Fine haired ladies what do you do to your hair at night


The Credit Countess
I want to have a smooth straight look with body doing the day however, when I try to wrap my hair at night I loose all body and it just sits there.

When washing I do a rollerset and I have been dry roller setting my hair at night but it is too curly in the morning. Combing the curls out just makes it frizzy so I'm at a lose of how to get the look that I want.

I am going to try my hand at pin curling again and maybe pin curling at night and cross wrapping in the morning to relax the curl.

I guess I am trying to find out from fine hair ladies if wrapping at night work for you and if it does what do you do to get body.
Hi Girl,

Can't wait to see you Saturday!!!!

I am really leaning on rollering at night and wrapping in the morning
You should try wrapping the base of your hair and using big rollers in the crown.

Wrapping is frustrating for me too. In fact I definitely have to keep my wrapping frequency pretty low. Cross wrapping doesn't work for me.
Put rollers in your hair at night and in the morning wrap it, do your morning routine and by the time your finished those curls will have loosened.
LadyR what products are you using on your hair before bed? It's so easy to weigh our hair down...
Thanks ladies,

Since I posted this in September I started wearing my hair in a curly roller set. My hair looks better this way. When I wash I use the smaller rollers and air dry and I am happy with the look. As for products I have dry hair but anything that I put on my hair dry my hair hates so I am learning to moisturize on wash dry and just roll it up at night. This is more work as I usually have to wash one a week and then CO wash one or twice during the week but that is the price I have to pay to look good.

When I do decide to wear my hair straight I think that I will roll at night and cross wrap in the morning.
Sometimes I do a wet set like on a Sunday. Then the next 3-4 days I wrap my hair at night and I am able to retain some body. Just don't wrap too tight.
Also try a high loose ponytail with a scrunchie and tie the hairline down with a silk scarf or wear a silk bonnet. Lots of body in the morning. :yep:
I cross wrap, but i take the pins out of the scarf after i tie it on. I find that letting the hair move under the scarf at night makes it less flat. Also, if you just pincurl the crown of your hair and not the bottom part, you'll at least get a little volume at that top.
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I usually twist my hair into a bun. Just moisturize your hair, grab into a pony tail and twist into a circle. When you take your hair down in the morning, it will fall down in soft curls. It's like putting your hair into one bantu knot.
I cross wrap but I alternate the part in the front so that it is on the opposite side of where I will wear my part in the morning. The difference gives me a little more lift on the top when I take the wrap down.
things i like are pin curling but very carefully because if you do it messy it will stay like that all the next day (as im sure most fine/ soft haired ladies know) also when I get tired of the dent marks left by the bobby pins (as im sure most fine/ soft haired ladies also know) using those large hot (steam) curlers in the morning are also an option.
