First Look Photos


Active Member
Hi ladies,

Did any of you take 'first look' photos on your wedding day? I am strongly considering it. I ran it past my mom and of course her response was that it will take away from the excitement of me walking down the aisle. That is a (big) con and the only thing that will make me decide to not do it. On the other hand, the first look moment seems so intimate and priceless. The photos are absolutely breath taking and you will not get those intimate, calm photos after the ceremony with the excitement and wedding party/family photos.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you done it? Would you? If not, why?
Hi ladies,

Did any of you take 'first look' photos on your wedding day? I am strongly considering it. I ran it past my mom and of course her response was that it will take away from the excitement of me walking down the aisle. That is a (big) con and the only thing that will make me decide to not do it. On the other hand, the first look moment seems so intimate and priceless. The photos are absolutely breath taking and you will not get those intimate, calm photos after the ceremony with the excitement and wedding party/family photos.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you done it? Would you? If not, why?
thats why i wouldnt do it.
I didn't do first look photos. I do have a picture of my husband as I was coming down the aisle, but honestly, I don't even need it. I'll never forget the look on his face, it was priceless.
I did the first look. And trust, it didn't take away from the excitement of walking down the Isle. I'm happy we did it. A lot of people are against it, but I didn't care. Those first look photos are priceless...

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I was on the fence about first look photos but our photographer gave a really good reason as to why she favored it. Her main reason was that when couples did not do first looks, she notices nervousness in the groom's face when taking a picture during the walk down the aisle. Think about it: he hasn't seen you, all your friends and family are looking at him to see his reaction, and he's expected to be calm and cool? She thought that first looks helped to calm both parties down, and to ease some of the pressure of the moment to get more relaxed pictures. We got stellar pics of this time together just talking and basking in the moment.

Also, time wise it ended up being great. If we hadn't taken them before the ceremony we would have missed a big chunk of our reception trying to get them done!

Honestly, nothing will take away from the walk down the isle. Do you really think he'll be looking at you bored? LOL I guarantee you he'll look just as enamored and blown away at seeing you come down to meet him if he sees you before hand. DH still mentions how amazing that moment was for him :yep:
You can look at the pros and cons for and against the pictures, but have you asked your fiance what he wants? I know men generally don't care about wedding stuff, but you should ask him what he thinks and go from there.
You can look at the pros and cons for and against the pictures, but have you asked your fiance what he wants? I know men generally don't care about wedding stuff, but you should ask him what he thinks and go from there.

I have and he says he is fine with whatever I choose. He doesn't think it will take away from anything.
I have and he says he is fine with whatever I choose. He doesn't think it will take away from anything.

I say go for it then. I'm sure the pictures will turn out beautiful, but it will be a different experience when he actually sees you coming down the aisle. Like reality setting in, "This woman is about to become my wife and I'm so lucky" kind of thing.
I wanted to do them to have more time at the reception. DH was 100% against it so we didn't do them. He's odd though and was super involved in the wedding planning, more so than I ever expected.
We met with the photographer yesterday and we are going to do. Once she explained it all (the intimacy, posed vs natural reactions to one another, being able to calm each other down, pray, more photos, and just connect before all eyes are on us) we were sold. I would also hate it if I do the ugly cry all the way down the aisle and those would be the only photos we have or our first reactions.
We met with the photographer yesterday and we are going to do. Once she explained it all (the intimacy, posed vs natural reactions to one another, being able to calm each other down, pray, more photos, and just connect before all eyes are on us) we were sold. I would also hate it if I do the ugly cry all the way down the aisle and those would be the only photos we have or our first reactions.

This is exactly why we are doing a first look. We want the first time he sees me to be private and intimate, get any tears out of the way, say prayers, etc. We just want time to ourselves before the hoopla starts.

Plus we don't want to be away taking pictures for an hour, missing the very expensive party that we are paying for.
We also decided to do a first look for the same reasons listed above. We wanted a private moment before the craziness started primarily and we didn't want to use up our cocktail hour taking pictures when we could be mingling with our guests.

We've been to too many weddings where the bride and groom barely got a chance to eat because they spent all their time visiting with guests. We're paying for this wedding on our own so urmmmm....we are making it a priority to also eat.

When you're walking down the aisle to meet your FH, it'll still be a very special moment and will likely help to lessen the butterflies.
We did first look pics and they were amazing. I was at first against them for all the other reasons too but after we talked about it I felt better about doing them. And it kept my later for everything behind on time . lol

His reaction to me walking down with my brother was still priceless. He still got tears in his eyes and he told me later that 2nd look still took his breath away.
I'm not doing it. The photographer will just have to deal with his nervousness cause I want my husband to see me for the first time while everyone also see his reaction with me.
I wish I could convince my fiance to do first look shots. I know him, and he's not going to be emotional in front of everyone while I'm walking down the aisle and everyone is starting at him. I have a few more months to convince him.
I wish I could convince my fiance to do first look shots. I know him, and he's not going to be emotional in front of everyone while I'm walking down the aisle and everyone is starting at him. I have a few more months to convince him.

My fiance said, "I am not going to cry while everyone is looking at me.":lachen:He gets emotional looking at my childhood photos lol. I think the first look will take a lot of pressure off of him.
I'm 100% doing it. :yep:
FI wasn't too into it in the beginning but once i explained it, he was for it.

I;m doing it for all the reasons mentioned above.
My wedding and reception are in one location. My videographer said she needs at least 2 hrs of filming with us alone. I've carved out 1.5 hrs. Can't do that in the 1hr for cocktail hour (to leave, film, take pics, and come back)

Plus, I want to ENJOY my cocktail hr and reception. The food is going to be AMAZING (why I chose the place!) and I'm eating all I can after dieting and exercising all these months. lol. This party is not just for my guests-- it's for ME & him. I'm enjoying myself. lol
This is exactly why we are doing a first look. We want the first time he sees me to be private and intimate, get any tears out of the way, say prayers, etc. We just want time to ourselves before the hoopla starts.

Plus we don't want to be away taking pictures for an hour, missing the very expensive party that we are paying for.

Man, you guys are selling me on this first look!
Man, you guys are selling me on this first look!

I was indifferent to it until our photographer sold us on it. He said that he recommends it to all of his couples.

The first time FH sees me will still be a momentous occasion, it will just be private.