First update... 10 month progress

VERY nice! Great progress!! :grin:

Eta. I didn't realized you live in France, but one of the first thing that came to mind when I saw your pics was that you look "very French" :lachen:.
VERY nice! Great progress!! :grin:

Eta. I didn't realized you live in France, but one of the first thing that came to mind when I saw your pics was that you look "very French" :lachen:.
loool... I don't know if it's a compliment, but thank you anyway :grin:
My bad english prove also that I'm french lol :lachen:
Another fast grower:yep: Your hair is shiny and beautiful. If you keep growing like this your hair will be down down your back in a flash. Good Job!
Another fast grower:yep: Your hair is shiny and beautiful. If you keep growing like this your hair will be down down your back in a flash. Good Job!
My hair used to grow sooooo slowly,but since I take better care of them I retained much more lenght...and I finally see progress!
It looks so pretty, shiny and healthy! Great progress. Im aiming for APL too...Don't worry, we'll get to APL one day. But until u get there, I know you must be enjoying your hair at this stage because it is fierce. :Flahsssss
I learned so much from you, I take better care of my hair and for the first time, I see progress. Thank you all my LHCF sisters!
I just had a touch up, here is my update :
From april07 to fev08

I dont't know if I'm SL yet, but I know that there is a long way from my goal, which is APL!

Great progress!!! Keep on pedaling and you will surely reach your goals!!!!:cycle:
I learned so much from you, I take better care of my hair and for the first time, I see progress. Thank you all my LHCF sisters!
I just had a touch up, here is my update :
From april07 to fev08

I dont't know if I'm SL yet, but I know that there is a long way from my goal, which is APL!

niiiiiiiiiice!! great update Diamsdesiles!!!! your hair grew beautifully! its always so inspiring and i m always filled with awe when i see all the steps hair at the start of the journey and the pics after! good job and keep it up!:yep:
niiiiiiiiiice!! great update Diamsdesiles!!!! your hair grew beautifully! its always so inspiring and i m always filled with awe when i see all the steps hair at the start of the journey and the pics after! good job and keep it up!:yep:
Oh thank you Ekomba! that's funny I was looking at your fokti yesterday, and I was like "wow, her hair grow so fast"... and I saw that you were in my town in december!! lol