Find a Regimen Challenge 2009??


Well-Known Member
Every now and then on Fotki or IRL, people will askk me for my regimen. I don't have one for some reason. My natural regi stopped working because of my hair growth. My former permie regi doesn't work because it's a different texture.
My goal for next year is to find a regimen that works. Who's with me??:grin:

*I can use a few suggestions. Feel free to post your regimen*
I'm with you, i dunno what the hell to do to my hair besides wash it.
i do a hot oil treatment every 2 weeks
i co wash with garlic condish
then dc with lustrasilk shea butter cholesterol
detangle with hawaiian silky 14 in 1 .
still working out the 50 million ways to dry and style my hair tho
I already have a regi, but I think this would be a great challenge for newbies and others who haven't got a regi down yet. Maybe in the signup post you could have a questionnaire that would help members identify their hair needs. Then, others can chime in on what helped them.
I'm in, I need to formulate a regimen and be consistent with it.
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I'll join. I change what should be a regimen every other day. I need to buckle down and stick to what works.

Count me in!
I need to be in this. I'm just trying stuff, hoping on bandwagons, buying new products and vitamins and oils every other day, added 3 new steps to my washing the other night and felt my hair go from soft-hard-soft-hard-soft all along the way... :lachen: I'm in!
I need to be in this. I'm just trying stuff, hoping on bandwagons, buying new products and vitamins and oils every other day, added 3 new steps to my washing the other night and felt my hair go from soft-hard-soft-hard-soft all along the way... :lachen: I'm in!

You sound just like me! People on here make everything sound so darn good! :grin: And when you buy everything and are constantly using different things, you can't tell what really works! If this turns into a challenge, I'm in!
i want in. There are so many things out there and I have yet to set any reg. my buddy slimzz has helped me get some products together. I have relaxed hair and am looking for more thickness, softness, nice smelling, a beautiful shine and length
I'm in. Everytime someone posts progress, they have a regi. Why don't i have one, and i've been on this journey since Sept. 08. I just wash and deep condish once a week, sometimes twice. I don't even stick with any products. I'm going to buy a good shampoo and condish tonight
Subscribing...It would also help to know the hair type or whether you are natural, texlaxed, relaxed, etc.
I'm a newbie and i need a good place to start...there is so much great information on here it's crazy....WHERE DO I START??? :spinning:

Anyway....I'm in!!!!
I am sooooo in...I am taking my hair back over so I just came from Organic market and bought a rack of stuff I have read on these boards...I am trying to put something together and then stick to it!
I'm new to the board. Lurked since this past Fall. While I always get compliments on my hair - truth is I need a consistent routine.

I did a big chop off back in June and while it is growing back nicely, I realize I could be doing a better job of taking care of it in addition to going to the hairdresser. I work out 3 times a week, but only wash once a week, which I know is really not the way I should be getting down with the hair care.

Long hours at the job make it hard to have a week night hair night - but perhaps I can gain some inspiration from you ladies.
OP, did you mean for this to be an actual challenge? If so, any rules?

It can also be an open challenge too. I'm just wondering..........
Count me in. It would be so much less stress if I could look at all my products and not wonder which ones I will use each day.
Count me in as well.. I'm just starting out and need a regimen for my relaxed hair as its in critical condition.. :look:
Count me in to, I am Natural with a Twa,I have my *2009* Regimen which will be to Shampoo & Deep Condition under my hooded dryer Every Week, Basically take it back to the Basics, I prefer Bottled Shampoo over Shampoo Bars, I have learned that my hair responds really well to a Cholesterol Deep Conditioners!

I am not sure if I want to use Online Products (Qhemet Biologics) or Stick with Products from the BSS, I just bought some curl activator gel and my hair is still soft & not greasy and it has been over 3 hours, so we will see!!
Okay got hair semi-permanent colored yesterday (extremely unhappy with the color, but this too shall wash away) Got my hair washed with Design Essentials Moisture Retention Conditioning Shampoo. Deep conditioned with NouNou Nourishing Repairing Mask w/olive oil butter for Dry Brittle Hair (Davines is the maker of this product - not a cheap line at all, but I find it at Loehmann's on discount - other wise you can get it at Georgia on Houston Street in NYC).
Had my hair roller set, then wrapped - used Carol's Daughter Tui Leave in Conditioner Spray before it was rolled up. Took the wrap out at home let my hair hang out then I pinned it up and tied it down to sleep in.
This morning got up and hot curled it for work - still full and bouncy. Also used spray to protect from the curling iron, and shine product to produce more shine.

This evening I am going to oil my scalp, pin the hair up again and tie it down.

Okay oiled my scalp with Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil,then sprayed it with Carol's Daughter Tui Jojoba and Shea Butter Hair Sheen. Pinned it up and tied it down. Off to bed - 7:30 am meeting - WTF??!!!
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Can I still join this challenge? I'm a newbie and I haven't found a regimen yet or even the type of products my hair likes. :)
I'm in... I've been here too long to have no regimen. When I first started my hair was just recovering from damage, I came up with a simple regimen (which I now forget) and my hair got healthy, and that was that. I soon got lazy, just started doing whatever, and then a few months ago my hair broke off, and I had to cut it into an inverted bob.

I'm sooooo not feeling my hair right now, and just want it long again, so yeah, I definitely need to be in on this.

How are we going to do this ladies?
Okay so far My regimen is:

Pre-poo- Vatika oil nightly
Regimen- Co-wash daily or every other day with varying conditioners till I find the right one.
ACV or baking soda rinse once weekly
Deep Condish- 2x a week with whatever I find that works
Seal with-(some?) oil every other day
Dust-Maybe I have never cut this hair yet.
Protective styles- wigs, wigs and more wigs
Maxi hair- 2 pills daily
Adding alma and honey to most products.

So far I like shea butter, HE LTR and Alma. I love Love LOVE HONEY.
I am trying different conditioners and ways to DC. I've never worn my real hair before let alone naturally, so I have know idea what it should look like when its balanced, healthy and happy.
I am also new and looking for a regime...Some of the things that I have done are:

1. Look for ladies that have identical/similar texture and try out some of the products in their regime

2. Read through different threads and write down some of the best reviewed products and then try those..

Now this method will turn you into a PJ before you know it, but I dont know what else to do!!!! :lachen: