Fingernail length vs. Hair Length


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if there is a correlation between the growth rate of fingernails and hair. My nails grow extremely fast and always have and my hair seems to grow pretty fast as well (once I started taking care of it). Has anyone else noticed this?
Hmm never thought of it like that. Especially since I tend to ignore my nails. They do grow very fast though and they're always very strong. My hair grows fast too.
I am not sure about a direct correlation. My nails grow fast and my hair seems to grow at a solid pace but my nails have always been thin and well my hair, let's just kindly call her resilient. I have never been able to make my nails strong.
Good post. I often think the this. My nails grow fast. I hope my hair is doing the same ( cant tell because of shrinkage...)
My nails grow fast. My hair... ehh not as fast. I'd be in heaven if my hair grew as quickly as my nails
I've always been the opposite. My hair has always grown at a nice pace, but my nails were always awlful. I used to bite my nails, so that may be why. Until I started taking vitamins, my nails didn't grow much, and they were never healthy or strong.

Now that I take vitamins, my hair and nails both grow pretty well.
Both my hair and nails used to grow slowly, and the growth I did get was thin and unhealthy-looking.

Now that I am eating healthier, drinking lots of water, exercising regularly, etc., my hair is growing in faster and thicker. I am 10 weeks post texlax, and I have a lot a new growth, more than usual for the same time period. My nails are growing in hard and fast; I have to cut them every couple of weeks. I also noticed that the white part of my nails are whiter. :grin:

I definately think there is a correlation between hair and nails.
my nails have typically grown faster than my hair. I think on average, fingernails grow 3mm a month. My nails used to be really bendy and flexible until I started taking a hair, skin and nail supplement and incorporating more protein in my diet. My hair is growing a bit faster now too, but still not as fast as my nails (which are super strong now!). It probably has something to do with the way our bodies distribute keratin and the "oiliness" of the point of growth....I dunno... LOL
I believe there is a correlation between the 2. I know that when I'm stressed and unhealthy my nails look like poo and they are weak and streaky. This probably means that my hair isn't growing much if any during this time. When I got my health in order (taking vits, drinking water, stopped stressing, better food choices) my nails got their act together and my hair has been on the grow.
I think my nails grow pretty fast. When I used to get acrylics I went in after 1 1/2 weeks one time to get a fill and my nail tech was surprised that I had enough growth to even get a fill. My nails are pretty weak though. They split and break off very easily.

I think my hair grows pretty fast but I don't really keep track so I'm not sure.
Hmmm, this is interesting. My nails grow fast and are so strong that I never even considered nail-biting, cuz I''d hurt my teeth. On the other hand (haha, no pun intended), my hair grows fast (I need a touch-up once a month, no games allowed), but is sooooo weak.

I feel like my nails are beasting on my keratin. :(
I've just noticed that since I started dieting, taking multivitamins daily, and exercising more often my nails have grown a lot and have grown stronger. My hair has always grown fairly fast.
Hair, skin, and nails make up the integumentary system of the body. So it makes sense that we would see a correlation between them. That's why they sell "hair, skin, nails" vitamins because what you do affects them all.
My nails do grow at a pretty fast rate. And now that I am finally taking care of my hair it seems to be doing well too. I am not measuring the length and being that its natural, its hard to measure the curls but every now and then I do sneak a stretch in and the last time i did it with the side (by my ear) it was close to APL. and I've done a few trims this year.
Quite a few inches only because the ends seemed pretty damaged and I want very healthy hair.
Hair, skin, and nails make up the integumentary system of the body. So it makes sense that we would see a correlation between them. That's why they sell "hair, skin, nails" vitamins because what you do affects them all.

Dang, you took the words of my mouth!
Because they are all a part of the Integumentary system, that's why most may see the correlation (whether direct or not) between them, and as msa mentioned, your hair, nails, AND the skin make up this system.

If you are putting all the right things in your body, all three will thrive simultaneously.

I remember a cosmetologist telling me once that you hair grows at the same rate as your nails...who knows though?
My nails grow fast as does my hair. But, my hair is relatively hardy - back when I was relaxed and abusing heat every day, it still could grow out to about APL with no problem. My nails, however... have ridges in them, are thin and when they get long start to warp :perplexed and also they bend easily! So if I hit something just right with my hand, they bend backwards and that ish HURTS!!! :nono:

Co-washing seems to make them even softer. So um... yeah... I keep my nails short. I have to cut them twice a week. :look:
Well I don't see the correlation. My nails grow really fast. So much that I have to cut them often, but my hair... well I don't know. I'm natural and do have a lot of shrinkage, so as someone else said it may just be hard to tell.
Not for me. There's no correlation whatsoever as far as I can see. There are times when my hair seems not to be budging at all but my nails are looking nice, and long, and strong. Then other times my nails will not be changing in length but remain short and thin and weak/peeling while my hair appears to be doing OK.

I do think that if I'm not eating well, both suffer. But if my body is getting all the nourishment it needs, I think it's a case of survival for the fittest; so either my nails or my hair will snag the remaining nutrients and benefit. Sometimes both get lucky, sometimes either one. And then it all depends on what it is they're lacking. Since from my experience, it takes several different things in their correct proportions for my nails to respond as I'd like. I'm sure it's the same for hair.
When I started taking better care of my hair and especially when I started using more natural products of my head I noticed that my nails grow stronger and longer than before. I don't know if they grow faster because before they used to split and get chipped so much that I never saw any length but my hair is resilient and had always been around SL.
I think there is a correlation. My nails are thin and not strong but grow at a decent pace, not too fast not too slow either. My hair is the same way except its pretty But I noticed that when I was applying Mega-tek, my nails became strong and grew faster (protein content i guess).
I do see a correlation.

I recently bc'd and took off some acrylics (after over 15 years) and by performing a care routine on both (nails - using a strengthner by SallyHansen), eating more green leafy veggies, and drinking massive amounts of water - i definitely see improvement in both.

Hair and nails are taking off quite nicely...:grin: