First Salon visit since 2005....(pics)

I'm cracking up about that story. Especially Big Otis...."I want mac n cheese!! nom nom nom" lol! Your hair looks gorgeous- glad you stuck to your guns on the NO RELAXER thing. Some stylists can be very adamant about their "procedures"....I'm still a newbie on LHCF....MT is that the MegaTek stuff which you were refering to? Is it really that good at making your hair grow? Somebody please tell me, pretty please :)
Thank you honey. Just finished the rest of the salmon last night.

No I just didn't want her practicing on my head. First she had on a Kango. So I couldn't see if she was bald or not. I always judge a stylist by their own mane.

Secondly, I really want to go back into my twists. I cannot find my Sengalese braider and I'm not so sure the dipping my ends in scalding hot water wasn't the reason I'm chopping 3 inches everytime I take my twists down.

Don't be trying to throw me off with food. Answer the question. Are we or are we not transitioning? Or do you even know yet? :rolleyes: :lachen:
EB..your hair looks good! Seriously know you know how to tell a story and have people crackin up laughing.:lachen::lachen::lachen:(Big Otis?????)
I love your story and your hair is great. Did you really have 4 inches in 2 months ... wow this MT is not a joke though... I ordered 2 bottles last week, can't wait to try it... Do you leave in on or do you wash it out ... thanks again for sharing your story....

I mix it with some other oils and shea butter and put it on my scalp nightly. I don't wash it out until I do my cowash.

You are very welcome.
I'm cracking up about that story. Especially Big Otis...."I want mac n cheese!! nom nom nom" lol! Your hair looks gorgeous- glad you stuck to your guns on the NO RELAXER thing. Some stylists can be very adamant about their "procedures"....I'm still a newbie on LHCF....MT is that the MegaTek stuff which you were refering to? Is it really that good at making your hair grow? Somebody please tell me, pretty please :)

Yes yes that is it MJR, the Megatek. The one and only. I absolutely love this stuff. It has boosted my growth rate very noticibly.
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Don't be trying to throw me off with food. Answer the question. Are we or are we not transitioning? Or do you even know yet? :rolleyes: :lachen:

Nah baby...I ain't hardly got that kind of strand on my head. Some people are relaxer married til death do them part. That would be me. I do try to space it out though, but doubt that I would ever give it up completely.
That is HIM. I was curious about Salon in the Park (we have nothing that cool here) so I Googled it. There's a link on the page to put in the first name of the stylist and that is Otis's picture.

Girl you know the LHCF detectives would find a pic for us if it was out there...:grin:..Thanks for the I have a visual:lachen::lachen::lachen:
That story was the best! LOL! I loved this part. "Finally, I laugh and say “no I meant Kim”. He’s just looking at me breathing heavy like he’s trying to decide if he wants the Mac and cheese or the green bean casserole." I could picture everything I was reading.

Oh and your hair looks great!
Girl you hair looks great and healthy...That is great that you stuck to your guns (no pun intended) about getting relaxer. Glad she respected your wishes...The story was very very intriguing!!!!

Now on the subject of Big "O", I am a big advocate of "why u all up in MY business"..If u wanted ole girl to do your hair - that's it period -he need not worry about whether it was Jasmine, Kim, Beyonce - whateva...You would have been on point if you told him what you really thought about how he did hair....I bet he would have stop asking all of those questions!! lol
Girl you hair looks great and healthy...That is great that you stuck to your guns (no pun intended) about getting relaxer. Glad she respected your wishes...The story was very very intriguing!!!!

Now on the subject of Big "O", I am a big advocate of "why u all up in MY business"..If u wanted ole girl to do your hair - that's it period -he need not worry about whether it was Jasmine, Kim, Beyonce - whateva...You would have been on point if you told him what you really thought about how he did hair....I bet he would have stop asking all of those questions!! lol

Lol...I guess he felt like I was the one that got away and he wasn't having it!
Girl you know the LHCF detectives would find a pic for us if it was out there...:grin:..Thanks for the I have a visual:lachen::lachen::lachen:

No one but no one was more shocked maybe traumatized to see that picture. I was like this actually looks like him. Girlfriend was like looks like? ...That is him. And it was...:lachen::lachen::lachen: