Finally figured out what's wrong with me!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm an ISTP!!!!!! Some of you may know that I randomly pop up in the RF and ask this question from time to time. After this thread last night...

I looked at the different personality types to see what I would be compatible with and thought hey the ISTP looks familiar I can probably get down with him.....little did I know that was ME!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I remember there was a thread about personality types way back when that I participated in so I went and did a search so that I wouldn't have to take the test again and this popped up

I saw that I had answered INTP but looked at the description and didn't think it was accurate soooo I took another test here:

That's when I found out I am actually an ISTP and everything and I do mean everything they said about me is like 98.99999% true to the point of being freaky. This isn't like reading your horoscope this is like "you wasn't with me shootin in the gym was you???":drunk:

Here is a thread that I started before the holidays when I created the thread I really was hoping that someone knew or recognized how I was feeling maybe through their own personal experiences. Often when I voice feeling like this I feel like maybe I'm being misunderstood or seen as maybe bragging like I have just so much to choose from I don't know how to pick or something. I know that it just may be that I don't give enough info and I really don't know how to express myself really sometimes (most times).

So here is the painful ugly truth about me in relationships.

ISTPs as Lovers

"To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as the positive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know was possible before." -- Rollo May

ISTPs can be very intense and exciting individuals. Their strong Thinking preference makes them seem rather aloof and "hard to get". ISTPs live entirely in the current moment, which makes them especially interested in new sensations and experiences. They strongly dislike routine and strict schedules, and resist being controlled by others. They are fiercely independent and need their own space within a relationship. When involved in relationships which provide for their basic needs and which present them with new experiences, the ISTP will be happy to do what's necessary to keep the relationship alive and well. If a relationship becomes boring or oppressive to the ISTP, they will try to fix it, or move on. ISTPs take their commitments on a day-by-day basis. Even if they say "I do", it usually means "I do for now". They do not like to make lifelong commitments, although they may very well be involved in lifelong relationships which they have taken one day at a time.

ISTPs love to fix things, and may create problems in their personal relationships, just so that they can have the fun of fixing them.
They have a tendency to hold back their own views on things. They like to listen to other people's views, but are generally non-commital about expressing their own opinions. ISTPs have a habit of evading answering questions by asking more questions. This can be frustrating at times to their mates, if they are after a direct answer. The ISTP's decision making process is entirely internal, so they don't feel much need to share their opinions with others. When they are interacting with others, they are in "information gathering" mode, so they tend to ask questions rather than share views. The ISTP just doesn't feel the need to expose themselves fully to others. When it comes to intimate relationships, the ISTP has the further motivation of protecting themselves.

Most ISTPs are afraid of having to deal with their deeper feelings. Since their Thinking preference dominates their personality, their Feeling side is their least developed (inferior) function. Consequently, ISTPs are usually quite vulnerable and perhaps weak when dealing with their feelings. Their habit of keeping part of themselves hidden may also serve the purpose of keeping a protective wall around their hearts.
Although the ISTP does not usually have a well-developed Feeling side, they frequently do have intense feelings for people. They can feel overpowering love for their mates, although they are likely not to express their emotions, or to express them inadequately or inappropriately if they do venture towards expression. However, unlike many of the other personality types, ISTPs feel strong affections one day at a time. One day, they may feel completely, intensely in love with their mate, and the next day they may be totally disinterested, or perhaps even ready to move on. This "live for the moment" type of approach is different from how most other types experience their feelings, and is difficult for many to understand.

Consequently, the ISTP may be called "fickle" or "cold". In fact, they are not really fickle, and certainly not cold. They simply experience their lives on a moment by moment basis, and go along with it's natural flow. However, since most people need more commitment than can be offered when taking things day-by-day, the ISTP who wants to remain in a relationship will have to resolve themself towards being involved in a more traditional commitment. For most ISTPs, making a commitment to an intimate relationship will require an effort to stretch themselves outside of their comfort zones.
I thought someone would especially get a kick outta this: Pay no attention to the cat in my avi :lachen:

The dream job for an ISTp would be the one where you can do nothing, get paid and don't have to give anything to anyone. An ISTp retailer would drive the prices up until it's just about possible to sell the goods for that price, whereas an ISTp shopper would often be seen at a car boot sale. However, this is not the only use of practical logic ISTp can be proud of. ISTps know how to do just about anything. Plumbing...sure, gardening...sure, brain surgery...piece of cake...Oops, never mind.

The most obvious thing that could give ISTps away is probably their obsession with pets. (I am so not obsessed with pets but I find this funny). Sometimes it could reach ridiculous dimensions, turning ISTp's place into a zoo. This obsession is very closely connected with ISTp's hidden agenda. Since ISTps have unconscious need to be able to show their affection towards another, who could be a better suitable candidate for this than a pet, or better a dozen of them. People can reject your love and your good intentions, pets will never.

But here comes a twist. ISTps can often hurt the ones they love. Why would you want to do this? The one way to understand your feelings towards the loved ones is by hurting them and watching them suffer, only then you can be sure of how much you love them. Sounds cruel, but unfortunately this is the strange nature of this particular type of hidden agenda, which cannot be used as an excuse for such behaviour. I must admit that I do this in romantic relationships. I always thought it was because I wanted to see how invested they were in the relationship but I think the bolded is more true because if I feel cold toward a partner I often do this and my feelings normally get deeper once I see the person is hurt which I often found to be odd.
Sounds like my ex, except the pet thing. My ex is also very passive aggressive - @janiebaby, do you happen to be PA as well?

I looked up PA and I do display the traits but I don't really identify myself as being PA (doesn't make it less true).

I saw this about ISTPs and I don't disagree with any of it:ohwell:

hidden, private, has trouble describing feelings, not very affectionate, loner tendencies, lower energy, can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others, disorganized, messy, fears drawing attention to self, anti-tattoos, anti counter culture, not comfortable in unfamiliar situations, avoidant, rather unemotional, does not like attention, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, hermetic, not complimentary, dislikes leadership, more submissive then domineering
you sound like a few men that i know of. very interesting OP. thanks for sharing.

I know! I often hate it when someone describes women as being this and that...I'm like uh no...but when someone describes a man I'm like yeah that's me. Even my close guy friend said "you're one of us." Actually a few guys have said that I think like a guy. Doesn't help me at all with guys (in romantic relationships) or with people in general (too direct too lazy to be manipulative).
When it comes to personality types females are the ones who typically have an F (feelings) instead of a T (thinking) that's why you and I (I am an INTJ) are typically told we are "one of the guys."

People who are more inclined to feel instead of think are just too damn emotional and generally when someone thinks of a person being emotional they think of females.
I was looking at the description for ISTJ last night and was thinking I would like a guy like that although they say my match is ESTJ
You are so late! :lol: that's not something "wrong" it's you and that's perfect! :) How have you been? Long time no see!

I forgot which one I am, but I know it started with E for extrovert. As if you can't tell. LOL

Currently hating Android typos...
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You are so late! :lol: that's not something "wrong" it's you and that's perfect! :) How have you been? Long time no see!

I forgot which one I am, but I know it started with E for extrovert. As if you can't tell. LOL

Currently hating Android typos...

Hey I was just thinking about you the other day I was gonna call you out in a thread. May still do it too :look::lol:

I'm good! I need a part time job to support my newly found spending habit :look: Love your avi:yep::yep:
Hey I was just thinking about you the other day I was gonna call you out in a thread. May still do it too :look::lol:

I'm good! I need a part time job to support my newly found spending habit :look: Love your avi:yep::yep:
You can call me out in a thread anytime :drunk:

What's your new spending habit?? *being all newsy* :grin:

Thank you :) I FINALLY got the trim I've needed for awhile.
Me too :yep:, INFJ to a T!

I am not surprised that you are one. I'm a infj also. Such an idealist and feeler! My So is intj so it's like my twin but he is more rational. He tend to think there is an answer for everything while my reasoning is that it's just is. I'm the most rational idealist while he is the most ideal rationalist.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I always wondered why I can have just a little info on someone and can read what kind of a person they are to a T. My friends use to give me the side eye like "how does she know, she doesn't even know them" look when I give them a run down of a persons personality, but later they find out from hanging with them that I was right :lol:. Now they always ask me what I think of someone cause I'm usually right lol. I could never explain why I can read people like that but once I read about my personality type it all made since.

Also, it all makes since why I can never get an introverted person to see I like them (or extroverts for that matter). My "signals" are so quick & sporadic that they can't tell if I really like them or not because I can seem aloof to them. But I don't know how to change it without 'putting myself out there' and looking like a fool. I guess that's why I end up with extroverts :lol: they are more willing to take the risk.
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I always wondered why I can have just a little info on someone and can read what kind of a person they are to a T. My friends use to give me the side eye like "how does she know, she doesn't even know them" look when I give them a run down of a persons personality, but later they find out from hanging with them that I was right :lol:. Now they always ask me what I think of someone cause I'm usually right lol. I could never explain why I can read people like that but once I read about my personality type it all made since.

Also, it all makes since why I can never get an introverted person to see I like them (or extroverts for that matter). My "signals" are so quick & sporadic that they can't tell if I really like them or not because I can seem aloof to them. But I don't know how to change it without 'putting myself out there' and looking like a fool. I guess that's why I end up with extroverts :lol:.

:yep: I need very little info to figure stuff out. I can almost "see" what a person is thinking or what they are about to do. Sometimes I hate it and want to be surprised lol. Sometimes I hope my intuition is wrong but I am usually right 90% of the time.
:yep: I need very little info to figure stuff out. I can almost "see" what a person is thinking or what they are about to do. Sometimes I hate it and want to be surprised lol. Sometimes I hope my intuition is wrong but I am usually right 90% of the time.

Yes it's actually a little bit scary sometimes. Every time I go against my intuition it ALWAYS bites me in the butt. I try to give things the 'benefit of the doubt'. But being older I realize I have to listen to my intuition now, so I don't fight it anymore.
I always wondered why I can have just a little info on someone and can read what kind of a person they are to a T. My friends use to give me the side eye like "how does she know, she doesn't even know them" look when I give them a run down of a persons personality, but later they find out from hanging with them that I was right :lol:. Now they always ask me what I think of someone cause I'm usually right lol. I could never explain why I can read people like that but once I read about my personality type it all made since.

Also, it all makes since why I can never get an introverted person to see I like them (or extroverts for that matter). My "signals" are so quick & sporadic that they can't tell if I really like them or not because I can seem aloof to them. But I don't know how to change it without 'putting myself out there' and looking like a fool. I guess that's why I end up with extroverts :lol: they are more willing to take the risk.

:yep: I need very little info to figure stuff out. I can almost "see" what a person is thinking or what they are about to do. Sometimes I hate it and want to be surprised lol. Sometimes I hope my intuition is wrong but I am usually right 90% of the time.

I can relate to both of these quotes. I am VERY good at reading people and I do come off as aloof. Do you both prefer to be in the background but no matter what people take notice or gravitate to you? And sometimes it can be so random the things that pop into my head. I do feel guilty when I sense something about a person bc I do not want to come off as judgmental. But the crazy thing is that it comes out to be true.

Like when I was working at red robin as a hostess, this man came in and I said he look like he would eat and not pay. Well 30 minutes later my manager came to me asking if I saw the man at table 68 bc he left without paying. I have more examples but its just crazy.
I can relate to both of these quotes. I am VERY good at reading people and I do come off as aloof. Do you both prefer to be in the background but no matter what people take notice or gravitate to you? And sometimes it can be so random the things that pop into my head. I do feel guilty when I sense something about a person bc I do not want to come off as judgmental. But the crazy thing is that it comes out to be true.

Like when I was working at red robin as a hostess, this man came in and I said he look like he would eat and not pay. Well 30 minutes later my manager came to me asking if I saw the man at table 68 bc he left without paying. I have more examples but its just crazy.

To the bolded, all the time. I be like dangit I was trying to slip under the radar :lol:. It's also the Leo in us too tinkat.
I can relate to both of these quotes. I am VERY good at reading people and I do come off as aloof. Do you both prefer to be in the background but no matter what people take notice or gravitate to you? And sometimes it can be so random the things that pop into my head. I do feel guilty when I sense something about a person bc I do not want to come off as judgmental. But the crazy thing is that it comes out to be true.

Like when I was working at red robin as a hostess, this man came in and I said he look like he would eat and not pay. Well 30 minutes later my manager came to me asking if I saw the man at table 68 bc he left without paying. I have more examples but its just crazy.

Yes. It happens a lot. I think it's because of our ability to get along well with most personality types (we can mirror others personality when needed). They say INFJ's are quite popular. I've heard people say I am even though I really don't think I am :spinning:.
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