Finally Subscribed(Newbie)


New Member
Hey everybody! :grin:
After lurking for a couple of months and drooling over the beautiful heads of hair I decided to subscribed on my 19th birthday.:dance7:
I started my healthy hair care journey about two years ago but due to many setbacks I stayed at the same length(Neck). Since I started treating my hair better I would say I about SL and I hope I can reach my first goal of APL. I currently don't have any pics but I will soon.:yep:
P.S. I know the thread is pointless without pics but I really wanted to post!:lol:

I am new too! I have actually been "looking" at the site for about a year. I finally decided to do something "special" for me-- and my hair, that would just be for me. I subscribed about 5 days ago- In the last week I have seen some very encouraging BEAUTIFUL HAIR-- and today I posted under a thread (did I phrase that right???) about "Goals for 2010". I feel so empowered since posting about my goals! Welcome-Enjoy- Enjoy- I know I plan to! :yep:
Well, I am a long-time lurker who finally decided to subscribe a few days ago. There is alot of great hair care information on this board.
Thanks for the welcome everybody:grin:
I feel like I am starting a new chapter for my hair...the money to subscribe is definitely well spent, there is sooo much to learn!
ive been a lurker for a little while now and subscribed a few weeks ago. i heart this site!!!! lol

WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES!!!! (myself included)
Welcome I'm a newbie too

Happy Belated birthday

:birthday2 Hope you had fun and didn't spend it with us.
I am a newbie!! and I finally subscribed i believe a week ago after lurking since the middle of last year, and doing some of the tips i seen on here!!:grin: i have one question when people say look @ my siggy pic are they talking about the pic under their signature?:ohwell: