FINE HAIR Ladies that use or have used HENNA

How do you feel about Henna treatments

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I concur. :)

I love the effects of Henna. I really do! Definitely makes my hair appear thicker than it really is. However, the thickness is not long lasting, and it is sooo messy and hard to clean up from my bathroom.

I try to do it on a regular basis (once a week, or once every other week) but sometimes i just dont have the energy to go thru the whole process.
Sebastian Colourshine Cellophaines used to do the same thing for me back in the day. I gave my hair volume, body and shine! I used to get them so often it got on my stylist's nerves!! That's back 20 + years ago when I couldn't get it myself without a licence. I have some now and it still has the same effect. I didn't notice until recently that there is protein in that product. It's like getting a deep protein treatment with color!! Go figure!!:rolleyes: That's why it work(s)ed so well on my fine hair! It was never drying either, I guess because she would use a moisture based conditioner after doing the color. They used to call me Welches back in the day because I had that Wine Burgundy hair! LOL
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It's not worth the hassle mess and time to me. Plus my fine hair can not handle the "weight" I stopped henna and am now looking into other ways to strengthen my hair.
Sebastian Colourshine Cellophaines used to do the same thing for me back in the day. I gave my hair volume, body and shine! I used to get them so often it got on my stylist's nerves!! That's back 20 + years ago when I couldn't get it myself without a licence. I have some now and it still has the same effect. I didn't notice until recently that there is protein in that product. It's like getting a deep protein treatment with color!! Go figure!!:rolleyes: That's why it work(s)ed so well on my fine hair! It was never drying either, I guess because she would use a moisture based conditioner after doing the color. They used to call me Welches back in the day because I had that Wine Burgundy hair! LOL

I'll have to get my hands on this.
Henna was good for my hair except for the reddish highlights, I don't like that. Biside that it was to much work, I am lazy :ohwell: so I stopped using henna. I was using cassia by the way.
I just used a Hennalucent (Earth Brown) a couple of weeks ago and I just love it. I especially like how it lighlights my grey. I love too how you can use it shortly after relaxing.
Please vote and tell me a bit about your experience. I am considering henna to cover gray along my hairline. I know that henna is really really permenant in that you cannot color over it with store bought color, therefore I am relying heavily on your experiences.

Also, if you can let me know how you mixed it.

I have thin hair and I love henna. I use it two ways.

Henna Gloss: I mix henna, olive or coconut oil, coconut milk and conditioner. I use only one tablespoon of henna. It is key for us thin-haired ladies to use henna with oil and conditioners. We have to be able to rinse the henna cleanly so it won't cause tangles.

Relaxer: I use henna and yogurt to straighten my hair so I can avoid a relaxer. I mix t TBSP of henna with a fair amount of full-fat yogurt and leave it on for an hour or so. I rinse it out, oil rinse and condition in the shower.

Henna is wonderful for thin hair if you adjust it accordingly.
I have fine hair and LOVE henna!

I use it every 5 weeks. I notice that at 6 weeks my hair starts getting too soft and over-moisturized. Henna keeps that in check.
How long do you ladies leave your henna mixture on your hair? I have fine hair and I want to start using henna as a thickener/color rinse but I don't want the color change to be too dramatic.
How long do you ladies leave your henna mixture on your hair? I have fine hair and I want to start using henna as a thickener/color rinse but I don't want the color change to be too dramatic.

I leave mine on for 5-6 hours. My hair color doesn't change; it just has a reddish highlight to it when I'm in the sun.
I love using my henna/indigo mix. It makes my hair stronger IMMEDIATELY and SUPER black. My hair feels "heavier" since using henna. I used to do 1x per week but now I do 1-2x per month (less than more) I LOOOVE black hair, so Serica told me to try a 1-henna and 2-indigo routine! So that's what I've switched too! But I say the time (which lessens with experience, takes me 20-25 minutes from mix to hair + 1 hr "marinate") AND the results are WELL WORTH THE EFFORT! Go for it!

Does this mean you henna 1 month and do indigo the next to months? And when you indigo, you don't use henna?
I had to get the hang of it, and I had to find the best recipe for me, but I absolutely LOVE what henna does for my hair: strengthens and thickens up the individual strands. I've henna'd 3 times so far, and I'm still working on my perfect recipe. The color enhancement and the copper-colored gray hairs are 'on-the-side' perks. I haven't noticed the shine that everyone raves about, yet....I guess I don't have good lighting. LOL.

I think it made my NG more resistant to relaxing, so I'll probably limit myself to henna during the first 4 weeks post relaxer.....tough to be patient for the next treatment, though.
I used Cassia, neutral henna and my hair was so soft afterward. I used VO5 conditioner to wash it out and it can out very easily. I will be doing this again soon.:grin:
How long do you ladies leave your henna mixture on your hair? I have fine hair and I want to start using henna as a thickener/color rinse but I don't want the color change to be too dramatic.

I leave it on in for an under the dryer with my head under a plastic cap- Hth
I use a henna-indigo premix and absolutely love the results. It strengthens my hair and makes it feel silky and look shiny.

Mahalialee has given a great tip about spreading a plastic table cloth in the bathroom. Once you get the texture of the henna (not too runny and not too dry and crumbly) it tends to go where you put it. However, it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side.
I have thin hair and I love henna. I use it two ways.

Henna Gloss: I mix henna, olive or coconut oil, coconut milk and conditioner. I use only one tablespoon of henna. It is key for us thin-haired ladies to use henna with oil and conditioners. We have to be able to rinse the henna cleanly so it won't cause tangles.

Relaxer: I use henna and yogurt to straighten my hair so I can avoid a relaxer. I mix t TBSP of henna with a fair amount of full-fat yogurt and leave it on for an hour or so. I rinse it out, oil rinse and condition in the shower.

Henna is wonderful for thin hair if you adjust it accordingly.

alrighty then, never thought of that!
Huh, I coulda SWORE I responded to this thread.

Fine hair here, and I LOVEEEEE my henna!!! I premix about a pound at a time (henna and an equal amount of water), leave it alone for about an hour to let the color release, and then freeze about 1/2 cup portions in ziploc bags. When I'm ready to henna, I pull a bag out, let it thaw, and mix it with a roughly equal amount of cheapie cone-free conditioner. Apply (and yeah, it's usually still cold as all GET out), and leave it on overnight, rinse out.

I henna once a month, and having it premixed makes it SOOOOO much easier - I've henna'd my head in under 25 minutes (I think it was 19 minutes, cuz yeah, I timed myself :lachen:) including all the set up. I don't do anything fancy to apply it - I scoop up a gob out of the bowl (I wear latex gloves so my hands won't stain) and smush it into my hair. The conditioner prevents it from being drippy, and prevents the henna from drying out my hair.

I've been using it for about a year, and I swear, it's been the main thing that's kept my hair strong. If I look at a single strand against a bright light, I can see the redness, but otherwise *points at avi pic* you would never suspect that I use it on a regular basis.
I love it!!

Its hard to wash out of your hair, and it leaves your hair dry, but you can feel and tell that it works. I love it :)
I find that adding the conditioner to it, and keeping it well wrapped in plastic so it doesn't dry out makes rinsing it out a snap - just as easy as rinsing out conditioner alone...
MY HAIR IS SOOOOOOOO SOFT!!! I Henna'd last night, keeping the henna in for a whole 8 hours. Here's my mix...

1. 100g henna
2. 1/2 cup of almond oil
3. 1/2 cup of Safflower oil
4. Mix with enough water to paste a paste the consistency of yogurt.

Cover. Let sit overnight.

Before applying, mix with cheapie conditioner until smooth. (I used V05 pomegrante.)

Apply. Allow to sit as long as you want it. Again I left mine on overnight, wrapping with saran wrap and covering with two shower caps. I tied a silk scarf over that and went to bed.

This morning, I rinsed real good. The henna washed easily out of my hair. Washed with Mizani Moisturefuse. Used Moisturfuse conditioner, mixed with LeKair Cholesterol. Allowed to sit without heat for a couple of hours.

Got in the shower. Did my business. Rinsed conditioner. Lost few hairs.

Henna made my hair nice and strong.

Out of the shower, I used WEN cleanser cream as a leave-in, followed by WEN Lavender Creme, sealed with WEN Fig oil. Allowed to airdry for about an hour. Applied a heat protectant. Blow dried. Sealed with a dab of Parachute Pure Coconut Oil.

The results? My hair is shiny. I have a burgandy/auburn tint from the Henna. I used Hesh Henna and will be using that again. I think I want my hair a little more red so I'll try the other Henna from Africa that's supposed to be good next time.

I love Henna and have no trouble at all. No mess. No fuss. Stronger, thicker, fuller hair!!! ;)

^^^ Did you have any loss of color when you washed and conditioned after henna-ing? What other henna from Africa are you referring to...Moroccan?
I haven't had the messiness issues and I found that it saves time if I premix it and then put it in the fridge until I get ready to use it. (2 weeks max)

I love it now but the first time I tried it....Let's just say I wasn't pleased! The henna really dried out my hair and I didn't condition/moisturize well enough or at least I didn't know how. Now I do an oil rinse after rinsing out Henna and then I DC for a hour with heat. This works. My hair is healthier, shiney and I love the color. I mix the Henna with Cassia so it's not too much dark red. Color is fabulous!

Oh and 1 more tip I got from this board was putting a capful of Silk Amino Acid ( in my Henna mix. It helps it wash out much easier...I just fill the bathtub up with warm water and lay down in there to rinse it out. Then I stand up and finish rinsing in the shower.

I leave my mix on for about an hour with about 30 minutes of heat. Plastic cap is a must!
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I love henna. I started using it in December. It is great for my fine hair and makes my hair look so lush. I add lemon juice or ACV to my henna to release the colour. I also add glycerin and honeyquat, amla powder, coffee and rosewater. When I wash it out I pour a huge amount -1/2- 1 bottle of cheap conditioner on top of the henna onto my hair and the henna melts out of my hair quickly and my hair always comes out soft and moisturised. I then follow with a good moisturising conditioner. No dryness whatsoever!
I love henna. I started using it in December. It is great for my fine hair and makes my hair look so lush. I add lemon juice or ACV to my henna to release the colour. I also add glycerin and honeyquat, amla powder, coffee and rosewater. When I wash it out I pour a huge amount -1/2- 1 bottle of cheap conditioner on top of the henna onto my hair and the henna melts out of my hair quickly and my hair always comes out soft and moisturised. I then follow with a good moisturising conditioner. No dryness whatsoever!
This sounds yummy and your hair in your siggy looks like we can be hair twins! :yep:

ETA: you don't rinse the henna first? you just add the cheepy conditioner, let it sit and then rinse?

I'm off to stalk your threads now... :driver:
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