Finally a decent pic of my hair AND I'm anemic!


Well-Known Member
Well after several request, I decided to take a decent pic of my here it is.

I found out today I'm anemic and have fibroid(s) UGHH!:eek: I have a question. Is there a difference between Slow Fe and Ferrous Sulfate...I mean besides the easier on the stomach, time released part. Does one work faster than the other? Yes I know I should have asked my Dr. but after he said I have fibroids, I couldn't say anything else :ohwell:

Oh yeah for those wondering I did do a Redissimo Colorshine last weekend and my routine haircare consists of Redken products.
beautiful hair! i'm anemic too and i take slow fee. not sure if there's a difference between regular ferrous sulfate and slow fee. but slow fee is made of fs.

iron has made a huge difference for me. i can now think more clearly and have a ton more energy. stronger hair is also a plus
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your hair looks great!

Not to hijack the thread but I wouldn't worry about the fibroids unless they are bothering you. You can remove them but they will probably grow back. They will go away by themselves when you go into menopause. Also, so many women have them now, at first they thought it was epidemic but now they are beginning to think they are just normal. It is a good idea to stay away from non-organic beef and other foods with hormones or hormone like substances. The current theory is that they thrive on estrogen. And please don't let the doctors talk you into a hysterectomy! If they even mention the h word find another doctor that is unless you are in extreme pain. PM me if you have any more questions. I had fibriods, a cystanoma and ended up with endometriosis. I found two really good doctors and a fantastic acupuncturist. Thank goodness!
Beautiful hair girl.....long and shiney!

Now, about the fibroids and the iron...

Ferrious Sulfate upsets your stomach. Period. Slow fe is better but made me feel like crap. Didn't like that.

I purchased Vitron C from CVS and it worked wonders without upseting my stomach. Add zinc and extra Vit. C to help iron absorb better.

I'm on Repliva 21/7 iron therapy and its working wonders for me. My doctor was on point with this one. Not cheap...after my insurance covers its portion, I still pay $15. Worth every penny.

Fibroids can be very annoying. But, you can overcome the annoyance and hit it before it goes further. Pm me for more info.

Glad you posted a pic....thanks!

Thanks ladies!

Well I went to this Dr I had never been to before (my old dr of 14 yrs joined a group and no longer accept my insurance. He said I MUST have a blood work, no ultra sound nothing. And to top it off, he said verbatim we're gonna have to take that thing out and walked out of the room. The nurse said I will be right back, at that precise moment it hit me and I said did he mean I need a hysto??? She said yes. I cried and shook all the way home. My dh told me to call the old dr and we will pay out of pocket...called the old dr and he said he will take my insurance!! Blessed I tell ya!! I feel so much better already...I go see him next Thursday (he told me to still do the scheduled Ultrasound but nothing else per the other doctor). I digress.

I know the Slow Fe is made of Ferrous Sulfate. I was wondering if one worked faster than the other? Also, the Fibroids only bother me during my period. My last period I had REALLY heavy bleeding and one clot larger than a golf pain, none whatsoever. Usually I have pain during that time...I'm baffled :(
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I don't know how true this is, but I saw D.ick Gregory recently and he said that fibroids are almost exclusively a black woman's problem and no one knows why.

He said fibroids are caused by relaxers!?! It might be worth making sure that you do off-the-scalp applications.
try getting an embollization instead of a hysterectomy. Also, I would stop going to that doctor right away.

If they still recommend a hyst. then make sure you keep your ovaries.
sunshinelady said:
I don't know how true this is, but I saw D.ick Gregory recently and he said that fibroids are almost exclusively a black woman's problem and no one knows why.

He said fibroids are caused by relaxers!?! It might be worth making sure that you do off-the-scalp applications.

hmmmmmmm...I do do off scalp...always have. With that said, it doesn't matter how careful you are relaxer WILL get on your scalp somewhere, sometime during the process. Thanks for bringing that up!

I'll look into emballization...I'm cluess at 43 :( Thanks again ladies!
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Did he say the fibroids have to be removed?? Most women have fibroids and they live with them. I would get a different opinion if he said you needed a hysto. I had a cyst on my ovaries and that was REALLY painful but after a month the pain subsided and it hasn't occured again. I am also anemic but just recently got tested and no longer am. Maybe because I make sure I eat spinach EVERYDAY now.

Eat a lot of dark leafy vegetables and you will not need the iron pills (I got constipated so I stopped). I eat a lot of kale, swiss chard, spinach, bok choy, you can check on the internet and look at the vegetables with lots of iron in it. Make sure you take Vitamin C. Vit C helps absorb Iron 50% more than if you were not taking it. So I drink OJ or use citrus fruits in with my veggies like cut up some blood red oranges in with a spinach salad and have a homemade citrus vinagrette, etc.

Lean pork and chicken are great iron sources (I try to limit my red meat). Also, drinking tea and coffee can inhibit absorption of Iron so limit those right now. Caffinated sodas are a no-no!

Hope I helped.
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Pixel Lady said:
Thanks ladies!

Well I went to this Dr I had never been to before (my old dr of 14 yrs joined a group and no longer accept my insurance. He said I MUST have a blood work, no ultra sound nothing. And to top it off, he said verbatim we're gonna have to take that thing out and walked out of the room. The nurse said I will be right back, at that precise moment it hit me and I said did he mean I need a hysto??? She said yes. I cried and shook all the way home. My dh told me to call the old dr and we will pay out of pocket...called the old dr and he said he will take my insurance!! Blessed I tell ya!! I feel so much better already...I go see him next Thursday (he told me to still do the scheduled Ultrasound but nothing else per the other doctor). I digress.

I know the Slow Fe is made of Ferrous Sulfate. I was wondering if one worked faster than the other? Also, the Fibroids only bother me during my period. My last period I had REALLY heavy bleeding and one clot larger than a golf pain, none whatsoever. Usually I have pain during that time...I'm baffled :(

I think you need to get a second opionion. It couldn't hurt to be sure.
My doctor at USC said they used to think it was just black women but now they are seeing all women with them.

The first doctor I went to looked at my chart and said since you're over forty let's do a hysto. I boo-hoo'd and told her she wasn't touching me. She did the same thing to a white friend of mine (her fibroid was so large it tipped her uterus so they couldn't get a decent pap smear).

A friend of mine had a fibroid the size of a bowling ball (she too was told she would need a hysto) - they had to cut into three pieces to remove it. A little more than a year later she had a baby girl... And she was 43. Also, she is Native American...

We all still have our uteri and ovaries...

Now that they are finding out the HRT 's are connected to breast cancer, it's really important to find a doctor who doesn't feel this part of a woman's anatomy is expendable.

Sorry to go on like this but it makes me soooooo angry...
I had fibroids in my breast for years and years until I got to my late 30's. I really had to do a complete lifestyle change. No chocolate, no coffee ( have not fully overcome this). No soda....don't miss them. I only eat red meat approx once per month. I just do so that my stomach lining does not loose it's tolerance for meat. When I first gave up red meat I did not eat any for months. I went out to celebrate with my mother and ate red meat. I got really sick. Serious stomach cramps, hot sweat/flashes, puke, and it lasted for hours. I now make sure that my system does't forget red meat. Most of my serious nutrition comes in the form of supplements. SuperGreen Food Supplements are the best. I eventually took me about 3 or 4 years for the fibroids to finally shrink down. I still have tenderness sometimes and believe me that is a reminder, no coffee, no chocolate.

I pray for your speedy recovery. God Bless!
StellaB said:
I had fibroids in my breast for years and years until I got to my late 30's. I really had to do a complete lifestyle change. No chocolate, no coffee ( have not fully overcome this). No soda....don't miss them. I only eat red meat approx once per month. I just do so that my stomach lining does not loose it's tolerance for meat. When I first gave up red meat I did not eat any for months. I went out to celebrate with my mother and ate red meat. I got really sick. Serious stomach cramps, hot sweat/flashes, puke, and it lasted for hours. I now make sure that my system does't forget red meat. Most of my serious nutrition comes in the form of supplements. SuperGreen Food Supplements are the best. I eventually took me about 3 or 4 years for the fibroids to finally shrink down. I still have tenderness sometimes and believe me that is a reminder, no coffee, no chocolate.

I pray for your speedy recovery. God Bless!

Thanks for the prayer!

I NEVER drink coffee, never have. I rarely drink anything with caffeine...maybe twice a year IF that. I drink 9-10 bottles of water everyday...have been for at least 6 yrs. I do eat meat 3-4 times a week in very small amounts. I eat chocolate every 2-3 mos...I'm not a sweet eater.

Super Green Food Supplements, huh? Tell me more, please? Does it have protein? I think I need to add more protein to my diet.
I have fibroids and I'm anemic. When a doctor recommended a hysterectomy (I was only about 25 at the time). I told them heck no then I did research. I found stats that reported that doctors were apt to recommend an uneccessary hysterectomy to women of color 85% of the time. I was floored... but there it was in black and white. That was a whopping seven years ago so I have no idea about the updated information. Definitely get a second, third, fourth opinion.

My best friend's sister had three fibroids simultaneously removed and they were about 8lbs together! :eek:
I am anemic and have fibroids as well. I don't think I will have anymore babies but I do NOT want a hysterectomy either. I will pray for you and be checking on your progress so that I can be more informed.;)
Pixel Lady said:
Thanks for the prayer!

I NEVER drink coffee, never have. I rarely drink anything with caffeine...maybe twice a year IF that. I drink 9-10 bottles of water everyday...have been for at least 6 yrs. I do eat meat 3-4 times a week in very small amounts. I eat chocolate every 2-3 mos...I'm not a sweet eater.

Super Green Food Supplements, huh? Tell me more, please? Does it have protein? I think I need to add more protein to my diet.

Tons and Tons and Tons of Protein.
I will gather some info and post it.
Pixel Lady said:
Well after several request, I decided to take a decent pic of my here it is.

I found out today I'm anemic and have fibroid(s) UGHH!:eek: I have a question. Is there a difference between Slow Fe and Ferrous Sulfate...I mean besides the easier on the stomach, time released part. Does one work faster than the other? Yes I know I should have asked my Dr. but after he said I have fibroids, I couldn't say anything else :ohwell:

Oh yeah for those wondering I did do a Redissimo Colorshine last weekend and my routine haircare consists of Redken products.

One word of advice: If your Dr. is telling you that your only option is to have a hystorectomy - RUNNNNNNNNN.
It's not your only option and he souldn't be telling you that it is.
You definitely do not have to have a hysterectomy at this point. Any doctor who would recommend that without having any studies that show the number of fibroids, their sizes, and the size of your uterus is a quack!!!:mad: Your best option, if anything needs to be done right now, is to have a uterine artery embolization. It's minimally invasive and may require an overnight stay, but it's much less traumatic than a hysto. Recovery time is quick, and many women start to see improvement within a couple of weeks. Basically, the arteries leading to the uterus are blocked with tiny granules that are injected/released into the arteries. This blockage of the blood flow shrinks the fibroids, as they are not able to be nourished any longer. This also decreases the menstrual flow as well. Many women experience significant improvement with this procedure, but you can get specific information from a healthcare professional. This is not done by an OB/GYN or general surgeon; it is done by an Interventional Radiologist in the hospital. You can get a referral for a consultation from your physician for you and your husband to talk to the IR. He/she will tell you all about the procedure, risks, benefits, alternatives, recovery, etc. The only thing that may prevent you from having this procedure is if you have adenomyosis in addition to the fibroids. Unfortunately, this condition is usually not treatable with the UAE, but there are some physicians that will attempt to treat it with UAE, depending on the extent of disease. The IR will usually have you get an MRI of your pelvis and have an endometrial biopsy to be sure there are no precancerous/cancerous changes. The MRI will give him/her a clearer picture of the sizes of everything, the locations of the fibroids, any effect on the bladder, and whether there is any adenomyosis or endometriosis to be concerned about. Once he gets this and the biopsy results, he can make an informed decision about whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. I suggest you do some further research online about uterine artery embolization so that you will be ready with any questions for your doctor. You also might want to check at whatever hospital you are affiliated with and find out which physicians perform the procedure. You can find out online or call the Radiology Department and ask which IR docs perform the uterine artery embolization procedure. An informed patient is the best patient. Blessings.....and hope this helps! :)

Edited to Add: As with any procedure, there are always risks involved. Please make sure you know what they are when you and your husband are making decisions about your health.
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I have fibroids and am also anemic. I also have a girlfriend (a sista) who is a gynecologist whom I contacted after I found out. She said if it ain't hurtin' leave them alone. If you can avoid any gyencologic surgery (meaning live your daily life without them bothering you), than do just that. Fibroids are not just a black woman's problem. She also has them and didn't know until she got pregnant (b/c they are fed by estrogen and pregnancy seems to increase hormones, therefore feed the fibroid). More women have them than you think. Mine cause no pain and were discovered when I had an ultrasound after having painful ovulation. I take Nature's Made ferrous 65mg iron. My friend said to take my iron at night w/orange juice. Any type of iron upsets the stomach, so she said it's better to take it before bed so you'll be asleep when your stomach is upset, and w/oj because it helps it absorb better.
Yeh, My aunt has fibroids as well and has been living with it for YEARS .The doc told her the same thing , that she NEEDED to have surgery , its not true. The only thing is , her stomach bloated up and never went back down so it looks like shes pregnant all the time, and every once in awhile she'd get cysts. Everyone is different though, so I wouldnt worry about it. And with surgery *might* probably be a waste of time and money, knowing that they grow back .
mzhotniz86 said:
Yeh, My aunt has fibroids as well and has been living with it for YEARS .The doc told her the same thing , that she NEEDED to have surgery , its not true. The only thing is , her stomach bloated up and never went back down so it looks like shes pregnant all the time, and every once in awhile she'd get cysts. Everyone is different though, so I wouldnt worry about it. And with surgery *might* probably be a waste of time and money, knowing that they grow back .

If her stomach is bloated, it must be a pretty big size? I have a friend who"s fibroid got this big, and was painful, so she had to remove it, and she is 30. In this case, I think you should consider removing since at that size it may put pressure on the uterus, ovaries, bladder or whatever....
ghanaian dime said:
If her stomach is bloated, it must be a pretty big size? I have a friend who"s fibroid got this big, and was painful, so she had to remove it, and she is 30. In this case, I think you should consider removing since at that size it may put pressure on the uterus, ovaries, bladder or whatever....

Yeh, I think she has more than one. But I know she doesnt eat dairy products , cause they make it worse. I think it may be a combination of visceral fat (tummy fat behind the muscle) and the fibroids swelling. She is a solid woman , so it doesnt look really look that bad.I believe she is about 50 now , but her stomach stayed the same size.
Pixel Lady said:
Yes, I already have an appt for a second opinion (next week).

Simcha, I'm angry insensitive :(

I'm glad you're getting a second opinion. Don't feel pressured to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Find a doctor that will work with what you want and not what's easiest for them. I've been battling with fibroids for 5 yrs. Sometimes especially when you belong to an HMO you have to be proactive about finding the right care for you. Sometimes that means going outside the network and paying out of pocket. If they are not causing you extreme pain, or bleeding you have time to figure out what you want to do.

I know ferrous sulphate bothers some people but I've never had a problem with it. Whatever type of iron you decide to take make sure you take it with orange juice or some other juice rich in vitamin C. The vitamin C helps the iron absorb better. My docotor also advised me to take it on an empty stomach. Avoid taking diary or other calcium supplements within one hour of taking the iron. Calcium retards iron absorbtion so if they are ingested at the same time you won't achieve maximum absorption.

Get as much info as you can there are a lot of resources to get info, books, the net. Here's a few links I always give out to get you started: ,

HTH :)

P.S. your hair is beautiful.
I'm not sure if any of you listen to the Michael Baisden show, or if you get it in your area, but evey Wednesday his topic has something to do with health. He, very, very frequently invites a doctor name Julisa Guzman (sp) on his show that talks alot about women and fibroids. I beleive she's based in NY and she says that when women come to her with fibroids, she never suggests a hystorectomy. I believe she's also a herbologist. She suggested some natural herbs to take, but the main thing that stuck with me is that the main culprit (she believes) is pultry and dairy. She said that she tells her patients to completely lay off of chicken and turkey - red meat is a given. She doesn't allow them the eat eggs, milk, cheese - because of the enorborant amount of horomones that are injected into these farm raised foods. If you do eat these things, she said do your research and find out where the poultry comes from, if it's fed horomones, etc. She said that her patients recover completely if they follow her recommendations and she's had women calling in who testified to this. She also said, as some other women has said, no chocolate (I wanted to cry when I heard that) caffine and to detoxify your body regularly to get rid of all these toxins and extra horomones. I will find her website and post it - very interesting stuff.

I became more concerned with this when my doctor told me she found a small fibroid while doing an ultrasound to find the sex of my baby 2 years ago. I had an older room mate who had a hyst. while living with me and it was horrible - but she was having excrutiating pain and bleeding spontaneously all the time. Her periods were so heavy, she was soaking pads every hour.
you hair is really beautiful, thick, and shiny. i have anemia also and i need to get a handle on it and stop being a baby and take my pills.

also, i am sorry to hear about the fibroids but i have known relatives and friends who have overcome it. be blessed.