Relaxed ladies with fine hair?

Wow, all of your responses are very inspirational. =) It's great to know that I'll still be able to grow my hair long.

I got it done today by a different stylist. It hurts, but I had it checked over twice and there isn't any scabbing.

You ladies have beautiful hair.
CaptainSyrup said:
Wow, all of your responses are very inspirational. =) It's great to know that I'll still be able to grow my hair long.

I got it done today by a different stylist. It hurts, but I had it checked over twice and there isn't any scabbing.

You ladies have beautiful hair.

Why does it hurt??
twin1 said:
Divine favor, we are definitely hair twins. I think you are the first person here whose album I looked at and felt as if I was looking at my own hair. Our hair is definitely, definitely fine and delicate and difficult to take care of. we need kid gloves.

Ooh that is so cool!!!!

Yes, you are so right we definitely have to use kid gloves. My hair has always been fine and very soft. I'm starting to get the hang of taking care of my hair. But sometimes it could be a difficult task, the slightest little thing can mess my hair up. I've never used permanent color, because I'm afraid of the damage it will cause. I've only used a rinse once and that was last summer. I may start using a clear one soon though. I like the color of my hair, but the clear rinse will give it more shine. My hair is naturally sandy brown (my mama used to call it dirty brown) with some reddish tint.

We will definitely have to bounce ideas off of each other.
neonbright said:
Yes you can go hair past your shoulders with fine hair. After being extremly sick and still working on it and taking meds 2 - 3 times a day. I have grown it several time to my bra strap. I think I am not going that long again, I will go maybe 2 inches shorter. But look at my advatar and see the proof. I have been relaxing since 2003 with no problems with growth.

Your hair is very pretty.
blackbarbie said:
Another fine haired testimony checking in!:)
My hair is actually fine and thin.(but stretching my relaxers has allowed it an opportunity to thicken up).

Although I probably shouldn't, I always get my hair relaxed bone straight, but I do rollersets weekly b/c I like the illusion of fullness it gives. I only get it blow dried and flat ironed RIGHT AFTER my touch up just to gauge the growth, but I don't do hand held blow dryers b/c my strands aren't strong enough to handle all that stress.:mad:

Your hair is very pretty!
I am loving this fine-haired ladies thread! Very helpful..... and also encouraging to know that I am not alone. :)
twin1 said:
Divine favor, we are definitely hair twins. I think you are the first person here whose album I looked at and felt as if I was looking at my own hair. Our hair is definitely, definitely fine and delicate and difficult to take care of. we need kid gloves.

This is how my hair looks too! And Kinikakes, I hope you don't mind me stalking your album, you are such an inspiration:)
This thread is so inspirational! I am at the point where my hair is approaching going past my shoulders. I have heard that this is one of the most crucial points when growing your hair. This thread has made me feel better and that it can be done! Thanks ladies!! :)
Ambitious1013 said:
This thread is so inspirational! I am at the point where my hair is approaching going past my shoulders. I have heard that this is one of the most crucial points when growing your hair. This thread has made me feel better and that it can be done! Thanks ladies!! :)

Girl, yo hair is on a mission!!! Hang in there. Also, thanks for posting you regimen and being my hair budddddy. :lachen: I went and purchased some of the Aubrey Organics products today. I can't wait to use them. I was mad because the store didn't have the honeysuckle rose conditioner but I was able to get the shampoo, and the GPB. ANDDDDD...being the PJ that I am, I saw some products called Mill Creek Bontanicals and I had to buy their Keratin Shampoo and Keratin Conditioner. I CAN'T STAND MYSELF!! hahahahaha They were both about $6.00/each so I figured why not. They also have a henna shampoo and henna conditioner and a biotin shampoo and a biotin conditioner. I was about to lose my mind trying to pic one so I went with the keratin because it is a "repair formula" and it improves elasticity, etc.

FINE HAIRED WOMEN UNITE!!! I'll let you know how these products work out. I have 30 days to return them to Whole Foods.
Cayenne0622 said:
Girl, yo hair is on a mission!!! Hang in there. Also, thanks for posting you regimen and being my hair budddddy. :lachen: I went and purchased some of the Aubrey Organics products today. I can't wait to use them. I was mad because the store didn't have the honeysuckle rose conditioner but I was able to get the shampoo, and the GPB. ANDDDDD...being the PJ that I am, I saw some products called Mill Creek Bontanicals and I had to buy their Keratin Shampoo and Keratin Conditioner. I CAN'T STAND MYSELF!! hahahahaha They were both about $6.00/each so I figured why not. They also have a henna shampoo and henna conditioner and a biotin shampoo and a biotin conditioner. I was about to lose my mind trying to pic one so I went with the keratin because it is a "repair formula" and it improves elasticity, etc.

FINE HAIRED WOMEN UNITE!!! I'll let you know how these products work out. I have 30 days to return them to Whole Foods.
No problem!! :) Keep us posted on the products that you bought today.
Ambitious1013 said:
This thread is so inspirational! I am at the point where my hair is approaching going past my shoulders. I have heard that this is one of the most crucial points when growing your hair. This thread has made me feel better and that it can be done! Thanks ladies!! :)

I am loving your hair growth and the health of you hair is so beautiful... Keep it up....:rosebud:
peacelove said:
Hey there. I have fine hair and I don't think that hinders growth. At least I hope not! I just added my first photo to my siggy so you can see where I am (not that long yet, but I had to cut about 1 1/2 inches). Also, I do not relax bone straight. I think that is a no no for the fine hair girls. My stylist got me off Affirm because she said I need something less strong. I use Elucence now (even though I don't think it is THAT mild either). But she does not smooth my hair out. I think it is important to leave texture when your hair is fine. It helps with giving it some body IMO. :)
I cosign, bone straight is out! I love having body in my hair and I think less processing is definately better for our hair health over all.
I have fine hair too and I'm newly relaxed. How long do you fine haired ladies strech your relaxers? I'm going on 12 weeks post already and I'm thinking about going longer.But I know soon I'll be worried about breakage.:(
I have fine hair as well and it's really about finding products/methods that work for your hair and maintaining the proper moisture and protein balance for your tresses. Also I agree w/ OneInAMillion it's pretty easy to overprocess fine hair so be careful w/ relaxer application and timing.
I was thinking the exact same thing, especially the parts in bold. I hold the belief that your hair can do just about anything ( within reason). I have fine strands but I have a LOT of hair. Certain products exagerate this volume (which I don't like) and certain products make it look absolutely perfect. If I were you I'd say stay away from products that are heavy. They'll make your hair seem even more thin and stringy.
you'll be alright! Don't let anyone tell you what your hair won't do!:cool:
getmoore said:
I have fine hair too and I'm newly relaxed. How long do you fine haired ladies strech your relaxers? I'm going on 12 weeks post already and I'm thinking about going longer.But I know soon I'll be worried about breakage.:(

I try to stretch at least 4 months or so. But, since I texturize, there's not that much difference between the two textures. It only gets cumbersome around month 5...then I have to be extra patient and gentle. This year I managed to relax two times, and I plan on doing that in the future.
Hi, another fine haired lady checking in! I texturize my hair. When I used to relax it bone straight it would be so silky for a week or so, then it would become curly again, I would process it longer and longer to see if it would stop going culy on me. It didn't work, and I ended up causing damage.

Now I texturize and only leave the relaxer in only as long as it takes to apply. (About 5 min). This lets me have silky hair when I flat iron or roller set, and also have curly hair with a wash and go. The best of both worlds.

OneInAMillion said:
I try to stretch at least 4 months or so. But, since I texturize, there's not that much difference between the two textures. It only gets cumbersome around month 5...then I have to be extra patient and gentle. This year I managed to relax two times, and I plan on doing that in the future.
Thanks. I was plannig on going as long as possible. Relaxing twice a year is something I'd love to try to shoot for.
Softresses said:
Hi, another fine haired lady checking in! I texturize my hair. When I used to relax it bone straight it would be so silky for a week or so, then it would become curly again, I would process it longer and longer to see if it would stop going culy on me. It didn't work, and I ended up causing damage.

Now I texturize and only leave the relaxer in only as long as it takes to apply. (About 5 min). This lets me have silky hair when I flat iron or roller set, and also have curly hair with a wash and go. The best of both worlds.

That makes perfect sense! :clap:
Thank you so much, Artemis_E for resurrecting this thread. I almost lost my dinner reading the first post. For most of my life my hair doesn't get too much past shoulder before I have to cut it off again. It's always been healthy, but it is very fine and very soft. I have to really treat it like silk. This forum has helped me create a laundry list of tips/regimen that is working for me:

  • stretching relaxers for as long as possible
  • there's something to be said about not having bone straight hair, it's all good!
  • treat those ends like a baby's bottom. dust ends when necessary
  • stay away from too many products
  • little or no heat.
  • make use of roller or flexi-rod sets to make hair look fuller
  • not too much oil or moisture
What I'm still not clear on is whether or not we fine ladies can use lye relaxers. I'm at a loss here because no-lye gives body and is not too harsh, but I do find that my hair a duller and lifeless, though it has body. I am still wondering if no-lye leaves hair dry and limp. But I'm scurred to use lye, though.
No prob, Serenity ;)

I've been using lye relaxers this whole time that I've been relaxed (since Oct 05) and I've been ok. Provided I'm on point w/my DCs and pay attn to my scalp I haven't had any issues.

ETA: I have also found that for us fine ladies, and I know others will chime in, that protein is our bestest buddy! We have to make up in care what we lack in natural strand density, if that makes any sense. A staple in my regimen is Joico K-pak Leave-In Reconstructor spray. It strengthens my hair instantly.
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