Attracting a man with your eyes

LOL, just look straight in the eyes of a man you like...lower those glasses to the tip of your nose and raise one eyebrow :grin: Just kidding!!
I don't think you need to take your glasses off, men love a woman with glasses!! :)


People would start to think she was a pervert after awhile :lachen: At a resteraunt doing that to the in cars next to her at after he's done w/her teeth LOL
Okay... so my friend and I were discussing "flirting" and how some people dont know how (her) and some people do it without thinking (me). I never actually thought about it, but this eyes stuff is completely true. It is not something you have to think that hard about though. Thats why some people end up staring at a guy looking like a stalker. It doesn't matter if you have beautiful eyes... my eyes are boring and average. Its about holding a gaze and letting your confidence show through that gaze. Not like a staring contest, but more like a flirting thing. Its like his eyes and your eyes are having a conversation. His eyes are giving you complement after complement and your eyes are saying "thank you, you are flattering me". I always break my gaze, with a smile, at the point in were I begin to get embarassed, at the same point where if you were having a verbal conversation you would turn your head and blush. You can feel that he knows you are interested and you leave it up to him to make his move. If he doesn't, his loss.

I'm very talkative and I always thought flirting skills came from my conversations, but I realize now that I've had the eye stuff down since I was a pre-teen.
Hmm.... this is interesting. I have to try this.... a lot of ppl tell me that my eyes are really intense when I'm not wearing glasses so I try to keep them on cuz I don't want to creep somebody out.

If I could attract ppl with them without making them feel uncomfortable I might be on to something ***scratches chin***
Okay... so my friend and I were discussing "flirting" and how some people dont know how (her) and some people do it without thinking (me). I never actually thought about it, but this eyes stuff is completely true. It is not something you have to think that hard about though. Thats why some people end up staring at a guy looking like a stalker. It doesn't matter if you have beautiful eyes... my eyes are boring and average. Its about holding a gaze and letting your confidence show through that gaze. Not like a staring contest, but more like a flirting thing. Its like his eyes and your eyes are having a conversation. His eyes are giving you complement after complement and your eyes are saying "thank you, you are flattering me". I always break my gaze, with a smile, at the point in were I begin to get embarassed, at the same point where if you were having a verbal conversation you would turn your head and blush. You can feel that he knows you are interested and you leave it up to him to make his move. If he doesn't, his loss.

I'm very talkative and I always thought flirting skills came from my conversations, but I realize now that I've had the eye stuff down since I was a pre-teen.

:yep: ....................
when I don't do the eyes I get random guys saying, "smile".
actually I get that walking down the street, too. and it's strange because I wonder if men tell other men to smile.
but if you walk down the street cheesing, that can be dangerous.

Oh, I hate this! I used to get this all the time. And like you I wondered, what the heck? Do they say this to men, too?

I got it the most when I lived in NYC, which I thought was crazy cause how many people in that city walk around with a big old smile plastered on their face? :lol:
I think men say "smile" to women because they are offended that you aren't giving them the eye. Some men have to say something... anything to get attention.
Oh, I hate this! I used to get this all the time. And like you I wondered, what the heck? Do they say this to men, too?

I got it the most when I lived in NYC, which I thought was crazy cause how many people in that city walk around with a big old smile plastered on their face? :lol:


in nyc especially... if you smile on the train something could pop off LOL :lachen:

my s.o. at the time i was living in nyc said "NEVER smile on the train- in fact, look off into the distance- and put your city face on"
Yep! I do this all the time. It never ceases to amaze me how well that works. I give a little smile too..that cinches it!
Yep! I do this all the time. It never ceases to amaze me how well that works. I give a little smile too..that cinches it!

o yea forgot to add...there are different types of smiles my smirky sexy smile down pact that is totally different from my pleasant smile
The eyes do work. Im a subliminal flirt (and I call myself that because Im usually flirting with someone without realizing that I am until afterwards). The eyes will call a man over without you saying anything.
Okay... so my friend and I were discussing "flirting" and how some people dont know how (her) and some people do it without thinking (me). I never actually thought about it, but this eyes stuff is completely true. It is not something you have to think that hard about though. Thats why some people end up staring at a guy looking like a stalker. It doesn't matter if you have beautiful eyes... my eyes are boring and average. Its about holding a gaze and letting your confidence show through that gaze. Not like a staring contest, but more like a flirting thing. Its like his eyes and your eyes are having a conversation. His eyes are giving you complement after complement and your eyes are saying "thank you, you are flattering me". I always break my gaze, with a smile, at the point in were I begin to get embarassed, at the same point where if you were having a verbal conversation you would turn your head and blush. You can feel that he knows you are interested and you leave it up to him to make his move. If he doesn't, his loss.

I'm very talkative and I always thought flirting skills came from my conversations, but I realize now that I've had the eye stuff down since I was a pre-teen.

This was a great description.
This was a cute thread. I feel like going out tomorrow with the intention of giving guys the eye. :lol:

It's interesting to do this. Sometimes I do little "social experiments" like this. However, be careful who you "eye" and for how long. They will feel that it is an invitation, TRUST ME!
o yea forgot to add...there are different types of smiles my smirky sexy smile down pact that is totally different from my pleasant smile

ahhh..okayy... so a pleasant smile as opposed to a smirk
will help him know you are interesed, but not 'propositioning' :rolleyes: ??

how do you do it so they come over and are respectful as opposed to seeing you and thinking "she wants me"

This was a cute thread. I feel like going out tomorrow with the intention of giving guys the eye. :lol:

we should do an experiment/challenge- try at least once a day and report all findings

It's interesting to do this. Sometimes I do little "social experiments" like this. However, be careful who you "eye" and for how long. They will feel that it is an invitation, TRUST ME!

this is what i'm afraid of
i guess practice will help fine tune the skills, so that when the guy you're feeling walks by you can put it on him precisely LOL. :whip:

ok clearly i'm sleep deprived:yawn: and silly.
how ironic, I had my first "eye" situation today, it shocked me...I'm shocked at myself. I understand it more now that I read this.
all sorts of different communications can be made via the the past I would avoid eye contact with males because I wasn't fully aware yet of the different ways I could be able to do so without them thinking I must want to hook up with them, and getting over my ego power playing with men.....Im a natural observer and gazer so I tend to look at all sorts of people and can eye people in different ways all the time .....I can make friendly eye contact with a male and make it a point that Im just being polite and smile...most of the time they take it the way its given.....I have my come to me gaze down on lock and its very different from my friendly gaze.....these days I rarely run across men I want to come to me, but when I do, they feel it....and when they come to me, Im good at transferring this feminine energy onto them and it drives them crazy, they are like puddy in your hands without even having to so much as kiss them, just looking at them and touching them in womanly ways on the arm or their head....

it took me awhile to get to this point and find this balance however...I've pretty much got it down pact now
This doesn't come natural to me, but I sure wanna learn.

i vote for you to do a tutorial!! :pray:
ITA!!!!!!! Pretty please.:pray: Or point us in the direction of a good how to book.

I agree. I didn't get this chapter in my "How to be a Woman" manual. I think I'm scared to make eye contact like this with men. But I'm hoping to get over this fear while I'm young (I do want to get married).

Every time I notice men giving me the eyes I'm too nervous to hold their gaze and see what happens. When I was riding the train home over Thanksgiving to visit family this man was giving me serious "eyes" in the train station. He was looking at me like I was a tall glass of ice water in the dessert, with this awestruck look on his face. I didn't know how to react so I looked away. I'm sure if I would have smiled he would have come over to talk to me.
Awww - it sounds like he would have come over to you.

Okay... so my friend and I were discussing "flirting" and how some people dont know how (her) and some people do it without thinking (me). I never actually thought about it, but this eyes stuff is completely true. It is not something you have to think that hard about though. Thats why some people end up staring at a guy looking like a stalker. It doesn't matter if you have beautiful eyes... my eyes are boring and average. Its about holding a gaze and letting your confidence show through that gaze. Not like a staring contest, but more like a flirting thing. Its like his eyes and your eyes are having a conversation. His eyes are giving you complement after complement and your eyes are saying "thank you, you are flattering me". I always break my gaze, with a smile, at the point in were I begin to get embarassed, at the same point where if you were having a verbal conversation you would turn your head and blush. You can feel that he knows you are interested and you leave it up to him to make his move. If he doesn't, his loss.

I'm very talkative and I always thought flirting skills came from my conversations, but I realize now that I've had the eye stuff down since I was a pre-teen.
Taking note.:yep:
i would look like a crazed lunatic if i tried to convey interest with just my eyes.:lol: i'm sooo not smooth.:nono:
I was unintentionally doing this at work to a coworker I thought was jut a friend....that was why I was looking and him and smiling...and he just asked me out. Oops.
I did this to someone at a music festival my freshman year of high school. He said that I colored him with my eyes. That's when I found out that I have "it". And "it" is a powerful thing when used correctly. This is coming from a person who is not purposely flirtatious. i just do what I think is right.
I have to admit I'm horrible at flirting and reading signs. It's like I do the exact opposite of what I'm supposed to do when I'm attracted to someone - I don't make eye contact, try to avoid them, etc. I've been wondering about someone I see in my office. I notice whenever I look at him, he's already looking at me. To which I respond to quickly looking down at the floor. What do you guys think? Is he into me or am I giving this too much thought? lol
This thread was hilarious....I'm still laughing from all of the responses..LOLOL. Especially the comment about NY because I live there...LOL..."put your city face on"...that is SO true...
I have had this down to a science since I was a teen. I could literally trip a brother up with mine.

A female cousin when we were young who would warn the guys to not look in my eyes or they would get hooked.

I knew one guy that when I would do it literally would get all nervous and antsy. I used to tease hiim because I could.:)

They eyes are very sensual. I used to be so attracted to men who had "it" too.

It's a seduction tool that any could develop.
Or maybe it comes from reading Jackie Collins novels in the 6th grade I'm not too sure:)
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I just think men are too weak these days. We have made it to easy for them. They want to know for sure they can get in or get your number before they even approach a woman. What happened to the thrill of the chase? Their egos are so big or maybe their self esteem is so low that they can't accept that every woman you approach is not going to be into you. Keep it rolling and go to the next that will! Stop being wimps!

I mean, hey. You have to get in where you fit in. I'm thinking before or after service in the lobby is good. :yep:

Shoot, I need a man cause' if I had one I would be on the phone with him instead of on LHCF. But at least this can help me get there.:grin:
all sorts of different communications can be made via the the past I would avoid eye contact with males because I wasn't fully aware yet of the different ways I could be able to do so without them thinking I must want to hook up with them, and getting over my ego power playing with men.....Im a natural observer and gazer so I tend to look at all sorts of people and can eye people in different ways all the time .....I can make friendly eye contact with a male and make it a point that Im just being polite and smile...most of the time they take it the way its given.....I have my come to me gaze down on lock and its very different from my friendly gaze.....these days I rarely run across men I want to come to me, but when I do, they feel it....and when they come to me, Im good at transferring this feminine energy onto them and it drives them crazy, they are like puddy in your hands without even having to so much as kiss them, just looking at them and touching them in womanly ways on the arm or their head....

it took me awhile to get to this point and find this balance however...I've pretty much got it down pact now

Alls I have to say is....I miss Tiara76. Loved her posts.