Fine haired type 4 naturals MBL and longer...

BraunSugar hey grow buddy. My regimen has been tweaked. I will be cowashIng week but adding baking soda treatment to help soften my hair, cleanse and open the cuticles also adding herbal rinses twice monthly. I'll post my results within a few months, I saw a few because I want to see how much it helps my hair.
Oh m' back after some trouble(cell phone was stolen thursday)...all pics and vidéos of my sons inside.Im pissed
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Another fine, 4a checking in :yay:!

Have you tried silk protein? I believe a lot of folks that can't tolerate keratin respond well to silk protein and silk can be very strengthening and nourishing for the hair. You can even buy Silk Amino Acids and add the liquid to your shampoo, DC, leave-in, in KCC or other gels, whatever. I have used it this way and LOVE it (although it can sometimes smell a little "fishy")!

But my fine hair tolerates keratin, too, so I use the Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Restructerizer after my weekly DCs. I even add a splash in my KCC when twisting my hair. This product has keratin as the second ingredient and SAA as the third and it has completely turned my hair around!

My regimen is the following and I have high porosity hair so it really sucks up products. I try to use products containing citric acid and aloe vera which helps seal the cuticle and seal in moisture:

*Weekly: CW with Trader Joe's Tingle Treat Conditioner
*Weekly: DC on dry hair with heat for at least 30 minutes using Giovanni Nutrafix (protein) and Doo Groo Intense Penetrating Conditioner (moisture). I add glycerin, EVOO, jojoba oil, vitamin oil and coconut oil to the mixture.
*Weekly: spray damp hair with Aphogee Keratin Restructerizer, apply leave-in and let air dry for a few hours before twisting hair with KCC and sealing with grease.
*Daily: KCC in either a gel or using some that I've added Deionized water and glycerin and use as a spray. Seal with grease. Repeat regimen after 7 days.

Using this regimen consistently this year has taken me from SL to APL. I really believe the consistent use of protein and well, consistency has my hair turnt up!

After a lot of breakage in December-January, brought on by dry winter air & job stress ( I'm a teacher & decided to retire after a lot of budget cut mess) I did a hard trim to get rid of split ends & started wearing a Fingercomber wig to protect my hair. Then I started a shea butter mix & sometimes Qhemet. I discovered the fine hair line of Shea Moisture...the Yucca & Baobab line...esp the Anti breakage masque & the growth milk. It worked very well & my hair started to improve the breakage almost completely stopped. Seems my hair needs more protein. I even revisited the Curl smoothie, which I tried last year & my hair HATED. This time it worked ( say what??) much better. So I went for the SM line instead of the more expensive Qhemet with its smaller jars.When school got out I ditched the wig,did a henna/indigo to cover gray edges & went back to my summer staple for the past 2 summers..KinkyCurly. Found I can use a little SM curl smoothie with the KCCC to keep it from drying. I'm nowhere near MBL; my fine hair is only almost bottom of neck length so far. Soft,fine hair can be a real pain; always have to be mindful of breakage.
Ladies, three years down the line, and I am weary. I would just shave my hair and go bald if I could get away with it. I have also considered relaxing or texlaxing, but I think that comes with its own set of problems. I am only just barely grazing APL. My hair will be moisturised and feeling good in the morning and by evening, it will feel like straw. So I have to moisturise twice daily at least. Hair keeps breaking off and shedding. Wish I lived near a natural hair salon.
Ladies, three years down the line, and I am weary. I would just shave my hair and go bald if I could get away with it. I have also considered relaxing or texlaxing, but I think that comes with its own set of problems. I am only just barely grazing APL. My hair will be moisturised and feeling good in the morning and by evening, it will feel like straw. So I have to moisturise twice daily at least. Hair keeps breaking off and shedding. Wish I lived near a natural hair salon.

Ajoke, maybe you should look into your products which may be creating your dryness problems. You should not have to moisturise twice.

Relaxing and Texlaxing are not the solutions for fine hair.

I shaved my hair off not completely bald. I had been natural before and was able to grow my fine hair pretty fast but I always had dryness issues and single stranded knots. I concluded that was because I always had the remnants of relaxed hair.

It's frustrating at times as I love seeing myself with lots of hair but I know it is a phase. I found that my own hair before I shaved was again dry and not accepting moisture and my braidouts were looking weak and too much moisture made my hair look greasy.

Since I shaved, I wash my hair everyday and I no longer have to put product in my hair at all it stays moist all day.

I think you have to maybe wash your hair a bit more (mild shampoo and conditioner) and look into your hair products as well as your hairstyles.

Almond Eyes
yeah ajoke dont relax that fast.
i virgin relaxed in december... im already transitionning.
i do have hair but... i miss my thickness.

i will get back natural ànd learn how to make my hair straight while natural.

you should try to clarify
also try this on wash day
pre poo with a condit+ oil, (sections)
shampoo .
dc (i actually dc before .. at pre poo)
oil rinse with a light oil
seal with ic fantasia serum (only serum gets my hair sofr and smooth)
twist sections and let hair dry.
when i take them down my hair is soft and stays moisturized for somz time.
of course it might not work for you but hey, im just trynna help :-)
Thanks ladies. Maybe I need some Henna or cassia. I am just frustrated because my hair never looks polished. I have a friend who went natural after me and her hair looks really cool. I really want to just wear my own hair without any extensions, but it doesn't look nice without tons of manipulation.
Actually, I prepoo with deep conditioner and coconut oil and I have to wash my scalp thoroughly otherwise it gets itchy. I sometimes I do some updos which are nice, but they last max 2 days. I would like to do updos which last at least a week with my hair staying moisturised. That would be my dream. Sorry I am rambling a bit....
Thanks ladies. Maybe I need some Henna or cassia. I am just frustrated because my hair never looks polished. I have a friend who went natural after me and her hair looks really cool. I really want to just wear my own hair without any extensions, but it doesn't look nice without tons of manipulation. Actually, I prepoo with deep conditioner and coconut oil and I have to wash my scalp thoroughly otherwise it gets itchy. I sometimes I do some updos which are nice, but they last max 2 days. I would like to do updos which last at least a week with my hair staying moisturised. That would be my dream. Sorry I am rambling a bit....

try out henna. it gave me nice results.
i would mix mine with olive oil, eggs, lots of oil.

when i rinsed that out my hair was strong and sooooooo soft.

the first time i hénna'd my hair came out dry ànd tangled i hated it.
with oil its not dry at all.
Im am going to try some of the tips that you ladies mentioned this this thread.

My hair was the best when I was using henna and the indian powders, but at ghat time I was relaxed. Doing this all over again with natural hair.......
Im am going to try some of the tips that you ladies mentioned this this thread. My hair was the best when I was using henna and the indian powders, but at ghat time I was relaxed. Doing this all over again with natural hair.......

it wont be that hard. you will see. it will just be a mess in the bathroom lol.
im transitiionnong and thinking of how much time il gońna spend on my hair again.... oh gosh
I did a cassia conditioning with hibiscus, a bit or amla and honey and brahinghia (spelling?). My hair came out feeling strong and full. I really should do this more often.
Afterwards, I blow dried my hair on cool and put it in braids ( JoStylin method). I had about 15- 18 braids in total, although one wouldn't have known- fine haired ladies, you understand me. I wore that under my lace front wig which I pinned down and it looked really nice.

After 1 week had passed, I washed and deep conditioned in those braids.
A few days later I decided undo each braid, remove shed hairs rebraid. Halfway through, I decided to add hair and do proper braids. I braided my whole head up! I had a business trip the next day and had no choice but to finish braiding. I wonder why I've never braided my own hair before. No pain at all. And I've left my edges out. It was always impossible to convince hair braiders not to braid my edges.
ajoke do you find that the added hair has any negative effects on your hair? I've thought about getting some kind of extension protective style (Havana twists or something big) but I worry that the added hair would be too much weight/would cut through my fine hair.
ajoke do you find that the added hair has any negative effects on your hair? I've thought about getting some kind of extension protective style (Havana twists or something big) but I worry that the added hair would be too much weight/would cut through my fine hair.
I am just seeing your post. I made the braids myself and the proportion of my hair to added hair is very close, unlike how it would be if someone else braided my hair. As a result of that, I don't have too much weight. Plus I didn't install the braids that tightly, so I don't expect the extensions to cut through my hair. When I remove the hair in a months time max, I'll update you if I notice any negative results.
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Ah the trials of fine hair.
I'm a 4a 3c with MBL hair. I feel like I need to change or improve my regimen to get me over every milestone.
I've combed my hair 1x in the past 14 months. And that's what I'm going to keep doing.

I can't handle frequent twisting, yet I also can't handle leaving my hair just out like that, because it will surely mat.

I seem to be stalling at midback again, not unexpectedly. I think I need to increase everyday moisture in my hair so that I don't need to trim/ avoid breakage.

I'll be using aloe juice as my main moisturizer. And of course having a sealant.
Also considering extension twists over the next few months, but that's TBD.

I should have reached waist by end of this year, but not sure that's likely. I'm hoping for Feb 2015, assuming no major trim.
Wow, after reading this thread, it makes sense that I have been natural 3 years, and stuck just past my shoulders, I decided I really need to up the moisture and deep conditioning, I have used protective styles almost the whole time, so maybe they are not as helpful as I thought they were in any event thanks a bunch ladies :bighug:
Wow, after reading this thread, it makes sense that I have been natural 3 years, and stuck just past my shoulders, I decided I really need to up the moisture and deep conditioning, I have used protective styles almost the whole time, so maybe they are not as helpful as I thought they were in any event thanks a bunch ladies :bighug:

my hair only theived when i added to my reggie:

dc before washing ( deep pre poo id say)
hard protein (like apoghee 2 step)
stretching (tension blow dry every 2 weeks worked better).

using serum helped well keep my hair soft after wash.
Okay guess I can roll in here. I've known I had fine hair, just was not really serious about growth. Honestly I still don't really care about a specific length. I just want the constant tangling to stop. I want styling and a style to hold (asking too much) and I want to wear it out. I love twisted up-do's but constant twisting will reek havoc. I'm tired of wearing wigs. I just don't know. I'm really debating either cutting it off or relaxing. I keep cutting it up to my neck/ shoulders because the longer it gets the more tangles come. Styling options ladies, what are these protective styles you guys do?