solias) that dont do as much damage to the hair, I use heat protectant, I stay up on my protein and moisture balance, I moisturize and seal my ends every nite, etc. But until I get to a length that allows me to airdry in a ponytail then bun it up, I flat iron once a week.

Im just trying to give another perspective. :)
Im chiming in as someone who doesnt have 'ponytail' hair. If my rollerset is jacked up (which every single one has been), I cant just put it up in a bun or pony and go about my way. Im left with poofy jacked up hair. :nono:

So until I get more length, I flat iron once a week. I tried HARD not to (and i know if my big sis is reading this, she is e-slappin me right now!! :lol: ). But I work in a professional atmosphere and I have to maintain a certain look. I make sure that I DC every single week, I keep my irons on 300 or lower, I have higher quality irons (tourmaline/ceramic Solias) that dont do as much damage to the hair, I use heat protectant, I stay up on my protein and moisture balance, I moisturize and seal my ends every nite, etc. But until I get to a length that allows me to airdry in a ponytail then bun it up, I flat iron once a week.

Im just trying to give another perspective. :)

And i thank you for it:yep:

Wheni was still going to the salon to keep my cut in shape,i would use the flat iron every couple of days to keep the cut looking sharp.

My hair is growing out now,but i still feel like i am going to need to flat iron about once a week to keep my hair up for now.
I am looking into getting a Solia(the pink one),and it seems to be a pretty good flat iron as far as protecting from too much heat damage goes.
We'll see:drunk:
I flat iron weekly. Always have. The problem was before, I had bleached color, was not DCing, chelating, moisturizing, or anything and ppl still liked my hair:ohwell:. But now that I do everything else that is considered healthy for hair my hair has been fine. Im sorry, life is too short for me to walk around not liking the way my hair looks cuz I dont like it reverted. I understand some may think I may retain less but I noticed my hair doesn't break as much as when I rollerset. But everyone likes what they like. Im not knocking anyone for not using heat, I actually give em praise cuz I cant do it.
My hair was in its best condition when I flat ironed weekly, after a dc.

After finding the hair boards, I began air drying and or rollersetting, and have had continous setbacks. Rollersets leave me with broken hair and a great deal of shedding that follows, I have no idea why.

Air drying left me w/ a crispy mess.

So for now I will flat iron weekly. Just be sensible, don't ever flat iron dirty hair, or too high a temp, and use a heat protectant.
Yes, I too am a flat iron junkie, but am currently in rehab :).

I flat iron my hair once a week on average, but have taken a break these last three weeks to give my locs a rest :sleep:. The only damage I've noticed is at the ends of my hair, which I concentrate the most on when straightening. A few strands are permanently straightened, which I'm told means they've been damaged. I'm not trippin' though, 'cause I trim my ends regularly, so they'll be lopped off soon anyway.

I must also add that my natural curls have gotten looser due to frequent straightening. I'm glad about that 'cause it's easier to manage when I wear my curls, and my hair takes less time to flat iron :clap:.

I agree with some of the ladies that heat is fine as long as you use a good heat protectant and don't apply it more than once a week.