Finally Saying Hi!


New Member
Lol ok yea this is long over due. Ive been posting for the past couple of months, but never gave a formal introduction so here it goes. My story...
I joined LHCF in June 09, didnt start paying until Dec. When I found this site I was about 1year and 3 months into a transition. At the time, I had a series of severe salon mishaps with relaxers wich cause me to literally lose all of my hair. Also lack of knowledge about washing, DCing, protein treaments ect was no help. Before this major setback I was somewhere between APL and BSL. After all of this, I thought that it was impossible to have healthy long hair and be relaxed. So I chugged along w/ my transition. Finally in Jan 2010, I decided, after all of the knowledge gained here to go back to relaxing. I took the plunge and Im so happy that I did do it. For me, everything happens for a reason and it took something really devistating, like losing my hair, to show me how to take care of my hair. By going natural for a while, it showed me how to take care of my hair in its original state, which I think in turn helps me everyday when I take care of my hair now, that is chemically altered. Also if I never would of had the devistating relaxer setbacks that I did, I never would of done a search and found LHCF and other places like youtube too.
On Friday night I flat ironed, after about 3 months of constant bunning, and I was in shock. Not in a bad but pleasently surprized. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I never imagined my hair could look like this. Only in a dream. Here are the pics....



So yea Im hovering between APL and BSL with my goal being MBL in Dec.

I just wanted to take the time out to thank yall for your help and support, it has gotten me here to this point. I feel so blessed to have a resource like this, its so special to have place where black women and go and empower each other, God Bless <3
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