Fighting humidity???


New Member
I have a huge problem ladies. Ever since I moved to Maryland I find it really hard to wear my hair down (curly or straight) because of the weather conditions out here. The humidity pretty much kills every hairstyle and it makes me sooooo mad.
To the ladies that know me, my hair has gotten pretty long, not waist yet but pretty close, so it is a lot of work to blow dry it and then use the curling iron or put it on rollers and then to have it not behave is making soo mad.

Do you have any advice cause I'm clueless on what to do. I told my husband I want to move to Texas cause I want some DRY HEAT

honey, trust me. If your hair responds to humidity like mine, there is nothing t hat u can do beside wait for cooler weather. I did my hair today, went outside and it was over with. it is pulled back now.
Ditto. I have given up on maintaining a hairstyle. I did my hair on Sunday for church and by the time I got home it was hanging straight. We only have a few weeks to go before we can start maintaining our hairstyles again.
I got tired of looking like Diana Ross's daughter so I've given up on trying to beat nature and wear my hair down. I've been wearing braids and buns and I'm going to keep doing that until fall hits and the humidity has died down.
I'm in Northern Virginia. Same story. The past few weeks of humidity have been quite bad. This week has actually been a bit better. There's definitely been more HUMIDITY than heat this summer.

When will it end? Until next year, I would say that you should wait until October....late October, too. We still have our own version of Indian summer to endure. Some "Indian summer" days are rather humid,too.

Only tip I can give you: try not to go overboard with any of your products, including oils. I've found that using a less intense conditioner and shampoo (in terms of moisturizing) helps tremendously.

I agree that you have to wait until the humidity dies down a bit. Late September/early October should do the trick. I remember the Maryland summers from when lived there during law school, but that humidity doesn't have A THING on Miami!
Anyways, I found that flat ironing my hair and wrapping it at night helped to combat some of the humidity. Other than that, you just have to wait for dryer weather!
Nay - Have you ever used Aveda Anti-Humectant Pomade? I used to live in a humid climate and my hair never frizzed b/c of this product, I believe.
It can get pretty humid in Maryland this time of the year. Although I don't wear my hair down often, I enjoy wearing it down a tad bit more in the cooler months because I don't have to worry about humidity. Until then, my handy dandy bun and French twist will do for me.
I refuse to put a lot of work into styling my hair (to wear it down) for the humidity to ruin it.
I wear my hair out everyday. What has helped me tremendously this summer is twist outs and Cond. washes every other day. My hair looks good all day. I have to redo my twist out everyday, but it is the only style that lasts.
I'm in Miami as well--and trust me, the humidity down here is like no other kind! I basically don't wear any styles (other than rollersets--which of course frizz)that require any real texture manipulation, i.e. flat ironed, or straight styles...
I can't do anything with my hair in the summer, you can feel the humidity on your skin down here in GA! I can't blowdry typically from April to October without looking like a seabiscuit
modelchick, I dont know about that, Orlando is REALLY humid ugh.....but when I get it done at the salon(flat ironed) it DOESNT frizz up all week! When I do it myself it does though....I guess its bc the irons they use get so much hotter.