Fine Relaxed Hair and Henna???


Well-Known Member
Okay forgive me, I'm sure this has been posted before, but I am seriously considering henna. I thought it was a huge no no for relaxed hair. I know my hair loves any kind of coating type color like cellophane, so I'm thinking henna may have the same or better effect. So what type of henna should I get for fine relaxed hair? Where would I purchase the henna product?? Online or locally, and are there color choices, although 1B is fine with me (dark dark brown)

Thank you in advance for having to repeat yourselves :love:
AtlantaJJ said:
Okay forgive me, I'm sure this has been posted before, but I am seriously considering henna. I thought it was a huge no no for relaxed hair. I know my hair loves any kind of coating type color like cellophane, so I'm thinking henna may have the same or better effect. So what type of henna should I get for fine relaxed hair? Where would I purchase the henna product?? Online or locally, and are there color choices, although 1B is fine with me (dark dark brown)

Thank you in advance for having to repeat yourselves :love:

AtlantaJJ - you need your hands tapped. Now gon and read that long henna thread :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, henna is fine for relaxed hair as long as it is Body Art Quality, 100% henna w/no additives (some are mixed with metallics and that will mess your hair up). Online, we trust hennaforhair, FNWL, hennasooq and a few others. Henna is red, so to get dark brown you would need to do a 50/50 or 2/3 to 1/3 mix of henna an dindigo.
JLove74 said:
AtlantaJJ - you need your hands tapped. Now gon and read that long henna thread :lol: :lol: :lol:

Henna is red, so to get dark brown you would need to do a 50/50 or 2/3 to 1/3 mix of henna an dindigo.

Don't whoop me please... oh good gravy, I have to get a chemistry degree to get the right color mix... whaaa:confused: , can you come mix it up for me??? What's a dindigo?? Uh oh, I got studying to do! LOL:grin:
AtlantaJJ said:
Don't whoop me please... oh good gravy, I have to get a chemistry degree to get the right color mix... whaaa:confused: , can you come mix it up for me??? What's a dindigo?? Uh oh, I got studying to do! LOL:grin:

There's a few people on here with degrees in Hennamixology!!!! :) Indigo is blue/black. Here is the link to hennaforhair and people have their mixes listed on there:

I mix by eye, you don't want me mixin' stuff for you....:lol:
JLove74 said:
Online, we trust hennaforhair, FNWL, hennasooq .
Thanks for the tip BTW, I think you are my hair twin! You got a couple of inches on me but we have simular hair, but mine is darker...:D
To get dark, dark brown, you'll probably have to use a henna/indigo mix, because henna gives a red tint to the hair.

You can get henna on line or locally, but I'd recommend using BAQ (body art quality) henna. Jamila henna is a trusted brand, but there are others as well. FNWL sells henna that I've used successfully but I don't think they sell indigo. Remember: always do a strand test so you don't have any surprises.

You can go here for a list of suppliers:

Here is the FNWL site:

You can also find henna locally. I went to Indian stores/markets and found Jamila for a great price. I don't know about indigo because I don't use it. I'm sure others will post and help you out.

There is not a special brand or kind of henna specifically for fine hair, AFAIK. But many people with fine hair have found henna to be a great strengthener. Again, strand test first because everyone's hair is different. Good luck! :)
Cichelle said:
To get dark, dark brown, you'll probably have to use a henna/indigo mix, because henna gives a red tint to the hair.

You can get henna on line or locally, but I'd recommend using BAQ (body art quality) henna. Jamila henna is a trusted brand, but there are others as well. FNWL sells henna that I've used successfully but I don't think they sell indigo. Remember: always do a strand test so you don't have any surprises.

You can go here for a list of suppliers:

Here is the FNWL site:

You can also find henna locally. I went to Indian stores/markets and found Jamila for a great price. I don't know about indigo because I don't use it. I'm sure others will post and help you out.

There is not a special brand or kind of henna specifically for fine hair, AFAIK. But many people with fine hair have found henna to be a great strengthener. Again, strand test first because everyone's hair is different. Good luck! :)

Thank you so much!! I'm on a new henna quest. BTW is that script in your siggy from the Kabbalah, Arabic or Hebrew?
Strand Test

I've never done a strand test in my life. Do I grab a half inch of hair in the back say, and go through the color process and see what happens, or do I snip some hair <gasp> and color that first? Sorry for being a dope, but I'm new to all this good stuff.
<<Tannins are slightly astringent and their use will tighten the surface of the scalp and hair follicles, strengthening the follicles’ grasp on each hair. Henna also penetrates the hair shaft, strengthens it, smooths the cuticle, thickens the hair, making your hair more resistant to breakage. >>

I'm sold!!!
AtlantaJJ said:
Okay forgive me, I'm sure this has been posted before, but I am seriously considering henna. I thought it was a huge no no for relaxed hair. I know my hair loves any kind of coating type color like cellophane, so I'm thinking henna may have the same or better effect. So what type of henna should I get for fine relaxed hair? Where would I purchase the henna product?? Online or locally, and are there color choices, although 1B is fine with me (dark dark brown)

Thank you in advance for having to repeat yourselves :love:

you will only be able to use BAQ (body art quality) henna.

From that page it will tell you how henna works, what to expect. There's great info about henna and other things as well.check it out!:D
AtlantaJJ said:
Thank you so much!! I'm on a new henna quest. BTW is that script in your siggy from the Kabbalah, Arabic or Hebrew?

It's a blessing in Hebrew. :)

About the strand test, most of us use hair we harvested from our brushes or combs. I don't use a brush, so I just collected shed hair from when I detangle over several days.
Dont mean to hi-jack but if you put henna on your strands and it coats them, does that mean that conditioners and moisturizes will not be able to penetrate through and do their job? :confused: I have been looking for a black dye that doesnt have PPD's in them and i think henna may work, i just dont want to fight to moisturize it back to health down the road. thanks!
Re: Strand Test

AtlantaJJ said:
I've never done a strand test in my life. Do I grab a half inch of hair in the back say, and go through the color process and see what happens, or do I snip some hair <gasp> and color that first? Sorry for being a dope, but I'm new to all this good stuff.

Use harvested hair (like from your hair brush), I wouldn't put in on my head until I've seen those results first. From what I've read, henna oxidizes so it darkens over 2-3 days. HTH:)
Atlanta JJ I bought boxes of henna this week. I can send you one..I got your address, I'll send it this weekend. Just lemme know...
I henna'd for the first time on Sunday. I have fine/medium strands and my hair is relaxed. Overall, I loved my first henna experience. It definitely made my hair feel super strong and thicker than its ever felt in my life!!!:eek: The only problem I had to combat later that night was that my hair felt very dry. I have already been battling with trying to make sure my hair is moisturized so I panicked at how dry it felt. The good news about that is that if you use a thick moisturizing conditioner afterward and then apply lots of moisture and seal with oil for the next couple of days, you'll get softness least that's what happened to me. You may not experience dryness at all. Be careful with the amount of ACV or lemon juice that you use. These two ingredients apparently help to release the color of henna. I used Jamila henna from I mixed it with Amla, Indigo (because I don't want red hair), ACV, evoo, pectin.

Now, I read at least 70 pages of the henna thread plus I went to hennaforhair to find some recipes so I know you are anxious but you should probably dig into those areas of information. It'll make you feel comfortable in your selections.

Feel free to ask me any questions about my experience. Good luck!

I :love: henna!
atlien11 said:
Dont mean to hi-jack but if you put henna on your strands and it coats them, does that mean that conditioners and moisturizes will not be able to penetrate through and do their job? :confused: I have been looking for a black dye that doesnt have PPD's in them and i think henna may work, i just dont want to fight to moisturize it back to health down the road. thanks!
Good question, but from all the rave reviews that henna gets, somehow it allows the hair to be healthy and coated at the same time, not sure how it works though. I'd be intrested to hear about that too.
JLove74 said:
Atlanta JJ I bought boxes of henna this week. I can send you one..I got your address, I'll send it this weekend. Just lemme know...

You are so kind! Okay I'll send you my first born!
Cayenne0622 said:
I henna'd for the first time on Sunday. I have fine/medium strands and my hair is relaxed. Overall, I loved my first henna experience. It definitely made my hair feel super strong and thicker than its ever felt in my life!!!:eek: The only problem I had to combat later that night was that my hair felt very dry. I have already been battling with trying to make sure my hair is moisturized so I panicked at how dry it felt. The good news about that is that if you use a thick moisturizing conditioner afterward and then apply lots of moisture and seal with oil for the next couple of days, you'll get softness least that's what happened to me. You may not experience dryness at all. Be careful with the amount of ACV or lemon juice that you use. These two ingredients apparently help to release the color of henna. I used Jamila henna from I mixed it with Amla, Indigo (because I don't want red hair), ACV, evoo, pectin.

Now, I read at least 70 pages of the henna thread plus I went to hennaforhair to find some recipes so I know you are anxious but you should probably dig into those areas of information. It'll make you feel comfortable in your selections.

Feel free to ask me any questions about my experience. Good luck!

I :love: henna!
Oh my goodness, I'm glad it worked out for you and oh my I have some reading to do don't I? It's like a formula, and once you get it down pat you write it down and seal it in a vault. This is exciting, sounds like just the umph I need for my hair.
Re: Strand Test

amr501 said:
Use harvested hair (like from your hair brush), I wouldn't put in on my head until I've seen those results first. From what I've read, henna oxidizes so it darkens over 2-3 days. HTH:)

Oh my, my little hairs are so fine, I'm gonna have a time trying to gather up them things!! hehe! :ohwell:
JLove74 said:
Atlanta JJ I bought boxes of henna this week. I can send you one..I got your address, I'll send it this weekend. Just lemme know...

How do you make it so long between touch-ups on your relaxer, is henna helping you with that?
AtlantaJJ said:
How do you make it so long between touch-ups on your relaxer, is henna helping you with that?

I've always gone at least 12 weeks between relaxers, but since I've been doing henna (only about 1 month), the new growth seems to be easier to manage.
An Intresting Mix

I tried to grap her picture and post it but it's acting a butt, I like this mix with some alma powder or oil added... not sure which. Her hair is the BOMB!! (I would do ACV, less drying) Her hair is very long so that's why it takes so long to wash out. I can use about 100g according to the chart.

<<This is my hennaed hair! I hope you can see how it shines, how it is healthy and thick. It is all thanks to henna!!!! My hair is naturally dark brown and with henna it is becoming a bit darker and sooooo shiny!!!

I have used henna for the past 3 or 4 years. Since I had seen wonderful hennaed hair in India I decided to try it on my own, in Europe. The henna market in Italy is terrible, so it is difficult to find a good quality henna, so as I can't be choosey. I am using some sort of "commercial" henna+indigo mix (not enough indigo in it if you ask me, but at least it is 100% natural). As you can see it works!!!

I put about 250 g henna+indigo mix in a plastic plate and add lime juice (sometimes white vinegar) + very hot water. I mix it, cover it and leave it for at least a 6 hours. After it stayed enough I add a few drops of EO (like rosmary or lavender hoping it leaves some darkness and the smell of the hair) and a bit more of hot water, and the mix is ready. I tried once to add strong black coffee instead of whatever but I would strongly NOT advise it, because my hair smelled on coffee for the past 2 weeks (incredible but

Then I prepare myself (and my bathroom) for the application. It is so messy! I put the mix on my clean dry hair just with my hands (with the plastic gloves). I start upside - down, from my forehead and than go back, first the hair closest to the scalp and than what is left goes for the rest of the hair. When it is all over I first put aluminum foil on it (to keep it warm), than the plastic bag. I leave it for at least 2 hours and at least once in these two hours I am worming it with the hair drier.

The washing part is very long, it takes more than 25 min to remove henna from my hair, three shampooings (with baby shampoo) and a lot of conditioner. But it is all the part of the fun!!!

It all works, my hair is healthy, thick, dark and it shines. I have no dandruff (I had it before), my hair is not falling out, I have fewer split ends and it is more straight than before!!! What more could one want?

Just one small bit of advice for all people who love their hair. I learned this trick in India: massage the COCONUT OIL in your hair every time before shampooing and leave it as long as you can (overnight, or at least 20 min before shampooing), it really makes a difference, just like henna does!!! My hair is the proof!

Thank >>
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Hi Everyone! The henna will sometimes initially make the hair seem dry if too much acid is used in the mix. Watch how much Amla, lemon juice or other acids you use.

The other way to combat it is to do a deep conditioner afterwards. It is also possible that you may not have gotten all the henna out. It takes a LOT of rinsing to get it all out. Some even submerge the hair in the bathwater while bathing and swish it around to get it out.

The henna does penetrate the hair and make it stronger, it does not, however keep you from getting moisture in. Henna has made such a difference in the strength and shine in my hair that it is amazing!

I hope some of this helps

Softresses said:
Hi Everyone! The henna will sometimes initially make the hair seem dry if too much acid is used in the mix. Watch how much Amla, lemon juice or other acids you use.

The other way to combat it is to do a deep conditioner afterwards. It is also possible that you may not have gotten all the henna out. It takes a LOT of rinsing to get it all out. Some even submerge the hair in the bathwater while bathing and swish it around to get it out.

The henna does penetrate the hair and make it stronger, it does not, however keep you from getting moisture in. Henna has made such a difference in the strength and shine in my hair that it is amazing!

I hope some of this helps


Thank you!! JLove says she doesn't use any acid I think she adds coconut oil...interest. Perhaps just a dash of ACV will do...
JJ, do you have any amla? Two tablespoons of it would supply plenty of acid plus conditioner properties, it helps to darken up the red color too. I just mix mine in with the mixture, In fact I am thawing out some to mix and apply tomorrow! I put yogurt in mine to make it go on smoothly and not splatter everywhere.


ETA; Amla is a highly acidic fruit, if you are using it there is no need for ACV, or lemon juice. It contains a lot more acidity than lemons.
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Softresses said:
JJ, do you have any amla? Two tablespoons of it would supply plenty of acid plus conditioner properties, it helps to darken up the red color too. I just mix mine in with the mixture, In fact I am thawing out some to mix and apply tomorrow! I put yogurt in mine to make it go on smoothly and not splatter everywhere.


ETA; Amla is a highly acidic fruit, if you are using it there is no need for ACV, or lemon juice. It contains a lot more acidity than lemons.

Wow, this is great info. I don't have the Alma product yet, I know where to pick it up though I saw some yesterday but I didn't understand how to use it so I'll get some tomorrow. Great tip.

So you use plain yogurt? I know I've read to mix it to yogurt consistancy but I haven't read about using yogurt directly. So you mix the normal amouts of henna to indigo or which ever combo you choose and then use the yogurt to get it to a smooth consistancy?

I know I'm so full of questions :):lol: