Fine hair ladies, May I share my finding with U


Well-Known Member
I accidentally tried a recipe last week, and the result was so spectacular I wanted to share it with you.

DLewis told me last week I should try co-washing :grin:... I was very tempted, but since I am a low-mani girl I was afraid my hair would be a mess to detangle with frequent CWs. I have some detangler at home but they all have cones, so they are not good for frequent uses. So I wanted a natural alternative. I found this french site with all kinds of natural recipes and eventually a natural detangler with oatmeal. But there was another side benefit, it has some thickenning properties. Well I really thought it was a side effect, not a big deal.

I CWed once and tried it, the result was fine. I liked it, not as good as a commercial detangler but good enough for my needs. My hair was very soft, thick:lick:.

I CWed the day after, tried it and air-dried again. Big mistake:wallbash:!!! My already thick hair was massive:blush: I wanted a wash-n-go, so I left my house with wet hair. By the time my hair dried, it was a massive puff, everybody was looking at me like:blush:, I was craking all the time because I knew why, think of Diana Ross in the 80s:lachen:... Conclusion, if you want to thicken your hair naturally, you may need to try this recipe.

1/2 cup of pre-cooked oatmeal (natural oatmeal, not the quick mix you boil in the microwave)
2 cups of water
1/4 of olive oil
1/8 of ACV (more or less depending on the current porosity of your hair)

Your boil the oatmeal until it becomes creamy. Let it cool. Drain the mix with a pantyhose and add the ACV. Then add the oil progressively while mixing. Mix well. You can refrigerate the left-over for a couple for a week or two. I personally added Bergamot EO in my mix since I can't stand the smell of the ACV. I cowashed with my regular conditioner first and then use the mix, left it on my hair 5 mins and then rinsed it out. I only air-dried, so I dont know how it works with heat.

I won't be doing it frequently since I dont want my hair to be thicker then it is now, but I thought that I would share with those of you ladies with fine hair. And you can play with the ingredients until you find the perfect mix for your hair. Good luck :yep:

Sorry for the long post though:ohwell:
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Thanks! I would love to thicken my hair! I am trying this next week. Do you think it can be frozen?

The 2 cups of water, is it used to boil the oatmeal or is it added to the mixture after the oatmeal is cooked and creamy?
It actually makes perfect sense. Oat is a humectant. A lot of people grind the oat into a meal, the put it in their bathwater. I can see this working for hair too. Thank you.
I saw that Aveeno added a shampoo and leave-in conditioner to their line...this maybe the commercialized recipe...have anyone tried Aveeno's hair care product yet?

~I would love to try this recipe when I'm completely natural!

I was tempted to buy it, but decided when I finished my other products I'll give it a try...I don't want to be a pj...
Wow, oatmeal!!! That's so neat, im always on the market for something new and thickening! I'm gonna try this out as well, and i'll post about my results! :yep: Thanx for sharing, lady!
Just wanted to add, Im especially eager to try this because I had decided recently that I will likely would not be Henna'ing anymore. Not that i wasnt getting superb thickening results, because i was (temporarily, anyway), but the mess and drama involved in the whole thing just isnt worth it. I mean, Henna use to stain my tub something awful when i would wash it out in the shower.... and i *aint* got time for all that now. :wallbash: So it would be wonderful if the oatmeal works for me in a similar way, as I imagine that "mess" will be far easier to clean up.

The 2 cups of water , is it used to boil the oatmeal or is it added to the mixture after the oatmeal is cooked and creamy?

You boil the oatmeal in the 2 cups of water:yep: Sorry, my instructions were not clear.:ohwell: Obviously if you want a thicker paste, you can up the amount of oatmeal.:lick: Honeslty I love oatmeal, I almost eat some every morning (oatmeal, milk, brown sugar, butter, a pinch or cinnamon and nutmeg, yummy!!!:lachen:)
Thanks honey! This is perfect! I think I will use my food processero to grind down the oats!!!


Great idea but make sure there is no residue left in the mix:yep: BTW, isn't your hair thick enough LM, are you sure you want to try that. I love your hair BTW, and you are one of my inspiration when it comes to using natural alternatives :grin:
I CWed the day after, tried it and air-dried again. Big mistake:wallbash:!!! My already thick hair was massive:blush: I wanted a wash-n-go, so I left my house with wet hair. By the time my hair dried, it was a massive puff, everybody was looking at me like:blush:, I was craking all the time because I knew why, think of Diana Ross in the 80s:lachen:... Conclusion, if you want to thicken your hair naturally, you may need to try this recipe.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I can imagine.
Wonderful! I have very fine hair and will be trying this. Thank you!
@Dominican09 I have tried one of the Aveeno conditioners, but have only used it once and mistakenly left it at my parents' place, where I won't have access to it until this weekend. It did successfully moisturize my hair, but I can't recall if it felt any thicker. I will try it again and let you know if you'd like :)
I can just see all of those gummy oats stuck in my hair. Although I could use some thickening, I have to think about this one.
Just wanted to add, Im especially eager to try this because I had decided recently that I will likely would not be Henna'ing anymore. Not that i wasnt getting superb thickening results, because i was (temporarily, anyway), but the mess and drama involved in the whole thing just isnt worth it. I mean, Henna use to stain my tub something awful when i would wash it out in the shower.... and i *aint* got time for all that now. :wallbash: So it would be wonderful if the oatmeal works for me in a similar way, as I imagine that "mess" will be far easier to clean up.

That's why I could never get on the Henna bandwagon. I have a hard time as it is with the extra work I have to do to keep my tub and tile clean with all the regular deep conditioning grub that sticks to it :nono:
Wonderful! I have very fine hair and will be trying this. Thank you!
@Dominican09 I have tried one of the Aveeno conditioners, but have only used it once and mistakenly left it at my parents' place, where I won't have access to it until this weekend. It did successfully moisturize my hair, but I can't recall if it felt any thicker. I will try it again and let you know if you'd like :)

spinspinshuga, I would love to hear from you, in the meantime I will be going through cold sweats cause I'm so tempted to try it! I love Aveeno products.
This is interesting.

Joico has a conditioner which is supposed to temporarily thicken the strands. It is called Thickening luxe.

Also you can purchase oat protein and add it to your spray.

I have some here but I dont use it to thicken my strands I use it because it helps prevent oils from being super greasy on the hair