First Kiss With a New Man


Well-Known Member
I have been dating a new guy and I REALLY like him! :yep: :love: I've told him that I wanted to take things slow because I just somewhat recently ended a pretty serious long-term relationship. He has expressed that he wants to kiss me, but he is holding off and being very patient right now because I told him I wasn't ready.

The truth is, I AM ready now, but I guess I feel that I don't know HOW to kiss him! :lol: I know it sounds kind of weird. :perplexed Let me give you some background. I dated the same guy for about 4 years (off and on...). He was the only guy I've ever kissed. My only serious boyfriend. We've pretty much been "off" for the past year or so - so not much kissing going on over here... :look: When I first started dating the new guy I thought it would be weird for me to kiss someone else. At first I couldn't even imagine kissing another guy. Now, I really like him and have developed strong feelings for him, and I'm ready to take that next step!! :blush: BUT, I'm just nervous that I guess I won't be a good kisser anymore... :ohwell: I think I'm a little rusty... I'm also nervous about just wanting it to be good! :giggle: :ohwell:

Should I say something to him about how I'm feeling? Should I just go for it? Should I give him the green light and let him know that I'm ready for the kiss, let him take the lead, and just see what happens?

I know this probably seems like a weird thread. :lol: I'm hoping people can provide some wise advice, along with any stories about kissing your new guy (or girl) for the first time.

I wouldn't mention my fear. I would just let him take the lead. Sweet and short. I would play coy afterwards. Hopefully he will reassure that everything will be ok after you take that leap!
Since you have been going slowly so far, start with a very sweet, innocent kiss. Maybe a peck on the cheek first, or a very soft, quick kiss on the lips, a tender embrace. Don't be scared, girl after waiting this long trust he will just be happy to have some intimacy with you.
let it flow ,i'm not sure how you can tell him your ready but you sure can let the moment is to short to get stuck in the pass your young and need to find the person for you.I don't think your doing anyrhing wrong by letting your guard down.Don't worry about being rusty it's like riding a bike your lips and body will respond especially if it's right.
This one guy, after we had went on a couple of dates. We were still taking our own cars at this point in time. He called me to make sure I got home. He told me he wanted to kiss me so bad. I told him I felt the same. So on the next date, I let him pick me up. As soon as he got in the door, I said lets get this over with and kiss. We ended up kissing for 45 minutes and went on to have a nice dinner and movie date. I was so happy to get it over with.
This one guy, after we had went on a couple of dates. We were still taking our own cars at this point in time. He called me to make sure I got home. He told me he wanted to kiss me so bad. I told him I felt the same. So on the next date, I let him pick me up. As soon as he got in the door, I said lets get this over with and kiss. We ended up kissing for 45 minutes and went on to have a nice dinner and movie date. I was so happy to get it over with.

awe thick what a sweet story it remided me of hub aand I.:lick:
Just start slow and go with the flow.
Everyone kisses differently, so I wouldn't worry about being "good".
Ive been here before...I would just let him take the lead and let it happen naturally. I will say I do hate when guys ask to kiss me. If it seems like something is there, its like move in already! You kissed one guy you've kissed them all. After my first serious LT relationship, I hated kissing and just thought I was a bad kisser bc "he" just had to know what he was doing. Mmh was I fooled! He was the bad kisser and didn't know wth he was doing. Dont be nervous, he'll eventually make a move maybe sooner than you think and if worst comes down to worst go in for it when the time is right.
Thanks for the advice, guys! I'm wondering if I should let him know somehow that I am ready to take the leap...
Thanks for the advice, guys! I'm wondering if I should let him know somehow that I am ready to take the leap...

You don't have to say anything, just get a little closer than usual, look him in the eye with a "I want you to kiss me" look and he'll know and I'm sure be happy to oblige you.
yep i agree with previous responses just let it flow, don't mention it and don't stop it because your scared you won't do it right, if you put nerves out of the situation it will be great! :)
Awwww, this is like the cutest thread ever! And LOL @ KPH. . .I'm watching that YT vid/listening as I write this lol That's my movie!!!!!

I wouldn't worry about it. It'll be fine and even if it's not, you can ask for a do-over later. You'll both smile at that lol. I had to do a redo with my last bf lolol Our first kiss was so wack! I wanted more passion and he was tryna do it all sweet n no tongue n just yuck :(
Ive been here before...I would just let him take the lead and let it happen naturally. I will say I do hate when guys ask to kiss me. If it seems like something is there, its like move in already! You kissed one guy you've kissed them all. After my first serious LT relationship, I hated kissing and just thought I was a bad kisser bc "he" just had to know what he was doing. Mmh was I fooled! He was the bad kisser and didn't know wth he was doing. Dont be nervous, he'll eventually make a move maybe sooner than you think and if worst comes down to worst go in for it when the time is right.

I can relate to everything you've mentioned here...I also do not like for guys to ask if they can kiss me...I think it's pretty obvious if I'm ready to kiss you LOL

I also just realized the other day that my first bf was not the best kisser...I mean, he was ok, but thinking back on things, let's just say my face was left wetter than it should have been/than when kissing any other guy :nono:

OP, I'm sure that your first kiss with your new man will happen at a time that is right for the both of you :yep: Try not to worry about it because it'll come naturally to don't wanna feel like you are having to "think" about "how" to kiss a person "as" they are kissing you, when it should be a moment where your lips are doing all the thinking "for" you lol... ;)
Cute. When the "moment" comes..look into his eyes. Hopefully he'll go for it. Enjoy..tis all.